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Endodontology34116-3350829 091828

© 2022 Endodontology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Address for correspondence: Dr. Jesmy K. Antony, 
Choozhikunnel House, Pulluvazhy P. O., 
Ernakulam ‑ 683 541, Kerala, India. 
E‑mail: jesmyantony28@gmail.com
Aim: the present study aimed to evaluate and compare the bacterial sealing ability of ProrootMTA, Biodentine and EndoSequenceRRM putty 
as retrograde filling material using E‑faecalis leakage model over a period of 6weeks.
Materials and Method: Forty single rooted human premolar teeth were collected, disinfected and decoronated to a standardized of 16mm. 
Cleaning and shaping was done up to 40#K‑file apical preparation and step back method. The roots were sectioned 3 mm from the apex. 
Root end cavities were prepared using ultrasonic tips (Woodpecker EMS EndoScaler TipE3D) and restored using the three different materials. 
Specimens were divided in to four groups with a sample size of 
n =10. Group 1–ProRootMTA, Group2– Biodentine, Group3– EndoSequenceRRM 
putty, Group 4‑Control without any filling. Specimens were then mounted on the E‑faecalis (ATCCstrain29212) bacterial leakage models. The 
bacterial leakage was assessed by measuring the optical density of the broth at every 7th day for a 6 weeks period. 
Results: In the baseline reading there was significant difference between all the groups. In the 2
week, Group1 has got significantly higher 
values than Group 3 and not with Group 2. In the 3
, 4
, 5
and 6
weeks, Group1 show significantly higher turbidity values than Group 2 and 
3. No significant difference between Group2 and 3. 
Conclusion: Within limitations of this study it was concluded that, both ESRRMputty and Biodentine have got comparable sealing properties. 
ProrootMTA has got higher microleakage than others in the 3
, 4
, 5
and 6
week. The microleakage for ProrootMTA, Biodentine and ESRRM 
putty was increasing up to the third week following which it is static.
Keywords: Proroot MTA, Biodentine, Endosequence RRM putty, Bacterial sealing, Retrogarde restorations
The objective of endodontic therapy is to clean, shape, 
and obturate the root canal system three dimensionally.
The communication between the main body of the root 
canal and the periodontal ligament space is through the 
channels of lateral canals and the accessory canals which 
are found at the apical delta.
These channels can be a 
niche for microorganisms. The main goal of the surgical 
endodontic treatment is to prevent the invasion of bacteria 
and their byproducts from the root canal system into the 
periradicular tissues by sealing it with adequate and efficient 
root‑end filling material.
These irritants from the root canal 
that egress into the periradicular tissues result in apical 
periodontitis. Periradicular surgery is indicated in case of 
repeated failures of root canal treatment. This involves 
exposure of the apex, root resection, root‑end preparation, 
and root‑end filling to obtain a tight apical seal to keep the 
Sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate, Biodentine, and 
EndoSequence RRM putty used as retrograde restorative 
material: An
in vitro bacterial leakage model study

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