Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Vol. 5, No. 5, 2015, 850-853
Erturk and Jyoti: Perspectives on a Big Data Application: What Database Engineers and IT Students…
Fig. 6.
NoSQL vs traditional SQL syntax.
In order to implement these learning activities for students,
it is necessary for instructors to cover the theoretical content in
depth prior to the practical work. Furthermore, the practical
tutorials require
initial familiarization, trouble-shooting, and
self-guided technical learning. Therefore it is important that
instructors plan and allocate time to students so that they can
understand what they need to do, and become prepared. In later
stages of the course, once MongoDB is installed on a server,
students can access a cloud based MongoDB using the lab
computers and their own computers. In the course (that this
paper targets), about thirty enrollments are expected. These
students will be guided by one instructor.
A recommendation for further research
as well as training
material development should be on understanding and
improving the security of a MongoDB database. This is
important because many MongoDB implementations have been
done recently without setting up the correct access controls [8].
After the initial installation, all of the user profiles and
authorizations have to be set up by the database administrator.
Secondly, hackers may try to exploit
MongoDB databases
using code injections similar to the way SQL injections have
been used to target traditional relational database applications.
Future students who are doing additional training on MongoDB
security should review the syntax of the possible injections, and
learn how these injections can be prevented from posing a risk.
It needs to be emphasized that cloud computing and big
data offer additional benefits together: capturing
and analyzing
much more information, making better business decisions,
using the IT infrastructure more efficiently, and enhancing
disaster recovery. However, when selecting a database product,
it needs to be kept in mind that each company should decide
according to its own unique data and reporting requirements.
in general, capturing and providing fast access to big
data will continue to be crucial, with ever increasing numbers
of connected mobile applications and new online systems [9].
As emphasized in this paper, the public awareness of big
data applications and their benefits is increasing.
As a result,
more companies are looking for IT professionals with the latest
knowledge and skills in this area. These potential employers
are not only software development companies but also include
diverse organizations and companies from different sectors of
the economy.
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