Global problems in the world today

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Global problems in the world today

Global problems in the world today
Plan :

  1. Global

  2. Globalal Problems

  3. Globalal Problems in Uzbekiston .

  4. Conclusion .

  5. References .

Still, confused about what the natural Global exactly is? Well, here's a list of natural Global elements, this will give you a better idea about. The given list includes objects you see in your surroundings every day, all these objects are an integral part of our natural Global.

All these domains together make up the Global. 
The lithosphere consists of the earth's crust. All the rocks, different layers of soil, and minerals found in the earth's crust are a part of the lithosphere. This domain facilitates the lives of forests and trees, and hence they're interdependent. 
The hydrosphere is the domain that comprises water bodies. Hydra means water in Latin. Hydrosphere hence includes all the forms of water bodies you can find on earth. The rivers, lakes, oceans, seas, and ponds. All of them come under the hydrosphere. 
The Atmosphere refers to the thin blanket of air that surrounds our planet. This thin blanket of air is held together by the gravitational force and is responsible for protecting us from harmful UV radiation. The atmosphere holds several gases in a specific ratio. Few of the major gases found in the atmosphere are oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. 
The biosphere refers to all the living organisms found on mother earth. Ranging from tiny insects to the giant blue whale, all of these are a part of the biosphere. The biosphere is dependent on all the other domains since no organism on earth can survive without air, water, or soil. Hence, these domains are interdependent. 
What is a Manmade Global? 
Man-made, the word is self-explanatory. Man-made means anything which is produced due to human kind's efforts. Anything which isn't found in the surroundings naturally is termed as man-made. The world, in which all of us live is a blend of both the natural Global and the man-made Global. 
Examples of Artificial Global
When you look around yourself, you'd find various objects in your home. Objects have been made out of naturally existing objects but human beings modified these objects according to their convenience. For instance, consider a door. A door is generally made out of wood. Wood comes from trees which are a part of the biosphere, however, human beings have modified the wood and transformed it into a door. This is how the artificial or man-made Global came into being. Given below are a few other man-made Global examples that would help you to get a better understanding. 
Our man-made Global consists of electronic elements. If you look around the house, you will find several electronic devices such as a television, fan, air conditioner, to name a few. All these electronic devices are made by human beings to make our lives more convenient. Electricity is the basic source for all these electronic devices and the electricity is produced by natural sources like wind, coal, solar. Hence artificial or man-made Global is derived from the natural Global to improve the quality of our life. 
Global warming
Climate change such as global warming is the result of human practices such as the emission of greenhouse gases.
Global warming leads to higher temperatures in the oceans and on the Earth's surface, causing melting of polar ice sheets, rising sea levels, and unnatural precipitation patterns such as flooding, excessive snow and desertification.
Species-rich forests are being destroyed, especially in the tropics, often to make room for livestock rearing, palm oil plantations, soy plantations and other agricultural monocultures.
Today, about 30% of the planet's surface is covered by forests, and about 18 million hectares are destroyed each year. Almost all of this deforestation comes from logging and burning.
Natural forests not only act as biodiversity reserves, they also help keep coal out of the atmosphere and oceans.
There are 7 key types of pollution – air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, light and thermal and these are primary causes that affect our Global in many ways. All these types of pollution are interlinked and influence each other. Therefore we need to tackle all of them together.
Pollution of air, water and soil requires millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy metals, nitrates and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution. 
While water pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain, urban runoff, air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released by industries and factories and combustion of fossil fuels; soil pollution is majorly caused by industrial waste that deprives soil from essential nutrients.
Soil Degradation
Globally, food security depends on the factor whether or not soils are in good condition to produce crops. According to UN estimates, about 12 million hectares of farmland a year get seriously degraded.
Soils get damaged due to many reasons. Such reasons include erosion, overgrazing, overexposure to pollutants, monoculture planting, soil compaction, land-use conversion and many more.
Nowadays, a wide range of techniques of soil conservation and restoration exist, from no-till agriculture to crop rotation to water-retention through terrace-building.
Global Warming
Climate changes like global warming are the result of human practices like the emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth’ surface causing natural disasters that include flooding, melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also unnatural patterns of precipitation such as flash floods, hurricanes, wildfires, drought, excessive snow or desertification.

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The population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels as it faces a shortage of resources like water, fuel and food. Population explosion in less developed and developing countries is straining the already scarce resources.
Intensive agriculture practiced to produce food damages the Global through the use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides and insecticides. Overpopulation is also one of the crucial current Globalal problems.
Natural Resource Depletion
Another crucial current Globalal problem is the depletion of Natural resources. We, humans, use so many natural resources that it would need almost 1.5 Earths to cover all our needs.
This will further increase in the future due to massive industrialization in Asian countries like India and China. Increased use of natural resources leads to a number of other Globalal issues, such as industrialization, population growth and air pollution.
Over time, natural resource depletion will lead to an energy crisis. The chemicals emitted from many natural resources contribute to climate change. Fossil fuel consumption results in the emission of greenhouse gases, which is primarily responsible for global warming and climate change. 
Globally, people are making efforts to shift to renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, biogas and geothermal energy. As such, the cost of installing the infrastructure and maintaining these sources has plummeted in recent years.
Generating Unsustainable Waste
The huge production of waste due to our hyperconsumption is a major threat to the Global. As per the study, the average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste per day, and the US alone accounting for 220 million tons a year. 
This hyperconsumption results in non-biodegradable trash in the form of plastic packaging, toxic e-waste, and harmful chemicals that leach into our waterways.
When this waste ends up in landfills, it generates enormous amounts of methane, which ranks as one of the worst greenhouse gases because of its high potential for global warming. It creates severe explosion hazards.
Since modern technology allows us to access digital Globals, many things that you need can be fulfilled in the cloud. Consider your purchases carefully.
Waste Disposal
The overconsumption of resources and the creation of plastics are creating a global crisis of waste disposal. Developed countries are notorious for producing an excessive amount of waste or garbage and dumping their waste in the oceans and less developed countries.
Nuclear waste disposal has tremendous health hazards associated with it. Plastic, fast food, packaging and cheap electronic wastes threaten the well being of humans. Waste disposal is, therefore, one of the urgent current Globalal problems.
Our forests are natural sinks of carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen, as well as helps in regulating temperature and rainfall. At present, forests cover 30% of the land, but every year tree cover is lost, amounting to the country of Panama due to the growing population demand for more food, shelter and cloth. Deforestation simply means clearing of green cover and make that land available for residential, industrial or commercial purposes.
Polar Ice Caps
The issue of the melting of polar ice caps is a contentious one. Although NASA studies have shown that the amount of ice in Antarctica is increasing, however, this increase is only one-third of what is being lost in the Arctic.

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There is enough evidence that shows sea levels are rising, and the melting of Arctic ice caps is a major contributor. Over time, the melting of polar ice caps could lead to extensive flooding, contamination of drinking water and major changes in ecosystems.
Loss of Biodiversity
Human activity is leading to the extinction of species and habitats and loss of biodiversity. Ecosystems, which took millions of years to perfect, are in danger when any species population is decimating.
Balance of natural processes like pollination is crucial to the survival of the ecosystem, and human activity threatens the same. Another example is the destruction of coral reefs in the various oceans, which support the rich marine life.

Conclusion .

In conclusion, it can be said that today there are many problems related to the Global. We can also take the problem of Arol in Uzbekistan. Moreover, there are many such problems all over the world. I think we have only ourselves to blame for these problems. These problems are certainly not the only problems in the world. We can take floods, tornadoes and volcanoes to the world's problems.

References .




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