International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2012, 3, 159-162

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International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2012, 3, 159-162

 Published Online May 2012 ( 


Health from the Hive: Potential Uses of Propolis in General 


Eshwar Shruthi


, B. S. Suma 


Department of Public Health Dentistry, K.L.E. Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore, India. 




Received January 13


, 2012; revised February 20


, 2012; accepted March 20


, 2012 


The health industry has always used natural products as an alternative, to the conventional allopathic formulations 

available for the treatment of various afflictions. Propolis, a natural antibiotic is a resinous yellow brown to dark brown 

substance that honey bees (Apis mellifera) collect from tree buds, sapflows, shrubs or other botanical sources to seal 

unwanted open spaces in the hive, protecting it from outside contaminants. The main chemical classes present in propo-

lis are flavonoids, phenolics and other various aromatic compounds. Flavonoids are well known plant compounds that 

have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis has been used in general 

for various purposes and has a promising role in future medicine as well as in dentistry. This paper is an attempt to re-

view various applications of this compound in medicine. 


Keywords: Propolis; General Health; Safety & Precautions 

1. Introduction 

There is a great trend nowadays to use natural materials 

as cure for many diseases. Alternative medicine has made 

a lot of contributions to modern medical practice [1]. Pro-

polis was used at the time of Egyptian and Greek civili-

zations which recognized its healing qualities. Hippo-

crates, the founder of modern medicine, used it for heal-

ing sores and ulcers internally and externally. The word 

Propolis (Russian Penicillin) is derived from the Greek 

word “pro” before, polis “city” or defender of the city. 

This non-toxic resinous substance was classified into 12 

types according to physicochemical properties and related 

to geographic locations; however, the botanical origin of 

only three types were identified (Wander, 1995). A new 

type of propolis, named Brazilian red Propolis (BRP) 

because of its color, it has attracted the attention of in-

ternational business [2]. Propolis is the glue that honey 

bees (Apis mellifera) use to seal up their hives. Propolis 

is a sticky filler substance with the aroma of poplar honey 

and vanilla that is collected by bees from the buds and 

barks of trees and plants such as horse chest, nuts, poplar 

and fir trees. The bees take the resin back to their hives 

and work on it, producing a glue like substance with 

which they fill cracks, smooth over the interior of the 

nest, strengthen comb attachments and cover and em-

balm intruders and other objectionable objects in the hive 

that are too large to carry out. [1] In nature, or when in   

room temperature, it is a sticky substance, but becomes 

hard and brittle at low temperature. It is composed of 

resin and balsams (50% - 70%), essential oils and wax 

(30% - 50%), pollen (5% - 10%) and other constituents 

which are amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, B complex, 

E and the highly active bio-chemical substance known as 

bioflavonoid (Vitamin P), phenols and aromatic com-

pounds [2]. The main chemical classes present in propo-

lis are flavonoids, phenolics and other various aromatic 

compounds. Flavonoids and caffeic acid present in pro-

polis are known to play an important role in reducing the 

inflammatory response by inhibiting lipoxygenase path-

way of arachidonic acid. Flavonoids and caffeic acid also 

aid the immune system by promoting phagocytic activi-

ties and stimulates cellular immunity. Propolis is avail-

able in the world markets in different forms as capsules

lozenges, tincture and cream in Europe and America. It is 

already available in Russia as toothpaste. Further, re-

search is being carried out at Oxford University, on the 

benefits of Propolis [3]. 

2. Synonyms 

Apis mellifera L., bee glue, bee propolis, bee putty, Bie- 

nenharz (German), Brazilian green propolis, Brazilian pro- 

polis, Bulgarian propolis, caffeic acid phenethyl ester 

(CAPE), cera alba, chizukit, cinnamic acid, flavonoids, ga- 

langin, Greek propolis, hive dross, Propolin H, propolis 

balsam, propolis resin, propolis wax, propolisina (Spanish), 


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Health from the Hive: Potential Uses of Propolis in General Health 


Russian penicillin, Taiwanese propolis, terpenes, WSDP. 

The aim of this review was to draw the attention of 

dental health care workers to propolis as a natural rem-

edy and its plausible use in dental diseases. 

3. Potential Actions of Propolis 

(The Use of Propolis in Medicine) 

3.1. In Medicine 

General medicinal uses of propolis include treatment of 

the cardiovascular and blood systems (anemia), respiratory 

apparatus (for various infections), dental care, dermatology 

(tissue regeneration, ulcers, eczema, wound healing— 

particularly burn wounds, mycosis, mucous membrane 

infections and lesions), cancer treatment, immune system 

support and improvement, digestive tracts (ulcers and in-

fections), liver protection and support and many others [4]. 

3.2. Anti-Bacterial Effect 

In a study by Grange and Davey, they used a Propolis 

dilution of 1:20 in nutrient agar which completely inhib-

ited the growth of S. aureaus,  S. epidermidis,  Entero-

coccus spp. Corynebacterium spp. B. catarrahlis and B. 

cereus. This dilution partially inhibited the growth of P. 

aeruginosa and E. coli but had no effect on K. pneumo-

nia. Thus it appeared to have an inhibitory effect on cocci 

and gram positive rods. Tube dilution studies showed that 

it was bactericidal for B. cereus and the gram-negative 

cocci at dilutions of 1:160 to 1:320, and that growth of 

the H37RV reference strain of Mycobacterium tubercu-

losis was totally inhibited at 1:320 and partially inhibited 

at 1:640 dilution [5]. 

Koo  et al. in Brazil found antibacterial effect of Pro-

polis on S. mutans, S. sanguis and A. naeslundaii in addi-

tion to the inhibition of glycosultransferase [6]. 

3.3. Anti-Viral Effect 

Serkedjieva conducted an in vitro study on the antiviral 

activity of six synthetic substances which were esters of 

substituted cinnamic acids, identical with or analogous to 

some of the constituent fractions of Propolis. One of them, 

isopentyl ferculate, inhibited significantly the infectious 

activity of influenza virus A in vitro and the production 

of hemalutinins in vivo. In diverse experimental studies, 

it was found that the maximal inhibition of viral repro-

duction was observed when test substances were present 

in the medium during the whole infectious process [7]. 

3.4. Anti-Fungal Effect 

Propolis and nine anti-fungal drugs were tested on four 

fungi that cause infections in humans. It was as effective 

as (or more effective than) some of the other preparations 

against three of the fungi, and in some tests, its activity 

was enhanced in the presence of propylene glycol. Pro-

polis and propylene glycol gave better results against 

Scopulariopsis breveicaulis than any of the drugs tested 


3.5. Anti-Oxidant Effect 

Krol et al. described the remarkable medical property of 

the ethanolic extract of Propolis (EEP), that is the protec-

tion against gamma radiation. They performed their ex-

periment on mice and found that the anti-oxidative effect 

could be attributed to its radical scavenging ability. They 

also demonstrated the ability of increasing amounts of 

EEP to inhibit luminol H202 chemiluminescence in vitro, 

and suggested that its anti-oxidative capacity was partly 

due to its high content of flavenoids [9]. 

An Italian Study investigated the antioxidant activity 

of a propolis extract deprived of caffeic acid phenethyl 

ester (CAPE). Propolis extract (with and without CAPE) 

and its active components showed a dose-dependent free 

radical scavenging effect, a significant inhibition of xan-

thine oxidase activity, and an antilipoperoxidative capac-

ity. Propolis extract with CAPE was more active than 

propolis extract without CAPE. The experimental evi-

dence, therefore, suggests that CAPE plays an important 

role in the antioxidant activity of propolis [10]. 

3.6. Protective Action of Propolis on Cartilage 

An Italian study states that this natural compound and its 

active principle, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), were 

able to contrast the harmful effects of IL-1beta.Our data 

clearly demonstrated the protective action of propolis in 

cartilage alteration, that appears greater than that elicited 

by indomethacin, commonly employed in joint diseases 


3.7. In Vaccines 

To be effective, most vaccines typically depend on the 

inclusion of substances known as adjuvants that stimulate 

an immune response. Researchers seeking to develop a 

vaccine against Suid herpesvirus type1 (SuHV-1), which 

causes an infectious disease among swine, combined 

green propolis with an ethanol extract and tested it on 

mice. The mice showed an increased cellular immune 

response and increased protection against SuHV-1. This 

response did not occur with propolis alone, but only 

when the antigen was absorbed in a particulate adjuvant, 

like aluminum hydroxide. Thus, when associated with 

auxiliary substances like aluminum hydroxide, green 

propolis extract may increase the potency of vaccines, 

especially those that depend on the cellular immune re-

sponse for protection [12]. 

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Health from the Hive: Potential Uses of Propolis in General Health



3.8. Effect on Cancer 

Scheller demonstrated the anti-tumoral effect in mature 

mice bearing Ehrlich carcinoma. Survival rate after EEP 

treatment was compared to that of bleomycin, given alone 

or in combination every 2 days for thirty-six days and 

followed up for fourteen additional days. The survival 

rate at fifty days was 55% after EEP and 40% after 

bleomycin, while all the mice treated with EEP plus ble- 

omycine combination demonstrated shorter survival than 

the controls. It was concluded that while the in vivo ac-

tivity of bleomycin was reduced in the presence of cyto-

chrome-c-reductase inhibitors (as some of the EEP com-

ponents) are the anti-tumoral property of EEP in the ex-

perimental animal model studied was significant and 

lasting [13]. 

A literature review finds that propolis’s pharmacol-

ogical properties make it safe and effective as an adjunct 

for patients receiving cancer treatment: 

• Biological therapy. Biological therapy works hand in 

hand with the immune system. Propolis’s biological ac-

tivities such as antitumoral activity, DNA protection, 

free-radicals scavenging, and immune stimulation act in 

synergy with each other and with conventional chemo-

therapy medication. 

• Synergy with chemotherapy. Antioxidants may boost 

the effects of anti-carcinogenic drugs, thus enabling a 

decrease in the administered dose and in turn leading to a 

reduction in side effects. They may also influence the 

response to chemotherapy.   

•  Anti-inflammatory activity. This results from propo-

lis’s inhibitory effect on prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and 

histamine release.   

• Healing activity. Propolis promotes epithelial forma-

tion as well as vascular and fibroblastic neoformation of 

the connective tissue.   

• Antimicrobial activity. Propolis’ flavonoids and phe- 

nolic acids are pharmacologically active compounds that 

have effects on bacteria, fungi, and viruses [14]. 

3.9. Effect on Upper Respiratory Infections 

German study investigated the bactericidal effect against 

several strains isolated from patients with infections in 

their upper respiratory tracts [15]. 

3.10. In Cosmetics 

Dermatological and cosmetic applications are at this time 

probably the most common uses for propolis and its ex-

tracts. Its effects on tissue regeneration and renovation 

have been well studied. Together with its bactericidal and 

fungicidal characteristics it provides many benefits in 

various applications in cosmetics [4]. 

4. Safety & Precautions 

4.1. Bee Propolis—How Safe Is It? 

In general, propolis is safe. It is a non toxic substance 

and for most people, will not caused irritation when used 

as supplements or applied to skin. However, like other 

honey bee products, there are people who are allergic to 

propolis. Allergic reaction due to this substance was first 

reported in beekeepers as an occupational effect but is 

now seen mainly in individuals who use propolis in cos-

metics and supplement to treat various health conditions. 

It is believed that a substance called caffeic acids to be 

one of the causes of allergies to propolis. 

4.2. Who Can Be Allergic to Propolis? 


Those allergic to pollen;   


Asthma patients; 


Allergic to bee stings; 


Pregnant women. 

There have not been many published clinical trials on 

the effect of propolis on pregnant women. Because the 

information in this area is limited, it has been advised to 

avoid using propolis during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

4.3. The Symptoms of Allergies 

If allergic to propolis, it may cause redness of skin, de-

velop rashes, swelling, itching, fluid collection, fever and 

may even lead skin to crack (including a severe allergic 

reaction called anaphylaxis). Apart from that, it may also 

irritate the skin area where it is applied on, cause eczema, 

lesions, psoriasis or mouth sores [16]. 

4.4. Interactions with Drugs 

Many tinctures contain high levels of alcohol and may 

cause nausea or vomiting when taken with metronidazole 

or disulfiram. Propolis may produce additive effects when 

taken with antimicrobial drugs. 

Propolis may interact with the following: anticoagu- 

lants, H. pylori agents, antibiotics, anti-cancer agents (anti- 

neoplastics), antifungals, anti-inflammatories, infertility 

agents, anti-HIV agents (antiretrovirals), immunosuppres- 

sants, and osteoporosis agents. 

4.5. Interactions with Herbs and Dietary 


Balsam of Peru and propolis are both known to cause 

allergic sensitization in some people and have multiple 

compounds in common, such as benzyl benzoate, benzyl 

cinnamate, benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, 

caffeic acid, cinnamic alcohol, and vinallin. An increased 

risk of allergic sensitization may occur if both products 

are used together [17]. 

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Health from the Hive: Potential Uses of Propolis in General Health 

Copyright © 2012 SciRes.                                                                                 IJCM 


5. Summary and Conclusion 

The evidence on bee propolis is very promising. Not only 

can it be applied topically it may also be considered as an 

alternative to antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti in-

flammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant property in treatment 

of low grade infections. Allergy and sensitivity to propo-

lis is uncommon but patients should be asked about ad-

verse reactions to bee stings, allergy to bee products and 

sensitivity to pollen. In conclusion, propolis is a natural 

medication with a promising future but further studies 

should be conducted to investigate its merit and demerits 

in clinical medicine. 

6. Recommendations 


Studies should be conducted on the effects of propo-

lis and these studies should meet the requirements of 

basic principles of clinical research and trial. 


Both clinical trials and demonstration studies should 

be carried out to determine the efficacy and effec-

tiveness of propolis in human subjects. 


The primary health care notion of appropriate tech-

nology should be encouraged through. 


Controlled trials of native natural herbal products as 

alternative medicine for good general and dental 

health of the community. 




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