Electrical Indicating and Test Instruments 1 Introduction 161

Analogue Oscilloscope (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope)

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Analogue Oscilloscope (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope)

Analogue oscilloscopes were originally called cathode ray oscilloscopes because a fundamental component within them is a cathode ray tube. In recent times, digital oscilloscopes have almost entirely replaced analogue versions in professional use. However, some very inexpensive versions of analogue oscilloscopes still exist that find educational uses in schools, colleges, and universities. The low cost of basic analogue models is their only merit, as their inclusion of a cathode ray tube makes them very fragile, and the technical performance of digital equivalents is greatly superior.
The cathode ray tube within an analogue oscilloscope is shown schematically in Figure 7.10. The cathode consists of a barium and strontium oxide-coated, thin, heated filament from which a stream of electrons is emitted. The stream of electrons is focused onto a well-defined spot on a fluorescent screen by an electrostatic focusing system that consists of a series of metal discs and cylinders charged at various potentials. Adjustment of this focusing mechanism is provided by a focus control on the front panel of an oscilloscope. An intensity control varies the cathode heater current and therefore the rate of emission of electrons, and thus adjusts the intensity of the display on the screen. These and other typical controls are shown in the illustration of the front panel of a simple oscilloscope given in Figure 7.11. It should be noted that the layout shown is only one example. Every model of oscilloscope has a different layout of control knobs, but the functions provided remain similar irrespective of the layout of the controls with respect to each other.
Application of potentials to two sets of deflector plates mounted at right angles to one another within the tube provide for deflection of the stream of electrons, such that the spot where the electrons are focused on the screen is moved. The two sets of deflector plates are normally known as horizontal and vertical deflection plates, according to the respective motion caused to the spot on the screen. The magnitude of any signal applied to the deflector plates can be calculated by measuring the deflection of the spot against a cross-wires graticule etched on the screen.


One channel describes the basic subsystem of an electron source, focusing system, and deflector plates. This subsystem is often duplicated one or more times within the cathode ray tube to provide a capability of displaying two or more signals at the same time on the screen.

Figure 7.10. Cathode ray tube.

Figure 7.11. Controls of a simple oscilloscope.

The common oscilloscope configuration with two channels can therefore display two separate signals simultaneously.

Single-ended input

This type of input only has one input terminal plus a ground terminal per oscilloscope channel and, consequently, only allows signal voltages to be measured relative to ground. It is normally only used in simple oscilloscopes.

Differential input
This type of input is provided on more expensive oscilloscopes. Two input terminals plus a ground terminal are provided for each channel, which allows the potentials at two nongrounded points in a circuit to be compared. This type of input can also be used in single-ended mode to measure a signal relative to ground by using just one of the input terminals plus ground.
Time base circuit
The purpose of a time base is to apply a voltage to the horizontal deflector plates such that the horizontal position of the spot is proportional to time. This voltage, in the form of a ramp known as a sweep waveform, must be applied repetitively, such that the motion of the spot across the screen appears as a straight line when a d.c. level is applied to the input channel. Furthermore, this time base voltage must be synchronized with the input signal in the general case of a time-varying signal, such that a steady picture is obtained on the oscilloscope screen. The length of time taken for the spot to traverse the screen is controlled by a time/div switch, which sets the length of time taken by the spot to travel between two marked divisions on the screen, thereby allowing signals at a wide range of frequencies to be measured.
Each cycle of the sweep waveform is initiated by a pulse from a pulse generator. The input to the pulse generator is a sinusoidal signal known as a triggering signal, with a pulse being generated every time the triggering signal crosses a preselected slope and voltage level condition. This condition is defined by trigger level and trigger slope switches. The former selects the voltage level on the trigger signal, commonly zero, at which a pulse is generated, while the latter selects whether pulsing occurs on a positive or negative going part of the triggering waveform.
Synchronization ofthe sweep waveform with the measured signal is achieved most easily by deriving the trigger signal from the measured signal, a procedure known as internal triggering. Alternatively, external triggering can be applied if the frequencies of the triggering signal and measured signals are related by an integer constant such that the display is stationary. External triggering is necessary when the amplitude of the measured signal is too small to drive the pulse generator; it is also used in applications where there is a requirement to measure the phase difference between two sinusoidal signals of the same frequency. It is very convenient to use 50-Hz line voltage for external triggering when measuring signals at mains frequency; this is often given the name line triggering.
Vertical sensitivity control
This consists of a series of attenuators and preamplifiers at the input to the oscilloscope. These condition the measured signal to the optimum magnitude for input to the main amplifier and vertical deflection plates, thus enabling the instrument to measure a very wide range of different signal magnitudes. Selection of the appropriate input amplifier/attenuator is made by setting a volts/div control associated with each oscilloscope channel. This defines the magnitude of the input signal that will cause a deflection of one division on the screen.

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