Description of finance as …
Practical examples
Finance as a system of money relations for the formation, distribution, and use of money funds
At the end of the month, accountants of the commercial entity made a balance sheet in order to make a report about all money distributions and other uses of money fund to inform the director and other shareholders about the condition of the enterprise.
Finance as a historical category
The first written insurance policy was found on an ancient Babylonian monument.
Finance as the practice of managing the funds of economic entities
For the next several months, an economic entity is planning to limit their production costs of the product which doesn’t bring enough profit in order to save more money to the next year’s new production line.
Finance as an important part of the economy, without which the functioning of the state, enterprises and households is impossible
A company held a meeting among its shareholders about effective use of rare materials and fulfill customers’ needs.
Finance as a science that studies various aspects of the organization of financial relations of economic entities
After analyzing all the entities in Tashkent region, State decided to spare subsidies to 14 commercial entities so that they can provide local people with necessary goods.
Finance as an academic discipline studied by students of various undergraduate majors
Companies agreed to hire undergraduate students only if they have enough knowledge on finance, because they believe that students with finance knowledge can easily adapt to the company’s working sphere.