Kalit so‘zlar: milliy cholg‘u sozlarimiz, bastakor, hofiz, musiqa madaniyati
fani, darslik, xor, xonanda, san’at, ritmik harakatlar.
Abstract: Music has a special place in human life. The art of music is an
important factor in the education of sophistication, a process that influences the
maturation of the young generation. This process is formed from school and enriches
the inner world of the young generation and accompanies it throughout its life.
Keywords: our national musicians, composer, hafiz, science of music culture,
textbook, cor, singer, art, rhythmic movements.
‘qituvchi, Farg‘ona davlat universiteti ,
SHuxratov SHarof SHuxratovich Texnika fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori, Farg‘ona davlat universiteti, Maksudov Ravshan Xasanovich Texnika fanlari doktori, professor, Guliston davlat universiteti Qisqacha mazmuni: Maqolada paxta tozalash korxonalari xududida
joylashgan g‘aramlardan paxtani uzoq masofaga tashishni amalga oshirish uchun
so‘ruvchi va pufdovchi havo oqimlaridan foydalangan holda tashish imkoniyatini
beruvchi paxtani tashish va qisman tozalash agregati tasnifi berilgan. Bundan tashqari
ushbu yangi agregatning ishlash prinsipi, uni harakatga keltiruvchi uzatmalarning
aylanish tezliklari va ularning o‘zgarishini paxta sifatiga ta’siri taxlil qilingan.
Kalit so‘zlar: Qo‘zg‘aluvchan qurilma, pnevmatik uskuna, paxta separatori,
paxta sifati, aylanish chastotasi, ekssentresitet, qayishqoq element, tasma.
Abstract: In the article, the classification of the cotton transportation and
partial cleaning unit is given, which makes it possible to transport cotton from the
gins located on the territory of cotton ginning enterprises, using suction and blowing
air currents to carry out long-distance transportation. In addition, the principle of
operation of this new aggregate, the rotation speeds of the transmissions that move
it, and the effect of their changes on the quality of cotton were analyzed.
Keywords: Driven device, pneumatic equipment, cotton separator, cotton
quality, rotation frequency, eccentricity, belt element, belt.