When you are in
O*Net OnLine
, follow these steps to determine if your occupation qualifies:
Under “Find Occupations,” select “Job Family” from the pull
down menu;
Browse by “Job Family,” make your selection, and click “GO”.
Click on the link for your specific occupation; and
Select the tab “Job Zone” to find the designated Job Zone number and
Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) rating range.
As an example, select Aerospace Engineers. At the bottom of the Summary Report for Aerospace
Engineers, under the Job Zone section, you will find the designated Job Zone 4, SVP Range, 7.0 to <
8.0. Using this example, Aerospace Engineering is a qualifying occupation.
For additional information, see the
Diversity Visa – List of Occupations webpage.
8. Is there a minimum age to apply for the E-DV Program?
There is no minimum age to apply, but the requirement of a high school education or work experience
for each principal applicant at the time of application will effectively disqualify most persons who are
under age 18.
9. When can I submit my entry?
The DV-2024 entry period will run from 12:00 pm (noon), Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-
4), Wednesday, October 5, 2022, until 12:00 pm (noon), Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-
5), Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Each year, millions of people submit entries. Restricting the entry
period to these dates ensures selectees receive notification in a timely manner and gives both the visa
applicants and our embassies and consulates time to prepare and complete cases for visa issuance.
We strongly encourage you to enter early during the registration period. Excessive demand at end of
the registration period may slow the processing system. We cannot accept entries after noon EST
on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
10. I am in the United States. Can I enter the DV program?
Yes, an entrant may apply while in the United States or another country. An entrant may submit an
entry from any location.
11. Can I only enter once during the registration period?
Yes, the law allows only one entry per person during each registration period. The Department of State
uses sophisticated technology to detect multiple entries. Individuals with more than one entry will
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