Robert: Robert Troshowski
Carlos: Carlos Delbosque
Sasha: Sasha Burgews
2.3 Work in pairs. Student A look at the information on this page. Student B look at the information on page 68. Read these letters to Student A. Write the letters Student A says. What do the letters mean?
Read the letters to Student B. Write the letters Student B says. What do the letters mean?
PPE = personal protection equipment - shaxsiy himoya vositalari.
HV = high voltage - yuqori kuchlanish.
KG = kilogram - kilogram
POL = petrol, oil, lubricants - benzin, moy, moylash materiallari
HVAC = heating, ventilation and air conditioning - isitish, shamollatish va havoni tozalash.
RPM = revolutions per minute - daqiqa aylanishlar.
AC = alternating current - o’zgaruvchan tok.
JCB = JC Bamford Excavators Limited (a construction equipment manufacturer) - JC Bamfor ekskavatorlari cheklangan (qurilish uskunalari ishlab chiqaruvchi).
Practise this conversation with your classmates. Write the names.
Zafar: What’s your name?
Shuhrat: Shuhrat Nigmonov.
Zafar: How do you spell that?
Shuhrat: My first name’s Shuhrat - SH-U-H-R-A-T, My family name’s Nigmonov - N-I-G-M-O-N-O-V.
Zafar: Thank you.
Listen to three conversations. Write the jobs you hear for each person.
Ahmad - a electrician 5. Rob - a labor
Tariq - a roofer 6. Pierre - a labor board
Jacek - a crane operator 7. Kim - a manager
Luis a crane operator 8. Antonio - a building inspector.