While using internet, you should protect your personal information. Never share personal information such as address, phone number, name, personal email address, relatives’ details, parents’ or your bank cards etc. Never click on a button if you do not know what it is or if you do not want to get dangerous information. Clicking on an app button could bring the dangerous viruses into your device. People could also gather your personal information. Never click on unknown emails, ads and e-newsletters. Use good software. Make sure it will protect your device from viruses and dangerous programmes.
Why is it important to protect your personal information while using internet?
How can you protect your personal information?
Do you think it is important to study history? Why/Why not?
What can we learn by studying history?
Complete the sentence using Passive voice.
Food and drink (nottoallow)inthechemistrylaboratory.
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
There are many book reading tips. For example, if you are bored while reading, you should put the book down and do something else for a while. Choose books and magazines about your hobbies, career goals, or an interesting topic. Find a quiet and fun reading area to read. Turn off TV or the radio and make sure it is somewhere with good lighting where you can relax. Go to libraries to read books. Libraries are wonderful places to find a lot of books free. There is unlimited access to a lot of collections of reading materials and other types of media and technology.