18 Improve your Communication Skills
• Profit analysis;
• Asian market;
• Operations Director.
To turn them into ideas, we have to create statements about
• Profit analysis shows an upturn in sales of consumables
over the last year.
• The Asian market has become unstable.
• Bill Freeman is now Operations Director.
These sentences create meaning by saying something about the
names. What we have done is very simple: we have created
Ideas are the currency of communication. We are paid for
our ideas. When we communicate, we trade ideas. Like currency,
ideas come in larger or smaller denominations: there are
big ideas, and little ideas. We can assemble the little ones into
larger units, by summarising them. Like currencies, ideas have a
value and that value can change: some ideas become more
valuable as others lose their value. We judge the quality of an idea
by how
it is.
The most effective communication makes ideas explicit. We
may take one idea and pit it against another. We may seek the
evidence behind an idea or the consequences pursuing it. We
might enrich an idea with our feelings about it. Whatever
strategy we adopt, our purpose in communicating is to create and
share ideas.
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