Fig. 6-12. Compressive and tension
forces applied to the
first metatarsal epiphysis as theorized by Luba and Rossman.
cally and radiographically. The growing foot, however,
adds another dimension to this surgical correction. It
appears that a slightly elevated intermetatarsal angle,
at the time of examination in the child, may need
greater reduction because of its tendency to increase
with age. The timing of surgery should be related to
the severity of symptoms, the estimation of progres-
sion of deformity based on radiographic criteria, and
the skeletal age of the child. Estimation of skeletal age
is important especially with regards to procedures
around or involving the epiphyseal plate.
The goals of surgery in juvenile hallux valgus are
primarily to correct the deformity, to reduce the inter-
metatarsal angle, to reduce the hallux abductus angle,
to obtain and maintain a congruous metatarsophalan-
geal joint with realignment of the sesamoids, and to
have a pain-free range of motion. All this is predicated
on the choice of the correct procedure.
A number of surgical procedures that may be used
in the management of juvenile hallux valgus include
soft tissue tendon-balancing procedures, whose main
aim is to realign the osseous structures by correcting
abnormality of soft tissue ligamentous and capsular
structures. However, these procedures are infre -
quently done in the patient with juvenile hallux valgus
as the primary procedure but are often used in con-
junction with distal or proximal osteotomies that cor-
rect structural deformities. Distal metatarsal osteoto-
mies can decrease the intermetatarsal angle and
realign structural abnormalities in the transverse
plane such as abnormal proximal articular set angles.
They can shorten or maintain the length of the meta-
tarsal. Distal osteotomies of use in juvenile hallux
valgus include the Mitchell, Wilson, Austin, Reverdin,
or Hohman types. Reduction of the intermetatarsal an-
gle is accomplished by lateral displacement of those
osteotomies. The degree of reduction will be less than
that obtained with proximal osteotomies, and there-
fore lateral displacement osteotomy is used with inter-
metatarsal angles ranging from 12° to 16°. Proximal
osteotomies inc lude osteotomies of the metatarsal
base, of the metatarsocuneiform joint in combination
with a fusion, or cuneiform osteotomies. These osteot-
omies are used to correct hallux valgus deformities
with increased intermetatarsal angles greater than 16°.
Phalangeal osteotomy is limited to those cases in
which structural deformity of the phalanx exist such as
a transverse plane clinodactyly. Epiphysiodesis has
been reported to be successful in the management of
juvenile hallux valgus, and is best used in the child that
is approaching skeletal maturity.
Complications following surgery for juvenile hallux
valgus include recurrence of the deformity, Scranton
and Zuckerman
reported a failure rate of 50 percent
in patients with long first metatarsals and a 56 percent
failure rate associated with collapsing pes valgo
planus. Drennan,
at an American Academy of Ortho-
pedic Surgeons meeting in 1990, reported 30 to 50
percent recurrence of deformity after an initial proce-
dure requiring secondary intervention. Metatarsalgia
may occur postoperatively with excessive elevation or
shortening of distal or proximal osteotomies. Exces-
sive dorsiflexion may also lead to joint stiffness and
secondary hallux rigidus. Total or partial premature
epiphyseal plate closure may occur and result in short-
ening or angular deformity of the metatarsal, under-
correction, or overcorrection. Epiphyseal plate clo-
sure may result secondary to osteotomy or arthrodesis
of the metatarsal cuneiform articulation.
Juvenile hallux valgus is a complex deformity that
needs careful preoperative clinical and radiographic
evaluation. Consideration should be given to the ap-
propriate timing of the procedure relative to the skele-
tal growth of the child. It is important to remember
that no one procedure is appropriate for all juvenile
or adolescent hallux valgus deformities.
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