Group: 1mls 22 semester: 2

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New York is a great city for coffee lovers. There are a thousands of cafes in the city. The Frog’s Crown is the small café in SoHo. Diana Grigo is from Wenesualla. He opened the café here in New York three years ago. Grigoo and his employee Russio start work at 6:00 am in the morning. It is early so it’s usually very quiet. They know they are going to be very busy later. So it’s important to prepare now. They make coffee, cook food and put snacks on the shelves. Then, at around 7:00 am, the customers arrive, and there are many different shops in businesses and souhou. A lot of people work in the area and for many of them there morning coffee is a very important. They buy coffee, tea, and cakes. Most people want to be quick take away, but some stay for breakfast. At around 10:00 o’clock, Greago and Rassio relax and have a coffee. But at a lunch time, it all starts again. A lot of people come to the café on a lunch break. Some people have a drink, but most buy food. The café is famous for its emponeardis, a kind of Pay Street with a meat vegetable and cheese filling. It’s a typical Latin American dish and it’s delicious. After lunch, it’s still busy. Customers come in for a drink, something to eat or just somewhere to relax. The Frog’s Crown is the typical New York café. It’s popular with both tourists and locals. They come for its coffee, food and relax atmosphere. It’s the perfect place to rest after busy day in the big city.


Nyu York qahvani sevuvchilar uchun ajoyib shahar. Shaharda minglab kafelar mavjud. Qurbaqa toji - SoHodagi kichik kafe. Diana Grigo Venesuala shahridan. U kafeni uch yil oldin Nyu-Yorkda ochgan. Grigu va uning xodimi Russio ertalab soat 6:00 da ishga kirishadi. Bu erta bo’lishi mumkin, shuning uchun odatda juda jim bo’ladi. Ular keyin juda band bo'lishlarini bilishadi. Shuning uchun hozir tayyorgarlik ko'rish kerak. Ular qahva tayyorlaydilar, ovqat pishiradilar va javonlarga gazaklar qo'yishadi. Keyin, ertalab soat taxminan 7:00da mijozlar kelishadi. Biznes va souhouda juda ko'p turli xil do'konlar mavjud. Bu hududda ko'p odamlar ishlaydi va ularning ko'pchiligi uchun ertalabki qahva juda muhim. Ular qahva, choy va pishiriqlar sotib olishadi. Ko'pchilik ularni olib ketadi, ammo ba'zilari nonushta qilish uchun qoladilar. Soat taxminan 10:00da Greago va Rassio dam olib, qahva ichishadi. Ammo, tushlik paytida hammasi yana boshlanadi. Ko'pchilik tushlik tanaffusida kafega kelishadi. Ba'zi odamlar ichimlik ichishadi, lekin ko'pchilik ovqat sotib oladi. Kafe o'zining emponeardisi, go'shtli sabzavotlar va pishloqli to'ldirilgan Pay Street turi bilan mashhur. Bu odatiy Lotin Amerika taomidir va u juda mazali. Tushlikdan keyin u yana band. Mijozlar ichish, ovqatlanish yoki dam olish uchun kelishadi. Qurbaqa toji - Nyu-Yorkdagi odatiy kafe. U sayyohlar va mahalliy aholi orasida mashhur. Ular qahva, ovqat va dam olish muhiti uchun kelishadi. Bu katta shaharda o’gir, charchoqli kundan keyin dam olish uchun eng zo'r joy.


  1. Tere are

  2. Past simple

  3. Joylar va vaqtlar oldidan proposition

  4. Present simple

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