Come to/reach the conclusion that - xulosaga kelmoq In conclusion -
Experiment - tajriba, amaliyot
Do/carry out/perform an experiment (on sth) - ...ustida tajriba o'tkazmoq
Experiment with sth - ...bilan, ustida tajriba o'tkazmoq
Fact - fakt
In fact - aslida
As a matter of fact - 1) buning isboti sifatida; 2) aslida esa
The fact of the matter is that - masalaning fakti shuki...
Face the facts - haqiqatga yuzlanmoq
Introduction - kirish; foydalanish
With the introduction of sth
- ...ning (dastlabki)
foydalanilishi, kirib kelishi bilan
Introduction to sb - kimningdir birinchi bajarishi, tajribasi
Introduction to sth - ...ga kirish, tushuntirish
Phone call - telefon qo'ng'irog'i
Make/get/receive a phone call - telefon qilmoq/telefon qo'ng'irog'ini qabul qilmoq
Photo(graph) - surat
Take a photo of sth/sb - ...ni suratga olmoq
Research - izlanish
Do/carry out research (on/into) - ...ustida izlanish olib bormoq
your vocabulary with
Cause sth (to do) - biror narsaga sabab bo'lmoq
Consider sth/doing
- muhokama qilmoq
Consider if/whether - deb hisoblamoq
Consider sb for sth - kimnidir ...deb hisoblamoq
Consider it strange - g'alati deb hisoblamoq
Discuss sth/doing (with sb) - kimdir bilan biror narsani muhokama qilmoq
Explain that - ...ni tushuntirmoq
Explain sth (to sb) - kimdirga biror narsani tushuntirmoq
Intend to do/doing - qilishni niyat qilmoq
Know about sth/doing - biror narsa haqida bilmoq
Know of sb - kimdirni bilmoq
Be known as sth - ...sifatida mashhur
Look at sth/sb - nimadir/kimdirga qaramoq
Look for sth/sb - nimadir/kimdirni
Look forward to sth/doing - biror narsani intiqlik bilan
Manage to do - qilishni uddalamoq
Plan sth - biror narsani rejalashtirmoq
Plan to do - qilishni rejalashtirmoq
Possible (for sb) to do - kimdir uchun qilishni imkoni bo'lmoq
Find sth possible - biror narsani imkonli deb topmoq
Find it impossible to do - qilishni imkonsiz deb topmoq
Result of sth/doing - biror narsaning natijasi
Result in sth - natijaga olib kelmoq
Result in (your) doing - ...qilishingizga olib kelmoq
Result from sth/doing - biror narsadan natija chiqmoq
As a result of sth - biror narsaning natijasida
Wonder about sth/doing -
biror narsadan hayratlanmoq
Wonder if/whether/why - hayratlanmoq
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