How would you describe your hometown?

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Talking about your town and



How would you describe your hometown?

  • How would you describe your hometown?

  • My hometown is a small town in the south of England called Shorewood. It is 45 miles from London, in the countryside. There is a small industrial zone in the town but most people who live there commute to London for work. It is in the middle of a big agricultural area. It’s not polluted or noisy, just the usual smells and sounds of rural life! There is a traditional market in the centre of town twice a week but there are no large shopping malls. There is a very beautiful church in the town centre and there are some lovely parks around the town. There is also a canal that runs through the town and some people still live on houseboats on the water. It is a fairly sleepy town and most teenagers can’t wait to leave.

  • As well as talking about your hometown, you could be asked about the differences between urban and rural life and whether life in the city is better than life in the countryside.

  • It’s helpful to think about the differences between city life and country life to start with. First, let’s make a list of some features of city and country life. I’ll start but you need to add your own ideas to the lists!

Where are you from? Well, I am from (…say the place’s name you are from…) which is in (…city or district name…). It is a famous town which has a rich tradition and history. I am proud to be born there.

  • Where are you from? Well, I am from (…say the place’s name you are from…) which is in (…city or district name…). It is a famous town which has a rich tradition and history. I am proud to be born there.

  • • Do you live in a village or in a town? I live in a town which is (…say the town name…). It is, in fact, a very big town with more than 2 million populations. In recent years very rapid development took place in this town and it looks more like a large modern city these days, especially the northern part of the city.

  • • Who do you live with? I live with my family. My family consists of my parents, my 3 siblings, my grandma and one of our younger uncles. We have a large number of house staffs who work for us and live in our house.

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