of game analysis has recently been approached by T. Szasz.4 For the
role of games in the group
process, die present writer's book on group dynamics should be consulted.*
1. Maurer, D. W. The Big Con. The Bofabs-Merrill Co., New York, 1940.
2. Potter, S. Theory and Practice of Gamentanship. Henry Holt & Company, New York, n.d.
3. Mead, G. H, Mind, Self, and Society. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1934.
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4. Szasz, T. The Myth of Mental Illness. Harper & Brothers, New York' 1961.
. .
5. Berne, E. The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Group's. J. B.
Lippincott Company,
Philadelphia and Montreal, 1963.