International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECS)
ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 04 2022
DOI: 10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I4.348
achieving a certain financial and social result; revision of preferences on customs duties; establishment of acceptable
customs duty rates by abolishing preferences
for goods used in production; the introduction of benefits not for
individual entities, but for industries or types of goods (services, works). Strengthening the confidence of the
population and businesses in the banking system, ensuring effective and mutually beneficial cooperation between
banks and businesses. Reduction and simplification of the tax burden, on this basis, the expansion of production and
tax base, ie the right to defer the payment of a single tax for a certain period of time to newly established
businesses that are building facilities for their own needs; the introduction of a system of incentives for small
businesses to pay value added tax.
In order to support entrepreneurship and improve the business environment, the following will be done, ie the
transfer of some oversight functions of regulatory authorities to civil society institutions and public administration
bodies; simplification of the system of cash payments for the sale of goods through information and communication
technologies, as well as the export of products through international trading platforms using international payment
cards, in strict compliance with the rules of collection
of funds in business entities, servicing banks; legal entities
will be able to pay for any expenses related to production, trade, services, work, including the payment of state
duties and taxes from corporate bank cards; reduction and simplification of licensing and permitting procedures in
the field of entrepreneurial activity. Development of mechanisms for financing promising
projects in the field of
entrepreneurship and innovation, including the legal status of venture funds and the order of their organization;
regulation of venture companies and funds, venture fund management companies and innovative enterprises;
training of qualified management and expert staff for venture companies and funds and insurance of venture
projects. Priority should be given to supporting entrepreneurial initiatives to
address local social problems,
especially youth and women's entrepreneurship. To this end, a wide range of opportunities will be opened for the
population and entrepreneurs, microfinance services and financial resources, public procurement. Through such
measures, our people will have the desire and confidence to become entrepreneurs, they will strive to earn more.
In our opinion, special attention should be paid to the following in the state support for the further development
of small business and private entrepreneurship. First, the effective use of the services
of logistics centers in the
export of products of small businesses, ie the quality development of marketing services and thus ensure the
competitiveness of our national products in world markets; Second, to improve public services for entrepreneurs to
develop exports on a "one-stop shop" basis; Third, great emphasis should be placed on encouraging research and
innovation for entrepreneurship. At the same time, based on mutual (corporate) cooperation between the public and
private entrepreneurship sectors, ie the broad and effective use of scientific achievements;
application of new
innovative technologies in business activities; introduction of the latest technologies in production; modernization of
all sectors and industries of the national economy is of great importance.
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