1. IC SOLAS-74/78 (International Convention for the Protection of Human Life at Sea) 2. Naval Ship Charter
3. International Convention on the Training, Graduation and Queuing of Seafarers, 1978/1995 (STCW-78/95) 4. International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution 1973/1978 (MARPOL-73-78) 5. International Convention on Load Line, 1966 (LL-66/68) 57)
Which chapter of the International Convention SOLAS-74/78 entered into force the International Code of Safe Governance?
9 58)
What is an ISM?
Internation safety managment 59)
Which organization issues a certificate of conformity to the requirements of the ISM?
Flag adminstration 60)
What certificates must be on board in accordance with the requirements of the ISM?
Doc document of comblince 61)
Which document confirms the ship's compliance with the requirements of the ISM?
Doc document of comblince 62)
Under which section of the SOLAS Convention has the ISM entered into force?
9 63)
In what language should the information about ISM on the ship be?
In the working language of ship engılsh france 64)
For how long is the An Interim Document of Compliance issued to the Company under the ISM?
12 month 65)
ISM should not follow the recommendations of which organizations?
Coast huard service 66)
In which case does the Certificate of Safety Management issued to a ship become invalid?
When the conformity is conceled 67)
Where does the struggle for the survival of passenger ships begin in the first place?
Evucation of passenger to safe areas 68)(351)
For how long are ships monitored?
From the day it is put into water until it is decommissioned Suya qoyulduğu gündən istismardan çıxarılana qədər 69)(350)
What is the stability of the ship?
What are the conditions that require special attention in the instructions for the struggle for the survival of the ship?