International Congress on Multidisciplinary Studies in Education and Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany June 3 rd 2022 243
This chain allows someone to sign a secret letter, transfer money to an account or enter into
an electronic contract, for someone else - to check the source of the document and the
identity of the signatory. NIST is working with several other organizations in this direction.
Networks have set up firewalls, even though Internet networks have blocked open
communication due to hacker attacks.
Without perfect software like PGP, there would be no open network.
Protecting a network from computer intrusions is a constant and intractable problem. But
with a series of simple protections, most intrusions into the network can be prevented. For
example, a well-configured firewall and antivirus software installed on each workstation
(computer) will prevent most computer attacks. The following are 14 practical tips for
protecting your intranet. Security policy should be clear and concise. There should be rules
and procedures in place to ensure that the intranet security is set in a clear and consistent
manner. The more secure a network security system is, the stronger it is. If there are several
networks within an organization with different security policies, one network may lose its
reputation due to the poor security of another network. Organizations should adopt a security
policy so that the expected level of protection is the same everywhere. The most important
aspect of the policy is the development of a single requirement for traffic through firewalls.
The policy should also specify which security devices (e.g., intrusion detection tools or
vulnerability scanners) in the network and how they should be used, and define standard
security configurations for different types of computers to achieve a single level of security.
Brandmauer (firewalls, English-firewalls,) should be used. This is the organization’s most
basic means of protection. Controls the incoming and outgoing traffic (information flow)
from the network. It can block or control any type of traffic. A well-configured bradmauer
can repel most computer attacks. firewalls, smart cards and other hardware and software
protection tools should be used wisely.
Brandmauer and WWW-servers should be tested for their resistance to threats of shutdown.
Attacks aimed at shutting down a computer are common on the Internet. Attackers are
constantly shutting down WWW sites, overloading computers with redundant tasks, or filling
networks with meaningless packages. This type of aggression can be very serious, especially
if the attacker is smart enough to organize ongoing attacks. Because the source of this cannot
be found. Networks concerned about security may organize attacks on themselves to estimate
the damage that would result from such attacks. It is advisable to conduct such analyzes only
by experienced system administrators or specialized consultants. Cryptosystems should be
widely used. Attackers often infiltrate the network by listening to traffic passing through its
important locations, using users to separate the traffic and their passwords. Therefore,
connections to remote machines must be encrypted when they are password protected. This is
especially necessary when the connection is made via Internet channels or connected to an
important server. There are commercial and free programs for encrypting TCP / IP (the most
popular SSH) traffic. Using them will prevent aggression. The most reliable means of
protecting the flow of information and resources on the Intranet, combined with the Internet
environment, is the joint use of symmetric and symmetric cryptosystems. Computers need to
be configured competently from a security standpoint. When operating systems are
reinstalled on a computer, they are often vulnerable to intrusion. This allows the attacker to
use many methods to attack the car. Therefore, all unnecessary network tools should be
disconnected from the computer. Patching. Companies are constantly making corrections to
fix bugs found in their programs. If these errors are not corrected, the attacker can use it to
attack your program and through it your computer. System administrators must first protect
the necessary hosts by installing fixes to programs on their most essential systems. This is
because fixes occur frequently and you may not have time to install them on all computers.