Payments for the elderly – payments for people over 65 years old and in need of personal care. Welfare Rights 1; Welfare Rights see 8.
Council tax deductions-Social Security Rights see 6.
The team on duty providing non-postponement assistance is a team of local government social workers who provide social work services at times when offices are closed at night, on weekends and holidays.
In general, the team includes a wide geographical area, for example, the whole country, and provides services in urgent cases. Such cases include a person's stay in a hospital for the mentally retarded or being taken away from his parents to free the child from parental oppression. The team members are experienced professionals with the ability to work with a psychiatrist and militia who arrive quickly when called.
Respect for people is a well – established value that emphasizes that in social work all people deserve respect for being human.
He came from the principle that respect should not depend on either the importance of the individual or the character aspect that this may indicate. Some authors believe that respect for people in social work should be the most fundamental value from which all values originate. However, in the rules of the Diploma of social work, the Central Consulate of education and preparation for Social Work gives an equal assessment of all the values listed, citing in the list of values that social workers should be responsible for respect.
Mustaqil ta’lim mavzulari: Keksa insonlarning yolg’izlik muammolari;
Jamiyatning munosabatlar tizimia keksalar ijtimoiy guruhining roli va o‘rni.
Keksalik yoshiga tayyorgarlik va faol keksalikning namoyon bo‘lishi;