English tea it is a widespread stereotype that the English ‘drop everything’ for a tea-time meal in the afternoon. Tea itself, usually served with milk is consumed throught the day and is sometimes also drunk with milk.
Fish and chips is a popular take-away food that originated in the UK. It consits deep- fried fish covered in butter accompanied by deep-fried chipped potatoes.
Conclusion: Is it important to learn English?
Today our world has become a global village and English has become an international language.
In hotels there is an information written and spoken in English as well. There is no doubt that English is the most useful language in the world and everywhere we can communicate in this language. It is spoken all over the world. What is more, English grammar is quite simple and it isn’t difficult to learn. Besides many computers programs, games, are made in English so it is important to know this language for this reason.
Nowadays if you want to travel around the world, you don’t manage without the basic knowledge of this language. In the era of globalization, a person who speaks English has the possiblity of finding a better job..