or not that is directly because of industry
or, er, animal flatulence — or simply a
natural cycle influenced by sunspots — is a
matter of contention among scientists. Even
if the global warming alarmists are correct
and carbon dioxide is responsible for these
changes, you might be surprised if I told
you that volcanoes and animals, er, passing
gas release far more carbon dioxide than
humans ever could. I know that‘s hard to
believe, especially since it‘s not politically
correct at the moment, but do yourself a
favor — go look it up.
Reason #79
exploding and people aren‘t
really the cause of our problems‖
Reason #80
Abortion is a
betrayal of women
Women are natural born
The female body with its baby-producing
organs was not designed by a conspiracy of
men but by the Divine Architect of the
human race.
—Phyllis Schlafly, conservative political activist
s women, we instinctively nurture
— whether each other, our
children, pets, boyfriend, even our
plants! Female strength is not out-dated or
old-fashioned. It‘s who we are. There is
nothing weak or shameful in being
motherly. The essence of the mother is
nurturing, protecting, caring — and this
essence is within each one. To go against
this true nature causes, ultimately, suffering
and loss. But to fulfill our true nature, to
love the divine design with which we were
made, this brings joy and growth and
Men can never achieve the power or
experience the miracles of creative forces
that occur in our very own body each time
we are pregnant. Some argue that it is
women who have the real advantage.
While we can continue the human race,
men have to keep up by achieving
symbolical accomplishment in the material
world, creating ‗things‘ and building
Quotable Quote
―Our trouble is not our womanhood...if
we were free and developed, healthy in
body and mind, as we should be under
natural conditions, our motherhood
would be our glory.‖
—Elizabeth Cady Stanton, early feminist
Throughout history mothers have
birthed, protected, fed and raised their
children. That is, until abortion started
eroding our female sensitivity to life and
our pride and faith in our abilities as a
woman. We are the most powerful
nurturers on the planet, yet abortion is
corroding our sensitivity to life.
As Post Abortion Counselor Anne
Lastman wrote, ―Women were and are not
designed to harm their children; they are
designed to protect, to nurture and to love
their baby. Had this not been the case
humanity would have ceased to exist a long
time ago.‖
Notice the difference…
Abortion tunes you into other people‘s
wishes, society‘s expectations or your
own wants. On the other hand,
protecting your child opens up your
connection with God, Life, your life-
giving body, your intuitive motherly
abilities and a chance to grow as a
Abortion is the perversion of
our female nature
Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters
of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for
yourselves and for your children. For the
time will come when you will say, ‗Blessed
are the barren women, the wombs that
never bore and the breasts that never
—Luke 23: 28-29
f you agree with the point I just made,
that we are born nurturers, then
perhaps you can also see that
submitting ourselves to perversions of that
nature can also be harmful. For Martha
Wenger, the procedure changed her
The whole procedure toughened me; I
became a tough person. It was like, ―I don‘t
need anybody. Leave me alone and it won‘t
hurt.‖ I became hateful. I got to where ―I‘ll
make it alone‖ was how I lived. I had no
As I read Martha‘s words I felt that this
is where many pro-choicers are coming
from, especially the angry ones. They are
coming from hurt, and it is a self-defense
mechanism. Let us not allow judgment or
bitterness towards them but only love and
I was also reminded of the words from
Anne Lastman, a post-abortion counselor
who herself has also had an abortion:
It is difficult to imagine that a woman,
who is designed by God to be a life-giving
and nurturing being, can agree to the
abortion process which is a medical
violence. Yet hundreds of millions or even
billions of women have done so since the
1960s, thus not only breaking the invisible
bond of love between herself and her
feminine design, but in the process she has
diminished her own sense of self respect.
Her own feminine genius. Her woman-
hood. And she has wounded deeply her
emotional and spiritual self.
We must realize that with the
termination of the human life in her womb,
a part of her womanhood, a part of herself
is also terminated, and the person after the
ordeal of the abortion is no longer the
person she was before. There has been a
deep loss now etched into her being. It is
almost as if two whole human beings have
died on the operating table, one physically
and one spiritually and emotionally.
More on this in a little bit.
Trying to be like men — is
that the best we can hope for?
In my opinion, as long as the family and the
myth of the family and the myth of
maternity and the maternal instinct are not
—Simone de Beauvoir in a letter to Betty Friedan,
ave you ever noticed that strange
thing about some people? In order
to help us be more successful
women, they try to make us like men! Now,
I would have thought that since we are
already perfect in our own right we had no
need to imitate men. Let‘s face it; we don‘t
make good men, anyway! Being women is
what we do best — and you know what,
men make pretty poor females!
What does this have to do with
abortion, you ask?
Radical feminism tells us that our
feminine abilities are in fact a bondage.
Until we can free ourselves of our
unwanted babies we will not be free like
men. We will not be free to engage in
casual sex with no consequences, for
example. Yet, to be treated fairly and
equally does not require that we copy men!
We are told that women will not be
equal until we can rise up the career ladder
and get paid as much as men who work
those jobs. After all, don‘t we also want to
spend our entire lives working late nights
for our boss? In order to do this, a woman
has to sacrifice her childbearing years to
progress, delay childbearing, if it comes at
an inconvenient time, disrupt it. Sometimes
that disruption of pregnancy is no choice
but one demanded by the woman‘s
employer, that is, if she expects to continue
there and accept that promotion. And this
is liberation?
Truly, how many of us at the end of our
life will say, ―You know, I just regret that I
didn‘t spend more time at the office‖? More
likely we will regret moments not spent
with those closest to our heart, our own
family and friends.
It is their goal to make women as
emotionally and financially independent as
men, whether that means aborting their
children in the womb or sending them
straight off to government-run day care as
soon as they are born.
While I‘m all for
independence and equality, the point is, we
don‘t need to act like men to deserve
respect and equality. When we terminate
our children we are only stabbing ourselves
in the back and setting ourselves up for
future heartache. We were not designed to
―Abortion killed a part of
mpty. Numb. Dead. These are all
words that women have used to
describe themselves following an
abortion. You see, abortion does not just
kill the developing baby; it kills a part of
the mother too.
For NancyJo Mann the abortion took
two victims:
I was never the same again. The
abortion killed not only my daughter; it
killed a part of me.
Whenever we hurt another we also hurt
our self. In the words of Oscar Hammling,
―We die ourselves a little every time we kill
in others something that deserved to
Truly we are all connected, and
who greater, than a woman and her child?
A year after Maria‘s abortion she wrote
to me:
I cannot look at babies or pregnant
women without dying a little inside. I feel
like I will always be missing a piece of me.
Sixteeen-year-old Christy also told me
of her empty feelings:
The relationship with my parents, well,
it's love-hate. I have mood changes where I
HATE them for killing part of me, but then
I love them, they're my parents. If I could
live it over, I would have had my baby. I
hate myself, I've tried to kill myself various
times, but that didn't work either. I know it
would have been difficult to have my baby,
but this feeling of emptiness that I have to
live with every day is worse than anything
I've ever felt.
This is perhaps one of the more tragic
comments I have come across — one that
saddens me and makes me mad. This girl
was lied to. She was not told of the possible
regret. The truth was kept from her. She
could have avoided this regret.
A post-abortion counselor in Australia
whose newsletter I receive reports that she
often gets comments like these:
―After the abortion I felt empty — it
was as if something was taken from me and
it left a big space.‖
―I can‘t seem to fill that space with
The emptiness of abortion is evidence
that there is something wrong with it.
Abortion is an act that goes against the
nature of women. You see, we are not
designed to kill but give life. That‘s why it
is so self-destructive.
As Becky wrote to me,
Abortion destroys you from the inside
Our child lives in us and we live in
them. To kill them is to kill ourselves, at
least in part. We are all part of the web of
life — what harms another, harms
ourselves. Abortion kills your flesh and
blood, developing baby — even if you don‘t
acknowledge it like that. Do you imagine
this would not affect you at all?
I want to close with the words
Stephanie wrote to me,
A part of me died that day and I just
hope another woman will never have to
feel that too.
Reason #80
―Abortion goes against our
nature as women‖
Reason #81
Abortion after rape
is a double tragedy
Pregnancy after rape
abortion cases after rape are few
A study by the pro-choice Guttmacher
Institute reported that rape was a factor
in choosing abortion 1% of the time and
in <0.5% of cases rape was the main
irst of all, before we discuss it, let‘s
just put this ‗hard case‘ into
perspective. Pregnancy after rape
does happen, but not as much as you‘d
think. In fact, one study found that you
have more chance of being raped when
pregnant than being raped and getting
Here‘s why:
The trauma of rape can throw off a
implantation and pregnancy.
The woman may not be fertile due to
time of the month, her current use of
temporary or permanent birth control,
infertility problems, being too young or
old to get pregnant or be already
A third of rapists suffer from sexual
Strange, huh?
Abortion like rape for some
o some women an abortion may feel
like rape. It may be experienced as a
violent penetration or as something
After undergoing an unwanted but
agreed upon abortion, Wendy wrote to me:
It was like being "raped." I was doing
something I so didn't want to be doing.
Sabrina also experienced her abortion as
a raping of her body:
The abortionist doctor never said a word
to me. He first invaded my body by giving
me a shot to numb my uterus; he then
intruded further, before the numbing took
effect. The pain was unbearable… Having
an abortion caused me to feel worthless,
and I carried a heavy burden of guilt and
shame for a very long time. I felt violated
by the abortionist doctor, who invaded my
body with foreign objects. The dignity of
my motherhood and being a woman was
stolen from me all at once. And my baby
was dead!
Perhaps you are thinking: these were
not fair comparisons; these women had
never been raped. Well, what about the
next two stories then?
Denise has had firsthand experience of
both rape and abortion. Raped at the tender
age of 13, she later had two abortions. She
compares her abortion to a second rape:
This time I went to an abortion clinic
and went through the most horrifying
experience in my life. Searing pain, like no
other, cut through my abdomen like hot
knives on fire... I cried and begged the
doctor to stop — he wouldn't. It felt like I
was being raped again! When it was over,
the nurse slapped a pad between my legs,
and I curled up into a fetal position, and
could not talk... I went into some kind of
―It felt like I was being
raped again!‖
One dear lady who wrote to me her sad
story tells about her rape and the forced
abortions that followed… Her beautiful
name — Hope.
My story starts out as a sad one. First,
let me tell you a little about me. My name
is Hope and I am 33. I am divorced and
have no living children. As a child, I was
sexually abused by five men in my family.
It started at a young age and continued into
my teenage years. At the age of 12, as the
incest continued, I found myself pregnant.
have a choice; I was
forced to have an abortion. From personal
experience, I know how it feels to be
violated, lonely, used, dirty, dead (inside),
hurt, and pain.
Often a girl covers for the abuser
because she is afraid of losing (the person
that she is led to believe) is the
who really "loves" her. She may be told
that if she tells, either no one will believe
her or that she is a bad girl. I was made to
believe that I could only be loved through
sex. I was afraid of losing my father's
love, and I was led to believe that he loved
me and that if I ever told anyone, no one
would believe me anyhow.
I was told that I was doing the right thing
because a baby should not come into the
world if it was the product of incest or rape.
I wasn‘t told that it would feel like a part of
me was being "sucked" out of my body...
like my whole entire soul was being taken
from me!
…I was 6½ weeks along and just
pregnancy, which was the product of incest
and rape. I experienced depression,
sadness, guilt, anger, hurt, and pain after
the abortion.
The abuse did not end there and at the
age of 15, I ended up pregnant again and
had to have another abortion, against my
The next two pages of her story detail
Hope‘s struggles to conceive and carry a
healthy pregnancy, her 12 miscarriages
(yes, you read that right), two failed
marriages, a broken relationship and weight
issues. The abortions following incest did
nothing to improve Hope‘s situation or
future. She was never asked what she
Just like rape, abortion leaves scars.
Physical scars. Emotional scars. Mental
scars. Abortion is a form of violence against
Two wrongs don‘t make a
Every time I look at Phoebe, I know I made
the right decision. I never wanted to end
my baby's life just because of how she came
to be.
—19-year-old Elizabeth Cameron, mother and
former rape victim
want to start by saying that rape is a
truly horrible crime. It is a violation of
a woman‘s body. It is violent. Rape is
executed without permission from women.
It is an abuse of power by one physically
stronger. It is so wrong and I am totally for
rapists receiving the appropriate penalties
under law.
As you know, I am also against abortion.
It is also a violation of another body — this
time the unborn child‘s. It is violent.
Abortion is executed without permission
from the unborn child. It is an abuse of
power by those bigger and stronger.
Rape is wrong and the perpetrator
should be penalized for his crime. He is the
one who should be given the sentence.
Rape is a crime, but that doesn‘t make the
child produced from it a criminal. After all,
it was not the child‘s fault that he was
conceived in rape.
We all acknowledge that there are
trying circumstances in life. The question
is, is killing a valid way out of this or any
situation? Abortion does not suddenly stop
being the termination of human life simply
because the pregnancy scenario changes.
Whatever circumstances of a child‘s
conception, he or she is still human, still
has feelings and is still precious in God‘s
sight. Abortion still ends a child‘s life,
whether rape is involved in conception or
Rape is a wrong and a violation of
Abortion is a wrong and a violation of
Two wrongs don‘t make a right.
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