The nice thing about advantages and disadvantages questions is the fact that you can change a lot of part 3 speaking questions intoadvantagesanddisadvantagesquestions .
Example:Shouldparentslimittheamountoffastfoodtheirchildreneat?You can say: Yes,theyshouldbecausefastfoodhasalotofdisadvantages.Great, you have just switched the question into disadvantages question .
Moreover, this kind of language is something that comes up in task 2 writing.
Use introducing advantages phrases:
One of the main advantages of X is…. One of the main benefits of X is….
Another good thing about X is…..
One more great thing about X is… Example: Oneofthemainbenefits/advantagesofowningacaristhatitisconvenient(longdistancetravel) Anothergoodthingaboutowningacarisweatherprotection. Onemoregreatthingaboutcarownershipistime-consuming/savealotoftimecomparedtopublictransportation/carrymorepeople. Then you simply signal something like “in contrast/however/on the otherhand”and tell the listener that you have done talking about the advantages, now you are talking about the disadvantages.
The main disadvantage of X is: Themaindisadvantageoflivinginamoderncityisthenoise.(About the environment)
One drawback of X is: Onedrawbackofowningacaristhatit’sveryexpensive. (About finance)
One disadvantage of X is: Onedisadvantageofowningacarisbeingabletofindaparkingspaceinmajorcities. “A car offers a lot of conveniences, but it can be inconvenient too.”“Althoughacarisveryconvenient,sometimesit’sveryinconvenient.” “Itcanbeagreatconveniencetoownacar.However,itcanbeinconvenient, for example, in many cities, owing a car could cause you to get stuck in thetrafficjambecausecarsarenotasmoveableasmotorbikes.Moreover,trendtofind parking can be a problem because there are not a lot of areas for carparkinginmajorcities.” “Althoughcarsshowpeoplehowrichyouare,theydocostalotofmoney(taxes,gas,parking,services...)”
Does fast food have any positive effect on society?
You could say: Yes,itdoes.Oneoftheadvantagesoffastfoodisthatitisveryconvenient. How? Now you need to explain how it is convenient.
WhatImeaniswhenpeopleareverybusy,theycanstopsomewhereandgetsomethingdelicioustoeat,anditdoesn’ttakeverylong…… Some good language here: concession&contrast.
Somethingistrue at the same time somethingelseistrue .
Hypotheticals are very important when it comes to part 1 and part 2 speaking. When they give you a hypothetical question, they are signaling that they want a certain kind of answer. They are signaling that they want a certain type of grammar here. That’s very important that we understand hypotheticals.
A hypothetical is animaginarysituation . If we are talking about the future, it’s an imaginary situation. What you need to pay attention to hypotheticals will be dealingwiththemodalverbs “would/could/should” . You might hear these questions in part 1 speaking “would/could/should” like “would you ever rideyourmotorbikewithoutyourhelmet?”It is a hypothetical question.
You even might get hypotheticalquestionsinthepast .
We talk about things that we would do. When we talk about things that we would do, we need to signal that we are talking about things in the past; and you’re talking about things that you did a lot in the past. For example, you might say:
IhadalotoffunwhenIwasakid.MyfriendsandIwouldoftengotothebeach,andsometimesweplayedfootball.Occasionally,wewouldgotothemovie. So what I am saying “wewouldoftengotothebeach”; “wewouldgotothemovie” I’m using the same modal verbs that I am using for the future tense, but I’m using them in the past. I’m signaling that I am talking in the past. It’s a very useful grammar structure because you are talking with the examiner about things that you did a lot in the past.
When it comes to the part 2 speaking, if the examiner gives you a hypothetical question, they are going to ask you to talk about the future.
Do you live in an apartment or a house?
Iliveinanapartment.Is this a good answer? Of course, not. What should you say?
Iliveinabigapartmentwiththreeclassmatesonthecornerof….(much better).
Which is the best room?
Whatwouldyouliketochange?( Pay attention to the modal “would”)
IwouldchangethecolorofmywallsI’dpaintmywalls I’dbuildabookshelf. I’dbuyabigTelevision. PRACTICEQUESTIONS What are the advantages of owning and using a car? What are the disadvantages?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media websites?
Tell me about the disadvantages of city life?
Compare the advantages of working from home with the disadvantages
What are some disadvantages of studying abroad?
What are the advantages of travelling alone? What are the disadvantages?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet for completing homework?