Doyouhaveafavoritebook?Yes, I really love Harry PorterWhowroteit? ThisbookwaswrittenbyJ.K.Rowling.SheisaBritishauthorwhoisnowveryfamousforwritingthisbook.
What happens in the book?
Well, a lot of things are happening in the book. Basically, it’s about a boy, Harry,whodiscovershehasamagicalpower…
When did you read it?
IfirstreadthisbooksinceIwas14yearsold… What I am doing here is I am trying to produce extended answers to part 1speakingquestions . That’s a key here. Donot think of this asa2-minutespeech ; that’s too much. Instead, think of it as 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds, and 20 seconds . Littlepiecesaremoreimportant .
There are some challenges in part 2 speaking. One of the big challenges coming up with an idea is that youdon’tknowwhattheyaregoingtogiveyouonacard . It could be anything. Some things are easy to prepare for, other things are weird.
Forexample:Areyoureadytotalkaboutyourfavoritecomicactor?Maybenot Whoisthecomicactor?You might notbeready to talk about this topic, and in order to choose a good thing to talk about is also a challenge.
The other thing is taking notes and using them. The only purpose of these notes is for you. Youdon’treceiveabandscorefortakingnotes . The examiner will not collect it, and they will throw it into the trash. So the only purpose that the notes have is for you to be using while you are speaking . You don’t have towritesentencesonyourpieceofpaper because you have very limited time.
Instead, you should writekeywords , and 1,2or3phrases that when you look at the words, they give you ideas for other things to talk about.
So if you are going to answer “whyisityourfavoritebook?” You could say: it’sexciting, and then explain whyitisexciting by looking at your notes and start talking. Looking at keywords will allow you to talk a lot of things about your favorite book.
Today I’m gonna tell you about Harry porter, one of my favorite books. Thisnovel is written by J. K. Rowling . She is now a famous British author. In fact ,this was the first book that she ever wrote. In this book, I meet my hero HarryPorter,heisayoungboywhofindsoutthathehasamagicalpower,thereforehegoes to school to develop his power and learn skills that using poison….. I firstreadthisbook15yearsagoduringthewintertimewhentheweatherwasreallycoldoutside.IgotthisbookforChristmas,myfriendhadrecommendedittomebecausehehadreaditandreallyenjoyedit…Ilovethisbookbecauseit’ssoexciting.WhatImeanistherearealotofamazingadventuresandpowers…it’sreally well written, and has a lot of interesting things to read. And finally, Ireally like Harry, he is a really friendly and charming boy…. actually , I reallyliketoreadthisbook. Answerstructure:Explaining--addingideas--explaining--examples Another challenge in part 2 speaking is a lack of question. In part 2 speaking, there is no question, so what you need to do is to show the examiner whereyouaretalkingabout?Howyouaretalking?Signalandpausecan allow you tobealot more organized , take a breath and allow the examiner to easily find you while you are speaking.
Coherenceandcohesion: are you speakingsmoothly(not tooquickly)a
inanorganizedwaythat is easytounderstand.
Vocabulary: are you using awiderangeofwords,verbforms?Are you
beingdescriptive? Are you paraphrasing? Is your vocabularyaccurate
Grammar: sentence structures; concession&contrast; conditionals(it depends…); verb tenses (using a range of verb tenses); verb forms ; adjectives(be descriptive + explain adjectives); referencing&pronouns.
Pronunciation (focus on the finalsounds,intonation,wordstress)
Remember to include a clear introduction and conclusion to your Part 2 speech.
If you find yourself having nothing to say in the middle of your talk, take a moment to refocus by using one of the useful phrases like:
Doyouneed eyecontact inIELTSspeaking?
There is nothing in the IELTS exam that has anything about eye contact. Of course, you want to keep some eye contact with the examiner. This is polite but you’ve got some notes in front of you that you took, you’ve got the card in front of you. You’re speaking, you’re reading the notes, and you’re thinking about more things to say. You’ve got a lot of things going on. In the exam, this is quite more important. Looking at the examiner and keeping some eye contact with him is NOT important . I would say if you worry about it, you should stayfocused , stay focused , stay focusedand look at the examiner every once in awhile. When the examiner gives you a minute to take notes, take your notes.
The examiner will tell you when your time is up. Please don’t take notes and say “canIhavemoretime?”–Itneverhappens.Likewise,whenyour1minuteisup, the examiner will say “your time is up” , and now you can start yourspeaking.
The keyword of part 2 speaking is beingorganized,beingorganizedandbeingorganizedso the examiner can follow what you are talking about and trytobeinfluent , trytoproducealotofEnglishfor2minutes . Be strict with your time when you practice, don’t ever give your short speech for over 2 minutes.
Most common things we usually do in part 2 speaking is aplace,aperson,anevent,anexperience,oranobject. If you are describing aplace , you should provide some details like whereisitlocated?Whendidyoufirstgothere?Whatdoesitlooklike?Whathappenedthere?Whyyouwerethere?Whatyoudidthere?Howdidyoufeelaboutthisplace?Whydidyourememberthisplacesowell?Whatdoyourememberthemostaboutthisplace?Whydoyouthinkthisplaceissobeautiful? Pay attention to the verbtenses (present tense, past tense…)