Notice that these 2 waves are OUT OF PHASE. When they hit they screen they both hit at the different relative positions, one at the bottom of a crest and the other coming out of a trough. Thus their amplitudes SUBTRACT.
E'tibor bering, bu 2 ta to'lqin FAZADAN CHAQADI. Ular ekranga urilganda, ikkalasi ham har xil nisbiy pozitsiyalarga toqnashadi, biri tepalikning pastki qismiga, ikkinchisi esa yuqoriga chiqadi. Shunday qilib, ularning amplitudalari AYRILADI.
How much farther did the red wave have to travel?
Qizil to'lqin qancha masofani bosib o'tishi kerak edi?
The dark fringes you see on either side of the central maximum are multiple wavelengths from the bright central. And it just so happens that the multiple is the ORDER.
Siz markaziy maksimalning har ikki tomonida ko'rgan qorong'u chiziqlar yorqin markazdan bir nechta to'lqin uzunliklari. Va shunday bo'ladiki, ko'plik TARTIB bo'ladi.
Therefore, the PATH DIFFERENCE is equal to the ORDER plus a HALF, times A WAVELENGTH