Insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring system

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After the transmitter and sensor are connected, they form a water-tight seal to a depth of 8 feet (2.4
meters) for up to 30 minutes. You can shower and swim without removing them. Avoid taking hot baths
as this may significantly reduce the sensor's life.
Once out of the water, put the pump back on and reconnect the infusion set.
Check your infusion set tape and the sensor tape to make sure that they are not damaged.
Using your sensor
Chapter 9

Using your sensor

Alarm review
You can review alarms and their details in the ALARM HISTORY screen. This screen shows up to 36 past
alarms, errors, or LOW RESERVOIR and LOW BATTERY alerts.
Go to the ALARM HISTORY screen.
Main > Utilities > Alarm > Alarm History
Scroll through your past alarms.
In the ALARM HISTORY screen, select the alarm you want to review and press ACT. The details for that
alarm will appear on the screen.
Press ESC to return to the ALARM HISTORY screen. Select another alarm to review, or exit the menus if
you are done.
Setting your alert type
You can select the type of alert your pump uses (for alarms, special conditions and programming). You can
select a vibrate (silent) alert, or an audible beep alert. There are three beep types: long, medium and
short tones. The factory setting for this feature is beep-medium.
The vibrate alert type is disabled if you use the block feature, and vibrate must be set again once block is
turned off. Vibrate uses more battery power than the beep alert type and may shorten battery life. If your
alert type is set to vibrate and you get a LOW BATTERY alert, your pump will use the beep alert type
instead to conserve battery power. 
Go to the ALERT TYPE screen.
Main > Utilities > Alarm > Alert Type
Select your alert type and press ACT. That alert type is now active. Exit the menus.
Chapter 10

The factory setting for this feature is Off. This is a safety feature that stops insulin delivery after a
defined time period (from 1 to 24 hours). If the pump detects that no buttons have been pressed for the
selected amount of time in Auto-off, insulin delivery will stop and an alarm will sound. You may choose to
program this feature into your pump based on the number of hours that you usually sleep at night. Discuss
what uses and settings are best for you with your healthcare professional.
Go to the AUTO OFF DURATION screen.
Main > Utilities > Alarm > Auto Off
Set the number of hours you want to set and press ACT.
If you do not want to use the Auto Off feature, make sure the hour is set to zero (0).
The screen will return to the ALARM MENU. The Auto Off feature is now set. Exit the menus.
LOW RESV WARNING (Low reservoir warning)
Allows you to program the pump to sound an alert before your reservoir is empty. You can select one of
these warning types:

a specified number of units that remain in the reservoir

a specified maximum amount of time that remains before the reservoir will be empty
The factory setting for this feature is 20 insulin units.
If you use Time as the low reservoir warning type and you deliver large boluses, the actual time remaining
could be less than the warning time. The warning time is based on the basal insulin delivery rate. The
Time low reservoir warning type is intended to let you know if you will have enough insulin while you are
Go to the RESV WARNING TYPE screen.
Main > Utilities > Alarm > Low Resv Warning
Select Insulin Units or Time and press ACT.
WARNING: When the pump detects a low reservoir condition during a bolus or prime delivery,
the LOW RESERVOIR alert displays after the delivery is finished. Make sure to check the
volume of your reservoir to ensure enough insulin is available.

a. For Insulin units:
In the WARNING UNITS screen enter the number of units you want remaining for the first warning,
then press ACT.
The pump displays a LOW RESERVOIR alert first when the specified units remain, then again when
half that remaining amount is used.
b. For Time:
In the WARNING TIME screen enter the amount of remaining time you want the first warning, then
press ACT.
The pump displays a LOW RESERVOIR alert first when the specified time remains, then again one
hour before empty.
Review daily insulin totals
The DAILY TOTALS screen provides a day-by-day history of the total amount of insulin that delivered for
the past 31 days. This screen includes all bolus and basal amounts delivered midnight-to-midnight for each
of the past 31 days. The Today line in the DAILY TOTALS screen shows the amount of insulin you delivered
so far that day. 
The insulin used to prime your pump is not included in the DAILY TOTALS screen. This amount is counted
separately and shown in the PRIME HISTORY screen.
Question: Why should I review my daily totals?
Answer: Comparing your daily insulin deliveries to your blood glucose records helps you and your
healthcare professional identify your optimal daily insulin rate(s).
Question: What is included in the daily totals?
Answer: Daily totals include all basal and bolus insulin deliveries and meter blood glucose information for
that day.
Chapter 10

Pump data management
The pump data management feature allows you and your healthcare professional to view and manage your
basal and bolus insulin delivery, food intake, and BG data with averages. You can view the details of each
day individually or you can average the data over a specified number of days (up to 31 days).

Daily totals — The system automatically tracks certain types of information for you on a day-to-day
basis. The daily totals are the totals for a single day.

Averages — The system automatically calculates averages of certain types of information for you.
There are two basic types of averages:

An average over a number of days (you select the number of days)

An average for a single day
The insulin delivery, food intake, and meter blood glucose information includes daily totals and averages,
as described in the following sections.
Meter blood glucose information
The meter blood glucose information is calculated by using all of the automatic and manual meter blood
glucose measurements that were received by the pump for the day, or number of days. This includes
measurements that were manually entered into the pump during that time.
To view data for a single day:
Go to the DAILY TOTALS screen.
Main > Utilities > Daily Totals
Select a date and press ACT.
The BG AVG (Blood Glucose Average) screen displays. This screen shows:

your average blood glucose for the day

your high and low blood glucose levels for the day

total number of blood glucose values you entered into the pump for the day
 to view more information.
The SEN AVG (Sensor Average) screen displays. This screen shows:

your average of all sensor glucose measurements received during the day

your lowest and highest sensor glucose measurement received during the day

the number of sensor calibrations for the day

 to view more information.
The INSULIN screen displays. This screen shows:

total insulin delivered for the day

total Basal and Bolus insulin delivered for the day

total percentage of each (Basal and Bolus) delivered for the day

total carbohydrates entered into the pump for the day (entered using the Bolus Wizard feature)
 to view more information.
The BOLUS screen displays. This screen shows:

total bolus insulin delivered for the day

total food bolus insulin, and total percentage of food bolus insulin delivered for the day

total corr (correction) bolus insulin, and total percentage of corr bolus insulin delivered for the

total man (manual) bolus insulin, and total percentage of manual boluses delivered for the day
 to view more information.
The NUM BOLUS screen displays. This screen shows:

total number of boluses delivered for the day

total number of food only and correction only boluses delivered for the day

total number of food plus correction boluses delivered for the day

total number of manual boluses delivered for the day
To get back to the HOME screen, press 
 four times.
The following procedure shows you how to view insulin delivery, food intake and meter blood glucose data
for a selected number of days.
To view data over a number of days:
Go to the DAILY TOTALS screen.
Main > Utilities > Daily Totals
The DAILY TOTALS screen shows Daily Average selected.
Press ACT.
The DAYS TO AVERAGE screen displays. Select the number of days you want to average by pressing the
 and the 
. Press ACT.
Chapter 10

The AVG BG screen displays. This screen shows:

the average of all blood glucose values entered into the pump for the number of previous days you

the average high and low blood glucose values for the number of previous days you selected

the average number of blood glucose values entered into the pump per day for the number of
previous days you selected
 to view more information.
The SEN AVG screen displays. This screen shows:

the average of all sensor glucose measurements for the number of previous days you selected

the lowest and highest sensor glucose measurements for the number of previous days you selected

the number of sensor calibrations for the number of previous days you selected
 to view more information.
The AVG INSULIN (average insulin) screen displays. This screen shows:

the average total insulin delivered per day for the number of previous days you selected

the average total basal and bolus insulin, and total percentage of basal and bolus insulin delivered
per day for the number of previous days you selected

the average total carbs entered into the pump per day (entered using the Bolus Wizard feature)
for the number of previous days you selected
 to view more information.
The AVG BOLUS screen displays. This screen shows:

the average total bolus insulin delivered per day for the number of previous days you selected

the average total food bolus insulin, and the total average percentage of bolus insulin delivered
per day for the number of previous days you selected

the average total correction bolus insulin, and the total average percentage of bolus insulin
delivered per day for the number of previous days you selected

the average total manual bolus insulin, and the total average percentage of bolus insulin delivered
per day for the number of previous days you selected
 to view more information.
The NUM BOLUS screen displays. This screen shows:

the average total number of boluses delivered per day for the number of previous days you

the average total number of food only boluses delivered per day for the number of previous days
you selected

the average total number of correction only boluses delivered per day for the number of previous
days you selected

the average total number of food plus correction boluses delivered per day for the number of
previous days you selected

the average total number of manual boluses delivered per day for the number of previous days you
To get back to the HOME screen, press 
 four times.
Personal reminders
Alarm clock 
The alarm clock is a feature that allows you to set a maximum of eight daily reminders for various events.
The factory setting for this feature is off. The alarm clock can be useful to remind you when to check your
blood glucose, eat, bolus, etc. When the alarm clock goes off, the ALARM CLOCK screen appears. Press
ESC, then ACT to clear the reminder.
Go to the ALARM OPTION screen.
Main > Utilities > Alarm Clock
Select On/Set. Press ACT.
Select Add Alarm. Press ACT.
Enter the hour (flashing). Press ACT.
Enter the minutes (flashing). Press ACT.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 to program additional alarm times. Exit the menus when you are done.
Remote control option
The factory setting for this feature is off. You may want to explore the remote option after you have
become completely familiar with the basic functions of your pump. It is important that you consult with
your healthcare professional before using this feature. Remote controls can be purchased from Medtronic
Refer to the remote control user guide for operating instructions.
The use of RF (radio frequency) devices with the pump reduces battery life.
Chapter 10

To use the remote control, these pump settings must be programmed:

Remote Options = On

Remote control ID code entered in pump (code is on back of remote)

Easy Bolus = On
Turn on remote control option 
WARNING: If there is a LOW BATTERY condition, the pump will not receive signals from the remote. To
ensure the pump communicates with the remote control, make sure the pump does not have a low
battery. (Replacing the low battery with a new battery will restore remote control function.) 
Go to the REMOTE OPTION screen.
Main > Utilities > Remote Options
Select On, then press ACT.
The REMOTE ID MENU screen appears. Add, delete or review your remote ID as described in the next
section. Exit the menus if you are done.
Add, delete, review remote control IDs 
Each remote control has its own unique ID. Up to three different remote control IDs can be programmed in
your pump. You must turn on the remote option to add, delete or review the remote control IDs
programmed in your pump.
Adding a remote ID
a. Select Add ID from the REMOTE ID MENU screen, then press ACT.
b. Enter each of the six ID numbers found on the back of the remote control. Press ACT after each
entry. After you set the last number of the ID, the screen will return to the REMOTE ID MENU.
Deleting a remote ID
a. Select Delete ID from the REMOTE ID MENU screen, then press ACT.
b. Select the remote ID that you want to delete, then press ACT. The selected ID is now deleted.
Reviewing remote IDs
a. Select Review ID from the REMOTE ID MENU screen, then press ACT.
b. The programmed IDs will show in the REVIEW REMOTE ID screen.
Exit the menus when you are done.

Block feature
Block restricts access to pump programming. The factory setting for this feature is off. Block is an
important safety feature if the pump user requires someone else to maintain complete control of pump
operation. When block is on, the remote control is used to deliver a bolus and suspend/resume the pump.
Direct pump programming is limited to suspend, block, and selftest. You can, however, still view status-
type screens such as STATUS, BOLUS HISTORY, BASAL REVIEW, and DAILY TOTALS. Discuss what uses and
settings are best for you with your healthcare professional. (You can order the remote control from
Medtronic Diabetes.)
Turning block on 
The vibrate alert-type is disabled when block is on.
Go to the BLOCK OPTION screen.
Main > Utilities > Block
Select On, then press ACT. The HOME screen will appear with an open circle. The Block option is now
on and the pump is in Special mode. Exit the menus.
Example 1: Block
Nicholas is a very active toddler who wears a Paradigm pump. His parents don't want to worry that he
will play with the pump and accidentally change his programmed settings. They simply activated the
Block feature, and now, except for the Suspend and Self-Test, no other features are active when using
the pump buttons. When Nicholas needs a bolus, his parents and caregivers simply program it with the
Remote Control.
Example 2: Block
Oscar is an elderly man with diabetes who needs assistance with all of his daily living activities. He
needs his caregiver or family member to help him with his pump as well. To be sure that Oscar does not
change any pump settings, his family programmed his Paradigm pump with the Block feature turned on.
They use the Remote Control to give him his boluses when he needs them.
Chapter 10

Lock keypad feature
Lock keypad prevents accidental pump keypad presses. You can only press the 
 to view the STATUS
screen, and the 
 button to turn on the backlight. The remote control can be used to give a bolus or put
the pump into Suspend.
A locked keypad is automatically unlocked during the following:

Battery insertion


Locking the keypad
Select Lock Keypad, then press ACT.
Press ACT again to lock the keypad. The KEYPAD LOCKED screen appears with instructions on how to
unlock the keypad.
Unlocking the keypad
Press the 
 button and the 
 button at the same time. Keypad Unlocked screen appears.
Selftest is a safety utility that allows you to check if your pump is operating properly. This self-diagnostic
feature can be used for maintenance or to check your pump if it operates unusually. During selftest, your
pump will automatically run internal tests, including a check for proper operation of the beep and vibrate
modes. The selftest is additional to the routine tests that run independently while the pump operates.
Contact your local help line or representative if any of the tests do not occur as described here.
If the pump detects a condition such as low battery, the selftest will not finish. A message will
appear to show the condition that caused the test to stop. 
Main > Utilities > Selftest

Select Selftest, then press ACT.
Periodically, you will hear beeps as different mechanisms in the pump are being tested. As part of the
selftest, the pump will do these tests:
a. Screen Test:
The screen will appear all black.
b. Selftest:
The pump will count down from 10.
c. Tone Test:
You should hear beeps.
d. Vibrate Test:
You will feel vibrations.
After the selftest is finished, TEST COMPLETE screen appears. The screen will return to the UTILITIES
MENU, then to the HOME screen.
User settings
The user settings function allows you to save, restore, and clear all pump settings. You can also view a
listing of the dates and times of all recent user settings operations you have done. The Save Settings
feature lets you keep a set of pump settings that you can restore to your pump if it is cleared or you need
to go back to these settings for any reason.
When you clear your pump, the pump settings are restored to the factory defaults, and you must either
use Restore Settings, if you have saved a set of pump settings, or reprogram all your settings before you
can use your pump again. The pump does not clear the internal pump memory.
WARNING: Do not clear your pump settings while it is connected to your body.
CAUTION: Do not clear your pump settings unless directed by your healthcare professional or a
Medtronic Diabetes representative. If you clear your pump settings, it will be necessary to reprogram
all your personal pump settings as directed by your healthcare professional. Additionally, you will
have to rewind your pump.
Saving the settings 
Do these steps to save your current pump settings:
Go to the UTILITIES MENU screen and select User Settings.
Chapter 10

Main > Utilities > User Settings
Hold down 
 and press ACT.
The USER SETTINGS screen is displayed with Save Settings highlighted. Press ACT.
If this is the first time you have saved pump settings, go to step 5. If you have previously saved pump
settings, a message displays, indicating the date of your last pump settings save. Read the instructions
on the screen, then press ACT to save your current settings. You can press ESC if you want to cancel
the save.
The SETTINGS SAVED message displays to confirm that your current pump settings have been saved.
Exit the menus.
Restoring the settings 
Do these steps to restore the most recent pump settings you have saved to your pump.
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