Client Side Exploitation
Step 6
Performing DNS Spoofing Attacks
We have discussed how to launch DNS spoofing attacks in detail; therefore, I will walk you
through the process briefly here. In order to
perform a DNS spoofing attack, we need to change
the place where Notepad installs updates to our local host. To do that, we have to edit the etter.
dns file. You can do it by using the following command:
root@bt: pico/usr/local/share/ettercap/etter.dns
We now need to create a new “A” record, for, from where the
Notepad++ would receive updates to our local IP.
: We came to know that Notepad++ receives updates from
by entering the “show options” command in the module.
Next, launch the DNS spoofing attack with Ettercap or any other tool. If you are unsure of
how to do it, refer to the “Network Sniffing” chapter (Chapter 6).
Step 7
—So now we are ready to attack. As soon as the victim opens his Notepad++, he will be
asked to update the application. As soon as the victim clicks “Yes,” our
payload will be executed
and we will enter a Meterpreter session.
Attack Scenario 4: Malware Loaded on USB Sticks
As discussed earlier, this type of attack is useful only when you have physical access to the victim’s
computer, whereby we can load up our malicious payload upon inserting the USB stick to the
computer, which will give us a reverse connection. Note that this attack
would work only if auto-
run is enabled on the victim’s computer. So let’s begin.
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide
Step 1
—From the SET’s main menu, select the third option “Infectious Media Generator.”
Step 2
—From there, select
the second option “Standard Metasploit Executable,” which will
enable you to generate an executable with an autorun.inf file.
Step 3
—It will now ask for our reverse IP that is going to be our LHOST.
Enter your LHOST
and press “Enter.”
Step 4
—Next, it will ask for the type of the payload we want to use; we will use our favorite
Meterpreter reverse TCP payload.
Step 5
—Next, it will ask for the type of encoding we want to use to bypass any antivirus restric-
Choose any one you like; the SET author recommends “Backdoor Executable.”
Client Side Exploitation
Step 6
—Finally, it will ask for the port on which to listen for connections; enter any random
port that is not in use.
We are now done with creating our executable. All you need to do
is to burn it to a USB and
load it on the victim’s machine. Once done, it will automatically execute if autorun.inf is enabled,
and you will get a reverse connection.
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