Doğum Tarihi: 10 Şubat 1963 Unvanı: Prof. Dr. Öğrenim Durumu

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10. Breda J.R., Ragognette R.G., Breda A.S.C.R., Gurian D.B., Horiuti L., Machado L.N., Freitas O., Pires A.C.Avaliação inicial da ablação operatória biatrial por radiofrequência de fibrilação atrial: Surgical biatrial ablation of atrial fibrillation: initial results. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc., 2010;25(1):45-50.

11.Hocini M., Nault I., Wright M., Veenhuyzen S.M. Disparate Evolution of Right and Left Atrial Rate During Ablation of Long-Lasting Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2010;55(10):1007.

Çelik S., Öztekin D., Akyolcu N., İşsever H. Sleep Disturbance: The Patient Care Activities Applied at the Nightshift in the Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2005;14:102-106 künyeli çalışmanın atıf gösterildiği yayınlar:
12. BaHammam A. Sleep in acute care units. Sleep and Breathing, 2006;10:6-15.
13.Gallo A.M., Lee Ka. Sleep Characteristics in Hospitalized Antepartum Patients. Journal of Obstetric Gyynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 2008;37(6): 715-721.

14.Flaherty J.H. Insomnia Among Hospitalized Older Persons. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 2008; 24(1):51-67.

15.Salas RE, Gamaldo CE. Adverse Effects of sleep Deprivation in the ICU. Critical Care Clinics, 2008;24(3):461-476.
16.Lei Z, Qiongjing Y, Qiuli W, Sabrina K, Xiaojing L, Changli W. Sleep quality and sleep disturbing factors of in patients in a Chinese general hospital. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2009;18: 2521-2529.
17.Hardin K.A. Sleep in the ICU Potential Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. Chest, 2009;136(1):284-294
18.Zhang L., Yuan Q.J., Wu Q.L., Kwauk S., Liao X., Wang C. Sleep quality and sleep disturbing factors of inpatients in a Chinese General Hospital” Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2009;18(17):2521-2529.

19.Pilkington S. Causes and consequences of sleep deprivation in hospitalised patients. Nursing Standard 2013;27(49):35-42.

Knauert, M.P., Malik, V., Kamdar, B.B. Sleep and Sleep Disordered Breathing in Hospitalized Patients . Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2014;35(5):582-592.

Ritmala-Castren M., Virtanen I., Leivo, S., Kaukonen, KM., Leino-Kilpi H. Sleep and nursing care activities in an intensive care unit. Nursing and Health Sciences 03/2015; DOI:10.1111/nhs.12195 

Altun Uğraş, G., Babayiğit S., Tosun K., Aksoy G., Turan Y. The Effect of Nocturnal Patient Care Interventions on Patient Sleep and Satisfaction With Nursing Care in Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 04/2015; 47(2):104-112. DOI:10.1097/JNN.0000000000000122 · 0.91 Impact Factor

Stone T., Levett-Jones T., Harris M., Sinclair P.M. The genesis of 'the Neophytes': a writing support group for clinical nurses. Nurse Education Today 10/2010; 30(7):657-61. DOI:10.1016/j.nedt.2009.12.020 · 1.46 Impact Factor

Delaney L j., Van Haren F., Lopez V. Sleeping on a problem: the impact of sleep disturbance on intensive care patients - a clinical review.Ann Intensive Care. 2015 Feb 26;5:3. doi: 10.1186/s13613-015-0043-2. eCollection 2015.

Miller A., Roth T, Roehrs T., Yaremchuk K. Correlation between Sleep Disruption on Postoperative Pain. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 02/2015; 152(5). DOI:10.1177/0194599815572127 · 1.72 Impact Factor

Silvius-Byron S.A., Florimonte C., Panganiban E.G., Ulmer J.F. What Is the Best? Simple Versus Visitor Restricted Rest Period. The Journal of nursing administration 05/2014; 44(5):291-7. DOI:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000069 · 1.37 Impact Factor

Knauert M.P., Klar Yaggi H., Redeker N.S., Murphy T.E., Araujo K.L., Pisani M.A. Feasibility study of unattended polysomnography in medical intensive care unit patients. Heart and Lung The Journal of Acute and Critical Care 09/2014; 43(5). DOI:10.1016/j.hrtlng.2014.06.049 · 1.32 Impact Factor

Armour A.D., Khoury J.C.,  Kagan, R.J., Gottschlich, M.M. Clinical Assessment of Sleep Among Pediatric Burn Patients Does Not Correlate With Polysomnography. Journal of Burn Care & Research: Official Publication of te American Burn Association 09/2011; 32(5):529-34. DOI:10.1097/BCR.0b013e31822ac844 · 1.55 Impact Factor

Pulak L.M., Jensen L. Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit: A Review. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 06/2014; DOI:10.1177/0885066614538749

Delaney L.J., Van Haren F., Currie M., Carol Huang HC, Lopez V. Sleep Monitoring Techniques within Intensive Care. Int J Nurs Clin Pract 2015, 2: 114

Chen J.H., Chao YH., Lu SF, Shiung TF, Chao YF. The effectiveness of valerian acupressure on the sleep of ICU patients: A randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies 03/2012; 49(8):913-20. DOI:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2012.02.012 · 2.25 Impact Factor

Li S.Y., Wang TJ, Vivienne Wu SF, Liang SY, Tung H.H. Efficacy of controlling night-time noise and activities to improve patients' sleep quality in a surgical intensive care unit. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 02/2011; 20(3-4): 396-407. DOİ: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03507.x1.23 Impact Factor

Eliassen K.M., Hopstock L.A. Sleep promotion in the intensive care unit-a survey of nurses’ interventions. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing: The oFficial Journal of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses 06/2011;27(3):138-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.iccn.2011.03.001

Coyer F.M., O’Sulivan J., Cadman N. : The provision of patient personal hygiene in the intensive care unit: a descriptive exploratory study of bed-bathing practice. Australian Critical Care 08/2011; 24(3):198-209. DOI:10.1016/j.aucc.2010.08.001 · 1.27 Impact Factor

Bailey P.P.,  Miller R.R.,  Clemmer T.P. Culture of early mobility in mechanically ventilated patients. Critical Care Medicine 10/2009; 37(10 Suppl):S429-35. DOI:10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181b6e227 · 6.15 Impact Factor

Hacker E.D., Patel P., Stainthorpe M. Sleep Interrupted: Nocturnal Care Disturbances Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 10/2013; 17(5):517-523. DOI:10.1188/13.CJON.517-523

Jones C., Dawson D. Eye masks and earplugs improve patient's perception of sleep. Nursing in Critical Care 09/2012; 17(5):247-54. DOI:10.1111/j.1478-5153.2012.00501.x · 0.87 Impact Factor

Lei Z., Qiongjing Y.,  Qiuli W., Sabrina K,  Xiaojing L, Changli W. Sleep quality and sleep disturbing factors of inpatients in a Chinese general hospital. Journal of Clinical Nursing 10/2009; 18(17):2521-9. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.02846.x · 1.23 Impact Factor

Matthews EE. Sleep disturbances and fatigue in critically ill patients. AACN Advanced Critical Care 01/2011; 22(3):204-24. DOI:10.1097/NCI.0b013e31822052cb

(Öztekin, D.S., Ucuzal, M., Öztekin, İ. ve İşsever H. Nursing students’ willingness to use complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients: İstanbul survey. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2007; 211(1):49-61) corresponding author) künyeli çalışmanın atıf gösterildiği yayınlar:

20.Can G., Akın S., Aydıner A., Özdilli K., Durna Z. Evaluation of the effect of care given by nursing students on oncology patients’ satisfaction. European Journal of Oncology, 2008;12(4):387-392
Altun Uğraş G., Öztekin, D. “Patient Perception of Environmental and Nursing Factors Contributing to Sleep Disturbances in a Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit” Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2007; 212(3):299-308. (corresponding author) künyeli çalışmanın atıf gösterildiği yayınlar:

21. Xie H., Kang J., Mills G.H. Clinical Review: The impact of noise on patients’ sleep and the effectiveness of noise reduction strategies in intensive care units. Critical Care, 2009; 3(2) Article Number 208.

22.Özer N, Akyıl R. The effect of providing information to patients on their perception of the intensive care unit. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2008;25(4):71-78.
23.Hu R., Jiang X., Zeng Y., Chen X., Zhang Y. Effects of earplugs and eye masks on nocturnal sleep, melatonin and cortisol in a simulated intensive care unit environment.Critical Care 2010;14:R66.

Öztekin,İ., Yazıcı, Ş., Öztekin, D.S., Göksel, O., İşsever, H., Canik, S. Effects of Low-Dose Milrinone on Weaning from Cardiopulmonary Bypass and After in Patients With Mitral Stenosis and Pulmonary Hypertension” Yakugaku Zasshi , 2007;127(2):375-83, 2007.(corresponding author) künyeli çalışmanın atıf gösterildiği yayınlar:

24. Rao Y.J., Xi L. Pivotal effects of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on myocyte contractility and viability in normal and ischemic hearts. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2009; 30(1):1-24
25.Price L.C., Wort S.J., Finney S.J., Marino P.S., Brett S.J. Pulmonary vascular and right ventricular dysfunction in adult critical care: current and emerging options for management: a systematic literature review. Critical Care, 2010; 14(5):R169
26. Zangrillo A., Biondi-Zoccai G., Ponschab M., Greco M., Corno L., Covello R.D., Cabrini L., Bignami E., Melisurgo G., Landoni G. Milrinone and mortality in adult cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vasular Anesthesia 2012; 26(1):70-7. (corresponding author)
27. Hadadzadeh M., Hosseini S.H., Mostafavi P.M.S.M, Naderi N., E M.M. Effect of Milrinone on Short Term Outcome of Patientswith Myocardial Dysfunction Undergoing Off-Pump Coronary ArteryBypass Graft: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Acta Medica Iranica, 2013;51(10): 681-686.
Majure, D.T., Greco, T., Greco M., Ponschab, M., Biondi-Zoccai, G., Zangrillo, A., and Landoni, G. (2013). Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials of Effect of Milrinone on Mortality in Cardiac Surgery: An Update Journal of Cardithoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 2013; 27(2):220-229.
Öztekin, İ., Gökdoğan,S., Öztekin, S.D., İşsever, H., Göksel, O. ve Canik, S. Effects of Propofol and Midazolam on Lipids, Glucose and Plasma Osmolality During and Early Post-Operative Period Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Randomized Trial. Yakugaku Zasshi, 2007;127(1),173-182 (corresponding author) künyeli çalışmanın atıf gösterildiği yayınlar:
28. Krzych, L.J., Szurlej D., Bochenek A. Rationale for Propofol Use in Cardiac Surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2009;23(6):878-885.
Jovic, M., Unic-Stojanovic, D., Isenovic, E, Manfredi, R., Cekic, O., Ilijevski, N., Babic, J.S., and Radak, D. Anesthetics and Cerebral Protection in Patients Undergoing Carotid Endarterectomy. Journal of Cardithoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 2015; 29(1):178-184.

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