possible, preferably within two hours. If in
doubt, treat. (Level 4) [2]
5. Patients usually recognize early symptoms of
bleeding even before the manifestation of phys-
ical signs. This is often described as a tingling
sensation or “aura”.
6. During an episode of acute bleeding, an assess-
ment should be performed to identify the site of
bleeding (if not clinically obvious) and appro-
priate clotting factor should be administered.
7. In severe bleeding episodes that are potentially
life-threatening, especially in the head, neck,
chest, and gastrointestinal tract, treatment with
factor should be initiated immediately, even
before diagnostic assessment is completed.
8. To facilitate appropriate management in emer-
gency situations, all patients should carry
easily accessible identification indicating the
diagnosis, severity of the bleeding disorder,
inhibitor status, type of treatment product used,
initial dosage for treatment of severe, moderate,
and mild bleeding, and contact information of
the treating physician/clinic. (Level 5) [3]
9. Administration of desmopressin (DDAVP) can
raise FVIII level adequately (three to six times
baseline levels) to control bleeding in patients
with mild, and possibly moderate, hemophilia
A. Testing for DDAVP response in individual
patients is appropriate. (Level 3) [4-6]
< 1 IU/dl (< 0.01 IU/ml) or
< 1 % of normal
Spontaneous bleeding into joints or muscles,
predominantly in the absence of identifiable hemostatic
1-5 IU/dl (0.01-0.05 IU/ml) or
1-5% of normal
Occasional spontaneous bleeding; prolonged bleeding
with minor trauma or surgery
5-40 IU/dl (0.05-0.40 IU/ml) or
5-<40% of normal
Severe bleeding with major trauma or surgery.
Spontaneous bleeding is rare.
Joints (hemarthrosis)
Muscles, especially deep compartments
(iliopsoas, calf, and forearm)
Mucous membranes in the mouth,
gums, nose, and genitourinary tract
■ more common into hinged joints:
ankles, knees, and elbows
■ less common into multi-axial joints:
shoulders, wrists, hips
Other major bleeds
Central nervous system (CNS)
10. Veins must be treated with care. They are the life-
lines for a person with hemophilia.
■ 23- or 25-gauge butterfly needles are recom-
■ Never cut down into a vein, except in an
■ Apply pressure for three to five minutes after
■ Venous access devices should be avoided
whenever possible but may be required in
some children.
11. Adjunctive therapies can be used to control
bleeding, particularly in the absence of clotting
factor concentrates, and may decrease the need for
them (see ‘Adjunctive management’ on page 12).
12. If bleeding does not resolve despite adequate treat-
ment, clotting factor levels should be measured.
Inhibitor testing should be performed if the level
is unexpectedly low (see ‘Inhibitor testing’, on
page 32 and ‘Inhibitors’, on page 59).
13. Prevention of bleeding can be achieved by
prophylactic factor replacement (see ‘Prophylactic
factor replacement therapy’, on page 12).
14. Home therapy can be used to manage mild/
moderate bleeding episodes (see ‘Home therapy’,
on page 13).
15. Regular exercise and other measures to stimu-
late normal psychomotor development should be
encouraged to promote strong muscles, develop
balance and coordination, and improve fitness
(see ‘Fitness and physical activity’, on page 11).
16. Patients should avoid activities likely to cause
trauma (see ‘Fitness and physical activity’, on
page 11).
17. Regular monitoring of health status and assess-
ment of outcomes are key components of care
(see ‘Monitoring health status and outcome’, on
page 14).
18. Drugs that affect platelet function, particularly
acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), except
certain COX-2 inhibitors, should be avoided.
Paracetamol/acetaminophen is a safe alternative
for analgesia (see ‘Pain management’, on page 15).
19. Factor levels should be raised to appropriate levels
prior to any invasive procedure (see ‘Surgery and
invasive procedures’, on page 16).
20. Good oral hygiene is essential to prevent peri-
odontal disease and dental caries, which
predispose to gum bleeding (see ‘Dental care
and management’ on page 17).
1.3 Comprehensive care
1. Comprehensive care promotes physical and
psychosocial health and quality of life while
decreasing morbidity and mortality. (Level 3)
2. Hemophilia is a rare disorder that is complex to
diagnose and to manage. Optimal care of these
patients, especially those with severe forms of
the disease, requires more than the treatment of
acute bleeding.
3. Priorities in the improvement of health and
quality of life of people with hemophilia include:
■ prevention of bleeding and joint damage
■ prompt management of bleeding
■ management of complications including:
joint and muscle damage and other sequelae
of bleeding
inhibitor development
viral infection(s) transmitted through blood
■ attention to psychosocial health
Comprehensive care team
1. The wide-ranging needs of people with hemo-
philia and their families are best met through
the coordinated delivery of comprehensive
care by a multidisciplinary team of health-
care professionals, in accordance with accepted
protocols that are practical and national treat-
ment guidelines, if available. (Level 5) [10-12]
2. The comprehensive care team should be multidis-
ciplinary in nature, with expertise and experience
to attend to the physical and psychosocial health
of patients and their families.
3. The core team should consist of the following
■ a medical director (preferably a pediatric and/
or adult hematologist, or a physician with
interest and expertise in hemostasis)
■ a nurse coordinator who
coordinates the provision of care
educates patients and their families
acts as the first contact for patients with an
acute problem or who require follow-up
is able to assess patients and institute initial
care where appropriate
■ a musculoskeletal expert (physiotherapist,
occupational therapist, physiatrist, orthopedist,
rheumatologist) who can address prevention
as well as treatment
■ a laboratory specialist
■ a psychosocial expert (preferably a social
worker, or a psychologist) familiar with avail-
able community resources
4. The roles assumed by core team members may
differ, depending on the availability and expertise
of trained staff and the organization of services
within the centre.
5. All members of the core team should have exper-
tise and experience in treating bleeding disorders
and should be accessible to patients in a timely
and convenient manner. Adequate emergency
care should be available at all times.
6. The following support resources are necessary:
■ Access to a coagulation laboratory capable of
performing accurate and precise clotting factor
assays and inhibitor testing.
■ Provision of appropriate clotting factor concen-
trates, either plasma-derived or recombinant,
as well as other adjunct hemostatic agents such
as desmopressin (DDAVP) and tranexamic
acid where possible.
■ Where clotting factor concentrates are not
available, access to safe blood components
such as fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and cryo-
■ Access to casting and/or splinting for immobi-
lization and mobility/support aids, as needed.
7. The comprehensive care team should also include
or have access to, among others:
■ chronic pain specialist
■ dentist
■ geneticist
■ hepatologist
■ infectious disease specialist
■ immunologist
■ gynecologist/obstetrician
■ vocational counsellor
8. Written management protocols are required to
ensure continuity of care despite changes in clinic
9. The comprehensive care team should have the
resources to support family members. This may
include identifying resources and strategies to
help cope with:
■ risks and problems of everyday living, partic-
ularly with management of bleeding
■ changes associated with different stages of the
patient’s growth and development (especially
adolescence and aging)
■ issues regarding schooling and employment
■ risk of having another affected child and the
options available
10. Establishing a long-term relationship between
patients/families and members of the compre-
hensive care team promotes compliance.
Functions of a comprehensive care program
1. To provide or coordinate inpatient (i.e. during
hospital stays) and outpatient (clinic and other
visits) care and services to patients and their
■ Patients should be seen by all core team
members at least yearly (children every six
months) for a complete hematologic, muscu-
loskeletal, and psychosocial assessment and
to develop, audit, and refine an individual’s
comprehensive management plan. Referrals
for other services can also be given during
these visits. (Level 5) [13,14]
■ The management plan should be developed
with the patient and communicated to all
treaters and care facilities. Communication
among treaters is important.
■ Smaller centres and personal physicians can
provide primary care and management of some
complications, in frequent consultation with
the comprehensive care centre (particularly
for patients who live a long distance from the
nearest hemophilia treatment centre).
2. To initiate, provide training for, and supervise
home therapy with clotting factor concentrates
where available.
3. To educate patients, family members and other
caregivers to ensure that the needs of the patient
are met.
4. To collect data on sites of bleeds, types and doses
of treatment given, assessment of long-term
outcomes (particularly with reference to musculo-
skeletal function), complications from treatment,
and surgical procedures. This information is best
recorded in a computerized registry and should
be updated regularly by a designated person and
maintained in accordance with confidentiality
laws and other national regulations. Systematic
data collection will:
■ facilitate the auditing of services provided by
the hemophilia treatment centre and support
improvements to care delivery.
■ help inform allocation of resources.
■ promote collaboration between centres in
sharing and publishing data.
5. Where possible, to conduct basic and clinical
research. Since the number of patients in each
centre may be limited, clinical research is best
conducted in collaboration with other hemo-
philia centres.
1.4 Fitness and physical activity
1. Physical activity should be encouraged to
promote physical fitness and normal neuro-
muscular development, with attention paid to
muscle strengthening, coordination, general
fitness, physical functioning, healthy body
weight, and self-esteem. (Level 2) [15]
2. Bone density may be decreased in people with
hemophilia [16, 17].
3. For patients with significant musculoskeletal
dysfunction, weight-bearing activities that
promote development and maintenance of
good bone density should be encouraged, to the
extent their joint health permits. (Level 3) [16]
4. The choice of activities should reflect an indi-
vidual’s preference/interests, ability, physical
condition, local customs, and resources.
5. Non-contact sports such as swimming, walking,
golf, badminton, archery, cycling, rowing, sailing,
and table tennis should be encouraged.
6. High contact and collision sports such as soccer,
hockey, rugby, boxing, and wrestling, as well
as high-velocity activities such as motocross
racing and skiing, are best avoided because of
the potential for life-threatening injuries, unless
the individual is on good prophylaxis to cover
such activities.
7. Organized sports programs should be encour-
aged as opposed to unstructured activities, where
protective equipment and supervision may be
8. The patient should consult with a musculoskeletal
professional before engaging in physical activi-
ties to discuss their appropriateness, protective
gear, prophylaxis (factor and other measures),
and physical skills required prior to beginning
the activity. This is particularly important if the
patient has any problem/target joints [18].
9. Target joints can be protected with braces or
splints during activity, especially when there
is no clotting factor coverage. (Level 4) [19,20]
10. Activities should be re-initiated gradually after a
bleed to minimize the chance of a re-bleed.
1.5 Adjunctive management
1. Adjunctive therapies are important, particularly
where clotting factor concentrates are limited or
not available, and may lessen the amount of treat-
ment product required.
2. First aid measures: In addition to increasing factor
level with clotting factor concentrates (or desmo-
pressin in mild hemophilia A), protection (splint),
rest, ice, compression, and elevation (PRICE) may
be used as adjunctive management for bleeding
in muscles and joints.
3. Physiotherapy/rehabilitation is particularly
important for functional improvement and
recovery after musculoskeletal bleeds and for
those with established hemophilic arthrop-
athy (see ‘Principles of physiotherapy/Physical
medicine in hemophilia’, on page 57).
4. Antifibrinolytic drugs (e.g. tranexamic acid,
epsilon aminocaproic acid) are effective as
adjunctive treatment for mucosal bleeds and
dental extractions (see ‘Tranexamic acid’, on page
42 and ‘‘Epsilon aminocaproic acid’, on page 43).
5. Certain COX-2 inhibitors may be used judiciously
for joint inflammation after an acute bleed and
in chronic arthritis (see ‘Pain management’, on
page 15).
1.6 Prophylactic factor replacement therapy
1. Prophylaxis is the treatment by intravenous injec-
tion of factor concentrate in order to prevent
anticipated bleeding (see Table 1-4).
2. Prophylaxis was conceived from the observation
that moderate hemophilia patients with clotting
factor level >1 IU/dl seldom experience sponta-
neous bleeding and have much better preservation
of joint function [21-24].
3. Prophylaxis prevents bleeding and joint
destruction and should be the goal of therapy
to preserve normal musculoskeletal function.
(Level 2) [24-29]
4. Prophylactic replacement of clotting factor has
been shown to be useful even when factor levels
are not maintained above 1 IU/dl at all times.
Episodic (“on demand”) treatment
Treatment given at the time of clinically evident bleeding
Continuous prophylaxis
Primary prophylaxis
Regular continuous* treatment initiated in the absence of documented
osteochondral joint disease, determined by physical examination and/or imaging
studies, and started before the second clinically evident large joint bleed and
age 3 years**
Secondary prophylaxis
Regular continuous* treatment started after 2 or more bleeds into large joints**
and before the onset of joint disease documented by physical examination and
imaging studies
Tertiary prophylaxis
Regular continuous* treatment started after the onset of joint disease
documented by physical examination and plain radiographs of the affected
Intermittent (“periodic”) prophylaxis
Treatment given to prevent bleeding for periods not exceeding 45 weeks in a year
* continuous is defined as the intent of treating for 52 weeks/year and receiving a minimum of an a priori defined frequency of infusions
for at least 45 weeks (85%) of the year under consideration.
**large joints = ankles, knees, hips, elbows and shoulders
5. It is unclear whether all patients should remain
on prophylaxis indefinitely as they transition
into adulthood. Although some data suggest
that a proportion of young adults can do well
off prophylaxis [31], more studies are needed
before a clear recommendation can be made [32].
6. In patients with repeated bleeding, particu-
larly into target joints, short-term prophylaxis
for four to eight weeks can be used to inter-
rupt the bleeding cycle. This may be combined
with intensive physiotherapy or synoviorthesis.
(Level 3) [33,34]
7. Prophylaxis does not reverse established joint
damage; however, it decreases frequency of
bleeding and may slow progression of joint
disease and improve quality of life.
8. Prophylaxis as currently practiced in coun-
tries where there are no significant resource
constraints is an expensive treatment and is only
possible if significant resources are allocated to
hemophilia care. However, it is cost-effective
in the long-term because it eliminates the high
cost associated with subsequent management
of damaged joints and improves quality of life.
9. In countries with significant resource constraints,
lower doses of prophylaxis given more frequently
may be an effective option.
10. Cost-efficacy studies designed to identify
minimum dosage are necessary to allow access
to prophylaxis in more of the world.
Administration and dosing schedules
1. There are two prophylaxis protocols currently in
use for which there is long-term data:
■ The Malmö protocol: 25-40 IU/kg per dose
administered three times a week for those with
hemophilia A, and twice a week for those with
hemophilia B.
■ The Utrecht protocol: 15-30 IU/kg per dose
administered three times a week for those with
hemophilia A, and twice a week for those with
hemophilia B.
2. However, many different protocols are followed
for prophylaxis, even within the same country,
and the optimal regimen remains to be defined.
3. The protocol should be individualized as much
as possible, based on age, venous access, bleeding
phenotype, activity, and availability of clotting
factor concentrates.
4. One option for the treatment of very young
children is to start prophylaxis once a week and
escalate depending on bleeding and venous
5. Prophylaxis is best given in the morning to cover
periods of activity.
6. Prophylactic administration of clotting factor
concentrates is advisable prior to engaging in
activities with higher risk of injury. (Level 4)
1.7 Home therapy
1. Where appropriate and possible, persons with
hemophilia should be managed in a home therapy
2. Home therapy allows immediate access to clot-
ting factor and hence optimal early treatment,
resulting in decreased pain, dysfunction, and long-
term disability and significantly decreased hospital
admissions for complications. (Level 3) [36,37]
3. Further improvements in quality of life include
greater freedom to travel and participate in
physical activities, less absenteeism, and greater
employment stability [38].
4. Home therapy is ideally achieved with clotting
factor concentrates or other lyophilized products
that are safe, can be stored in a domestic fridge,
and are reconstituted easily.
5. Home treatment must be supervised closely
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