I lost my sense of smell. I've had two sinus surgeries, but my smell comes back only after using prednisone, and that only lasts for about 1-2 weeks...
case 0478
I have a lengthy history of post nasal drip, following a respiratory illness. I had a reduced sense of smell for many years and quite recently I noticed my sense of smell had almost disappeared.
case 0479
I noticed a smell in my nostrils in my 30s. I have been to an ear nose throat specialist but to no avail. The smell is now giving me a headache and I find it very difficult to concentrate. I now feel uncomfortable to sit among people and even going to lectures has become a problem for me.
case 0480
I fell and hit my head. I noticed that I lost my sense of smell the following day. A CT scan revealed some slight brain bleeding. This has been resolved but the sense of smell never returned. My neurologist claimed that my olfactory nerves were severed.I can smell certain types of odors. I can tell when popcorn has been microwaved; I can detect smoke and can tell if a restaurant is cooking seafood. My sense of taste is about 50% reduced. I can taste sweet and spicy foods but many spices have no taste at all.
case 0481
A few days after being knocked unconscious I noticed I could not smell aftershave, but I just assumed that I had a sinus problem. Since then my sense of smell has been altered. It is not completely gone; however some things smell different than before. Also, as you would expect, my taste has been affected.
case 0482
After a viral infection with fever I started smelling a funny chemical smell and I still have it today. The odor does get stronger at times.
case 0483
For the past couple of weeks I have a distorted sense of smell. The one scent that I normally would enjoy is the smell of toast. However, now it smells like burning flesh. It makes me feel queasy and the thought of eating is difficult. Aside from the toast "trigger" it seems as though there's a general sweet-like rotten smell everywhere. I have researched this condition online and found that there seems to be a link with upper respiratory infections. I have had a dry raspy cough for about the same amount of time I've had the parosmia.
case 0484
In the past month I have started to smell garlic in random places and on random people. The main places I notice garlic is on my toothbrush (which has been doused in alcohol, hot water, and Benzyl Peroxide several times), in eggs, on my boyfriend's breath (he swears he hasn't handled or eaten it in over a week), and in my coffee. I do have an extremely keen sense of smell, so this is driving me a bit crazy trying to figure out if I'm smelling something that normal people can't (which happens all the time), or if my brain is going haywire. I hope this isn't permanent as garlic is a fairly awful scent to be stuck with.
case 0485
About 18 years ago I was in an accident that changed my sense of smell. Anything and everything for me just smelled of either chocolate or oranges... I had a consultation with a neurologist who said my normal sense of smell would return in time. Eventually, it did return. My sense of smell is now back to normal but not as sharp as before the accident.
case 0486
I was diagnosed with sinusitis and I have totally lost my sense of smell as a result. No cure was suggested and I was told that my sense of smell may never return. It has not in the two years since.
case 0487
A year ago, at age 58, I had a very bad cold and cough. I lost my sense of smell and taste. Three months later it still hadn't returned so I went to two different doctors and to the hospital. During this time I started experiencing distorted smells and tastes. I was told that nothing could be done to restore my sense of smell and taste. Now, a year later, I can taste salty, spicy, and sweet. Smell is really weird. I sometimes smell things that are not there or smell completely different from what they should smell like.
case 0488
My nose does not know what smell is. I never cover my face for bad smells and never get excited for good smells. I feel my nose is just for breathing in and out.
case 0489
Approximately eight years ago, when I was 44 years old, I started to notice that I couldn't taste my food. It was a gradual process. I also couldn't smell. It is the most devastating feeling in the world! Sometimes I want to just scream with frustration!! I believe that my loss of my sense of smell has something to do with my nasal polyps and asthma.
case 0490
I had an accident nine months ago. I lost my sense of smell. It has not been restored yet.
case 0491
My sense of smell diminished. Sometimes I can smell about half of what was normal for me, most of the time it is about twenty percent of normal.
case 0492
I lost my sense of smell and taste due to sinus polyps. I regained it briefly after using prednisone on three occasions and after the first time I had surgery for removing polyps. After a second surgery to remove polyps seven months ago my sense of smell did not return.
case 0493
Lately I am constantly smelling gasoline exhaust and my nose is very dry.
case 0494
Approximately six months ago I fell and struck my head, losing consciousness for several minutes. I have lost all sense of taste and smell. Absolutely 100%! I never tied the fall and the loss of my sense of smell together until doing some research on the internet today.
case 0495
I noticed a loss of sense of smell recently and through research on the internet have reasoned that this is possibly due to consumption of alcohol. Since reading this I have noticed that drinking just one or two glasses of wine leads to me losing my sense of smell for a few days. Five days ago I drank a glass of red wine and a glass of champagne. For four days I put perfume on my wrist and was unable to smell it at all. Then this morning my sense of smell returned and I could smell it well. I can't tell if something is burning in the oven or if I've trodden on any chicken poo, or if clothing smells and needs washing. Not being able to smell is really quite disabling.