GƏNC TƏDQİQATÇI, 2020, VI cild, №1
Agricultural technology is the backdrop against which the relationship between a plant and a
pathogen develops. Agricultural practices can not always completely
exclude the development of
the disease, but such measures as crop rotation, timing and methods of sowing (planting), and regu-
lation of the level of mineral nutrition make it possible to reduce its harmfulness.
The agtotechnical method is aimed at changing the relationship
between the parasitic orga-
nism and the host plant in a direction favorable to the latter. The rational use of a a set of agrotech-
nical measures ( crop rotation, soil cultivation system, fertilizers, seed and planting material prepa-
ration, sowing dates and methods, harvesting dates) creates favorable conditions for the suppression
of pathogens, reducing their supply in the soil. Agrotechnical measures as mandatory in the cultiva-
tion of all crops and in the fight against diseases are economically viable. Only a well-thought-out,
scientifically substantiated application of agricultural techniques, taking into account the characte-
ristics of cultivating the host plant and the nature of the causative agents of the disease, can be ef-
fective in suppressing infection and in obtaining a high yield.
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