Identifying Expressions of Emotion in Text

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Identifying Expressions of Emotion in Text

Table 6. Pair-wise agreement in emotion indicators
















  1. Automatic Emotion Classification

Our long-term research goal is fine-grained automatic classification of sentences on the basis of emotion categories. The initial focus is on recognizing emotional sentences in text, regardless of their emotion category. For this experiment, we extracted all those sentences from the corpus for which there was consensus among the judges on their emotion category. This was done to form a gold standard of emotion-labeled sentences for training and evaluation of classifiers. Next, we assigned all emotion category sentences to the class “EM”, while all no emotion sentences were assigned to the class “NE”. The resulting dataset had 1466 sentences belonging to the EM class and 2800 sentences belonging to the NE class.

    1. Feature Set

In defining the feature set for automatic classification of emotional sentences, we were looking for features which distinctly characterize emotional expressions, but are not likely to be found in the non-emotional ones. The most appropriate features that distinguish emotional and non-emotional expressions are obvious emotion words present in the sentence. To recognize such words, we used two publicly available lexical resources – the General Inquirer [16] and WordNet-Affect [17].
The General Inquirer (GI) is a useful resource for content analysis of text. It consists of words drawn from several dictionaries and grouped into various semantic categories. It lists different senses of a term and for each sense it provides several tags indicating the different semantic categories it belongs to. We were interested in the tags representing emotion-related semantic categories. The tags we found relevant are EMOT (emotion) – used with obvious emotion words; Pos/Pstv (positive) and Neg/Ngtv (negative) – used to indicate the valence of emotion-related words; Intrj (interjections); and Pleasure and Pain.
WordNet-Affect (WNA) assigns a variety of affect labels to a subset of synsets in WordNet. We utilized the publicly available lists3 extracted from WNA, consisting of emotion-related words. There are six lists corresponding to the six basic emotion categories identified by Ekman [3].
Beyond emotion-related lexical features, we note that the emotion information in text is also expressed through the use of symbols such as emoticons and punctuation (such as “!”). We, therefore, introduced two more features to account for such symbols. All features are summarized in Table 7 (the feature vector represented counts for all features).

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