Draft report for the non-regulated analysis of existing policy for fresh strawberry fruit from the Republic of Korea
August 2016
© Commonwealth of Australia 2016
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Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources 2016, Draft report for the non-regulated analysis of existing policy for fresh strawberry fruit from the Republic of Korea, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra.
This publication is available at agriculture.gov.au.
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Stakeholder submissions on draft reports
This draft report has been issued to give all interested parties an opportunity to comment on relevant technical biosecurity issues, with supporting rationale. A final report will then be produced taking into consideration any comments received.
Submissions should be sent to the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources following the conditions specified within the related Biosecurity Advice, which is available at: http://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity/risk-analysis/memos
Acronyms and abbreviations 7
Summary 9
1Introduction 10
1.1Australia’s biosecurity policy framework 10
1.2This risk analysis 10
2Method for pest risk analysis 13
2.1Stage 1 Initiation 13
2.2Stage 2 Pest risk assessment 14
2.3Stage 3 Pest risk management 22
3Korea’s commercial production practices for strawberries 24
3.1Assumptions used in estimating unrestricted risk 24
3.2Climate in production areas 24
3.3Pre-harvest 26
3.4Harvesting and handling procedures 34
3.5Post-harvest 34
3.6Export capability 39
4Pest risk assessments for quarantine pests 41
4.1Angular leaf spot 44
4.2Thrips 52
4.3Kanzawa spider mite 54
4.4Brown rot 58
4.5Spotted wing drosophila 63
4.6Pest risk assessment conclusions 65
6Pest risk management 68
6.1Pest risk management measures 68
6.2Operational system for the maintenance and verification of phytosanitary status 73
6.3Uncategorised pests 76
6.4 Review of processes 76
6.5 Meeting Australia’s food laws 77
7Conclusion 78
Appendix A Initiation and categorisation for pests of fresh strawberry fruit from Korea 79
Glossary 135
References 140
Map Map of Australia
Map A guide to Australia’s bio-climatic zones
Figure Diagram of strawberries
A shows the main parts of a strawberry runner B shows detail of the strawberry fruit
Modified from Svensk Botanik (Palmstruch et al. 1807)
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