I lost my sense of smell four years ago. The doctors told me that it is natural and that it is not a sickness

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case 0207

I have not been able to smell for a while now. It is really bad because I can't smell good things like candles, flowers, etc. I went to a doctor who said he didn't know what could have caused it.

case 0208

I first noticed that I was getting phantom smells about eleven years ago. I might be sitting in my office and smell paint fumes when no one else could. Over time I noticed that I couldn't detect the more delicate smells like flowers and only taste stronger flavors like curries and heavily flavored spicy foods. Now I taste very little, more textures and salty things. I occasionally get a sense of smell in the left nostril but can't identify what it is, just if it's pleasant or not. I have no idea what started it.

case 0209

A few months ago, after a severe two week headache, I lost my sense of smell. The doctors could not find any reason but I can't smell anything anymore. I sometimes feel like I smell some of the different drugs I am taking to heal my headache. Right now I am not using any drugs but I feel uncomfortable to be in this situation. My sense of smell was very strong before this incident.

case 0210

I had a very bad cold and used some outdated nasal inhaler. The cold went away after about ten days but my sense of smell did not return after the cold. About six months after this cold I started smelling a little better but I noticed some organic odors smelled really bad, like garbage. I continue to have this smell disorder. Many smells of food seem like they are rotten or a mild garbage smell. Some odors seem like something I've never sensed before. Coffee and orange Juice for example smell pretty bad to me. I used to love these smells. Orange peel smells awful. I don't know if my sense of smell will recover or if I will have this problem for the rest of my life.

case 0211

My loss of smell has been gradual. I had to guess when I first noticed it. It is almost completely gone now. I sought out medical treatment but found no relief there. The only thing that I think I can still smell is ammonia. I worry that I might not notice a fire, or a gas leak, or any of the other things that might happen due to having no sense of smell.

case 0212

I noticed that after staying in a house where there was considerable mildew I seemed to have a lessened sense of smell. This was at the age of 67. When I hold a flower I sense that something is in the air, but I really can't call it a smell or odor. It's like the form of a smell is there, but there really isn't a smell.
Occasionally if I pass a really strong source of smell such as a petroleum refinery I get a burst of smell, but it doesn't last very long. I went to see an otolaryngologist. He said that my sinuses were blocking smells from getting to my olfactory nerves.

case 0213

Four years ago, during what I thought was a sinus infection but has later been found to be a migraine, I could smell a peculiar smell of burnt rubber. The burnt rubber smell did continue and waxed and waned over the months. If I breathe through my mouth, it is not noticeable. The smell does not correlate with migraine attacks. It is just there off and on for no real reason.

case 0214

I was born without the ability to smell. This was confirmed by an ear nose throat doctor after getting an MRI.

case 0215

One day about 10 years ago I realized that I could not smell anything. This happened after open heart surgery. What does happen is that I can detect paint fumes from rooms a week to two weeks after the room or item has been painted. My taste buds are challenged with sour foods. But most of my smells around food are memories. I have electric appliances as opposed to gas for fear of not being able to smell a fire.

case 0216

As a child I had a decreased sense of smell and problems with overgrown adenoids so I am a mouth breather. Increasingly I have troubles because I hallucinate the odor of cigarette smoke and now I seem to smell foul odors in the house that no one else notices and I'm gagging my family with air deodorizers. I have chronic sinusitis and many times can't detect odors that would be helpful (like when the leftovers in the fridge have gone bad).

case 0217

I had spinal meningitis twice. I developed a spinal fluid leak and had a craniotomy to fix the leak. I haven't been able to smell since.

case 0218

I notice that I lost my sense of smell about a year ago. Now I can't smell anything. I put on tons of perfume. Even when I change diapers, I can't smell anything.

case 0219

I am experiencing a loss of smell. I can smell only strong odors form a small distance. I cannot smell fragrances at all , except a few times when I literally have to hold it against my nose. Along with this loss, I am also losing my sense of taste. Subtle flavors are out for me.

case 0220

I lost my sense of smell five years ago after a head injury. I could not smell or taste after my accident. It got a little better with time. Sometimes I have a memory of a smell and think I really smell again only to be disappointed when the feeling passes.

case 0221

After a mild upper respiratory infection, I now suffer from hyposmia and dysosmia. I can smell some things and not others i.e. I can smell some essential oils however they are not as strong or as sharp as I remember them to be. I have also come to notice that I have trouble smelling things with strong odors like fish sauce, dog muck, curry... On the other hand I sometimes can smell the delicate smell of a rose. I also receive the same strange chemical (burnt citrus) smell, particularly when moving into a new area i.e. going outside from inside. This smell slowly subsides; however, a new odor in this vicinity can easily bring this smell back again. I also often experience phantom smells of cigarette smoke. My sense of taste has been somewhat effected. This condition has made me quickly fall into a depression and has altered my life completely.

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