Have an accident - halokat bo'lmoq
Be (involved) in an accident - halokatda bo'lmoq (ishtirok etmoq)
Do sth by accident - biron narsani tasodifan qilmoq
Advance -
oldinga siljimoq, rivojlanmoq
In advance - oldindan
Advance to/towards a place - olg'a bormoq
Ahead - old
Go straight ahead - oldinga bormoq
Go ahead - olg'a bormoq
Be ahead of sth/sb - ...ning boshida bo'lmoq
Direction - yo'nalish
A change of direction - yo'nalish o'zgarishi
In the direction of - ...ning yo'nalishida
In this/that direction - shu yo'nalishda
Head - bosh
Off the top of your head - yoddan
Head for/towards a place - biror joyga boshlamoq
Head over hills (in love) - sevib qolmoq
Holiday - ta'til
Go/be on holiday - ta'tilda bo'lmoq
Have/take a holiday - ta'tilda
Bank holiday - Buyuk Britaniyada nishonlanadigan, shu kunda
barcha banklar yopiq
bo'ladigan davlat bayrami
Left – chap
Go/turn left - chapga burilmoq
On the left - chapda
On the left-hand side - chap qo'l tomonda
In the left-hand corner - chap burchakda
Left-handed - chap qo'l
Route - yo'nalish
Plan your/a route - yo'nalishini belgilamoq
Take a route - yo'l olmoq
Sights - manzara ko'rinishi
See the sights - manzarani ko'rmoq
Sightseeing - turistik joylar
Go sightseeing - turistik joylarga borish
Speed - tezlik
At (high, full, etc) speed - yuqori tezlikda
A burst of speed - tezlashish
Speed limit - tezlik chegarsi
Tour - sayohat
Go on/take a tour of (a)round somewhere - biror joyda sayhat qilmoq
Tour a place - biror joyga sayohat qilmoq
Tour guide - sayohat gidi
Trip - safar
Bussiness trip - biznes safari
School trip - maktab safari
Go on a trip - safarga chiqmoq
Take a trip (to a place) - biror joyga safar
Way - yo'l
Lose/make/find your way - o'z yo'lini yo'qotmoq/yaratmoq/topmoq
In a way - yo'lda On the way -
Go all the way (to sth/swh) - yo'l bo'yi bormoq
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