6.5 VIDEO RESOURCES Video #1: Bryophytes Life Cycle:
Video #2: Lycophytes Life Cycle:
Video #3: Ferns Life Cycle:
Video #4: Gymnosperms Long-Distance Pollination:
Video #5: Angiosperm Life Cycle:
Unit VII. ANIMAL KINGDOM Topics : 7.1 Animal Structure, Protection and Movement 7.2 Homeostasis 7.3 Respiration and Digestion 7.4 Nervous and Endocrine System 7.5 Reproduction in Animal World ESL Level(s): ____A2-B1____________ Grade Level(s): ________Year I______________ Unit VII Content Learning Objectives •
Student will be able to discuss animal locomotion, external protection, and skeletal structures.
Student will be able to identify the homeostasis process.
Student will be able to discuss the respiration and digestion systems.
Student will be able to describe the nervous and endocrine systems.
Student will be able to describe the two general types of reproductive processes in the animal
Unit VII Language Objectives •
Student will identify and define topic key vocabulary for the Unit VII topics.
Student will restate (orally or written) topic information using content-specific terms.
Student will organize information (using graphic organizers) according to content-specific
expectations (e.g., Steps of The Scientific Method).
Student will view and listen to English videos related to the Biology topic and summarize the
information presented.
Student will analyze and identify grammar structures (e.g. sentence structure, paragraph
structure) using topic readings.