И. В. Арнольд лексикология современного английского языка Издание

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Arnold I.V. The English Word

compare; cp. (Lat comparare) compare’, e.g. (Lat exempli gratia)

  • for example; ib(id) (Lat ibidem) in the same place; i.e. (Lat id est)

  • that is; loc.cit. (Lat locus citato) in the passage cited; ob. (Lat obiit) he (she) died; q.v. (Lat quod vide) which see; p.m. (Lat post meridiem) in the afternoon; viz (Lat videlicet) namely, sometimes read viz. Actual letters are also read in the following cases: a.m. ['ei'em], e.g., i.e., q.v., p.m.

    An interesting feature of present-day English is the use of initial abbreviations for famous persons’ names and surnames. Thus, George Bernard Shaw is often alluded to as G.B.S. ['dзi:'bi:'es], Herbert George Wells as H.G. The usage is clear from the following example: “Oh, yes ... where was I?” “With H.G.’s Martians,” I told him (Wyndham).

    Journalistic abbreviations are often occasioned by a desire to economise head-line space, as seen from the following example “CND Calls Lobby to Stop MLF” ("Daily Worker"). This means that a mass lobby of Parliament against the NATO multilateral nuclear force (MLF) is being called by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).

    These regular developments are in some cases combined with occasional jocular or accidental distortions. The National Economic Development Council is facetiously termed Neddy. Elementary education is colloquially referred to as the three R’s — reading, (w)riting and ‘rithmetic. Some kind of witty folk etymology is at play when the abbreviation C.B. for construction battalions in the navy is respelt into sea bees. The two well-known Americanisms jeep and okay may be mentioned in this connection. Jeep meaning ‘a small military motor vehicle’ comes from g.p. ['dзi:'pi:] (the initials of general purpose). Okay, OK may be an illiterate misinterpretation of the initials in all correct. Various other historic anecdotes have been also offered by way of explanation of the latter.


    It must be emphasised that initial abbreviation, no less than other types of shortening, retains the valency, i.e. the combining possibilities of the prototypes. The difference in distribution is conditioned only by a change of meaning (lexical or more rarely lexico-grammatical). Abbreviations receive the plural and Possessive case inflections: G.I.’s, M.P.’s, P.O.W.’s (from prisoner of war), also the verb paradigm: okays, okayed, okaying. E. g. A hotel’s no life for you... Why don’t you come and P.G. with me? (A. Wilson) Here P.G. is an abbreviation for paying guest. Like all nouns they can be used attributively: BBC television, TV program, UN vote.

    A specifically English word pattern almost absent in the Russian language must be described in connection with initial abbreviations in which the first element is a letter and the second a complete word. The examples are: A-bomb for atomic bomb, V-sign — a sign made by holding the hand up with the first two fingers spread with the palm facing forward in the shape of a V used for expressing victory or the hope for it. A like sign made with the back of the hand facing forward expressed dislike and is considered very rude. The example is interesting, because it shows the connection between the lexical system and paralinguistic means of communication, that is gestures, mimics and prosodic means (from para ‘beyond’).

    There is no uniformity in semantic relationships between the elements: Z-bar is a metallic bar with a cross section shaped like the letter Z, while Z-hour is an abbreviation of zero-hour meaning ‘the time set for the beginning of the attack’, U is standing for upper classes in such combinations as U-pronunciation, U-language. Cf.: U-boat ‘a submarine’. Non-U is its opposite. So Non-U speakers are those whose speech habits show that they do not belong to the upper classes.

    It will have been noted that all kinds of shortening are very productive in present-day English. They are especially numerous in colloquial speech, both familiar colloquial and professional slang. They display great combining activity and form bases for further word-formation and inflection.

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