International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2014, 5, 102-110
Published Online January 2014 (
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Tyree H. Kiser
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Anschutz
Medical Campus, Aurora, USA.
Received November 13
, 2013; revised December 10
, 2013; accepted January 5
, 2014
Copyright © 2014 Tyree H. Kiser. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accordance of
the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2014 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual property
Tyree H. Kiser. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian.
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is the most serious hepatorenal disorder and one of the most difficult to treat. To
date, the best treatment options are those that reverse the mechanisms underlying HRS: portal hypertension,
splanchnic vasodilation, and/or renal vasoconstriction. Therefore, liver transplantation is the preferred definitive
treatment option. The role of other therapies is predominantly to prolong survival sufficiently to allow patients
to undergo transplantation. Terlipressin with the addition of adjunctive albumin volume expansion is the pre-
ferred pharmacologic therapy for the treatment of patients with HRS. Norepinephrine and vasopressin are ac-
ceptable alternatives in countries where terlipressin is not yet available. For patients with Type II HRS, mido-
drine plus octreotide appears to be an effective pharmacologic regimen that can be administered outside of an
intensive care unit setting. Regardless of chosen vasoconstrictor therapy, careful monitoring is needed to ensure
tissue ischemia and severe adverse effects do not occur. Artificial hepatic support devices, renal replacement
therapy, and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) are non-pharmacologic options for patients
with HRS. However, hepatic support devices and renal replacement therapies have not yet demonstrated im-
proved outcomes and TIPS is difficult to be employed in patients with Type I HRS due to contraindications in
the majority of patients. Despite advances in our understanding of hepatorenal syndrome, the disease is still as-
sociated with significant morbidity, mortality, and costs. More evidence is urgently needed to help improve pa-
tient outcomes in this difficult-to-treat population.
Hepatorenal Disorder; Cirrhosis; Portal Hypertension; Transplantation; Vasopressors
1. Introduction
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is the most significant he-
patorenal disorder affecting patients with advanced cirr-
hosis. If not treated, patients with HRS Type I survive
only a median of 2 weeks and 95% of patients die within
the first 30 days after onset. The median survival time is
4 to 6 months in patients with Type II HRS [1]. Patients
with advanced cirrhosis and ascites are at high risk for
HRS, with 18% of patients developing hepatorenal syn-
drome (HRS) within 1 year and up to 39% developing
HRS by 5 years [2-4].
HRS is a unique renal dysfunction, because it is a
functional renal failure that occurs in the absence of pa-
renchymal kidney disease. Patients with cirrhosis have
resistance to portal flow leading to changes in shear
stress of the portal vessel wall. This resultant portal hy-
pertension is the initiating factor for HRS resulting in the
production of various vasodilators including nitric oxide,
carbon monoxide, cysteinyl leukotrienes, thromboxane
A2, endothelin-1, and others. As portal venous pressure
is increased, shear stress on the splanchic vasculature re-
sults in further release of vasodilators, causing develop-
ment of splanchnic vasodilation and porto-systemic shunts
reducing effective arterial blood volume and mean arteri-
al pressure. Activation of several compensatory mechan-
isms, including the sympathetic nervous system, the re-
nin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), and the re-
lease of arginine vasopressin occurs to counteract the
systemic vasodilation and increase sodium and water re-
Hepatorenal Syndrome
tention to increase intravascular blood volume. Cardiac
output is increased in response to reduced effective ar-
terial volume resulting in tachycardia and low systemic
blood pressure. Ultimately, this cascade of events causes
a shift in the renal autoregulation curve, making renal
perfusion much more sensitive to changes in mean ar-
terial pressure. As cirrhosis progresses, further renal va-
soconstriction and sodium retention occurs as the splan-
chnic and systemic vasodilation worsens leading to the
development of a functional renal failure (
Figure 1
) [5,6].
Figure 1.
Pathophysiology of hepatorenal syndrome. a: the development of splanchnic vasodilatation and b: the development
of renal dysfunction. The solid arrows indicate a baseline condition, whereas the dotted arrows indicate hepatorenal syn-
drome occurring in the event of a precipitating factor. Abbreviations: AVP, arginine vasopressin; CO, cardiac output; EABV,
effective arterial blood volume; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; Na, sodium; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system;
RBF, renal blood flow; SNS, sympathetic nervous system; TNF, tumor necrosis factor. Reprinted with permission [6].
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Frequently, the development of HRS is precipitated by
an acute event. In patients with cirrhosis and ascites,
bacterial infections appear to be the most important risk
factor for the development of HRS. Infection results in
circulatory dysfunction by releasing various cytokines,
such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 6 in the
splanchnic vasculature [5,6]. These inflammatory cyto-
kines activate endothelial and inducible nitric oxide syn-
thases increasing the production of nitric oxide [6]. As
many 33% of patients who develop spontaneous bacterial
peritonitis will develop HRS [7]. Other HRS triggering
events include severe alcoholic hepatitis, hypovolemia as
the result of excess diuresis or gastrointestinal losses
(bleeding or diarrhea), large volume shifts between in-
travascular and extravascular compartments, and use of
medications that affect afferent or efferent arteriole con-
striction or vasodilation in the kidney (e.g., nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], angiotensin-con-
verting enzyme inhibitors [ACE-Is], angiotensin II re-
ceptor blockers [ARBs]) [5]. Additionally, cirrhotic car-
diomyopathy resulting in the inability to maintain the re-
quired cardiac reserve may be an important contributor to
2. Diagnosis of HRS
The assessment of HRS is daunting, because of the dif-
ficulties in providing a definitive diagnosis and the poor
overall response rate to currently available therapies. The
diagnosis of HRS is made by excluding all other possible
causes of renal failure and utilizing revised criteria pub-
lished by the International Ascites Club in 2007 (
Table 1
[8,9]. These diagnostic criteria have been widely ac-
cepted; however, they may be difficult to apply in the
acute care setting. The major struggle within the diag-
nostic criteria is the difficulty in fulfilling all of the di-
agnostic criteria in patients who have a presentation sug-
gestive of HRS. One of the major limitations in the clin-
ical setting is the ability to rule out renal failure caused
by other factors, because many patients with HRS physi-
ology have bacterial infections with or without shock, are
receiving diuretic therapy prior to their AKI, or may be
receiving medications or undergoing procedures that are
detrimental to renal blood flow or kidney function. Addi-
tionally, patients with prolonged Type I HRS may even-
tually develop acute tubular necrosis due to intense renal
arteriole vasoconstrition. As a result of these limitations,
several renal biomarkers are being studied to help deci-
pher HRS from other causes of AKI in patients with
cirrhosis; but further studies are required before they can
be applied in clinical practice [10-12].
After establishing the diagnosis, HRS can be divided
into one of two forms: Type I and Type II. Type I HRS is
diagnosed when there is a doubling in SCr to a val-
ue >2.5 mg/dL in a period of less than 2 weeks. Type I
Table 1.
Diagnostic criteria for hepatorenal syndrome.
Diagnostic Criteria for Hepatorenal Syndrome
Cirrhosis with ascites
Serum creatinine (SCr) >1.5 mg/dL (>133 umol/L)
No improvement in serum creatinine levels (decrease to of
mg/dL) after at least 2 days with diuretic withdrawal (if on diuretics)
and volume expansion with 20% to 25% albumin. The recommended
dose of albumin is 1 g/kg of body weight per day,
up to a maximum of 100 g/day.
Absence of shock
No current or recent treatment with nephrotoxic medications
Absence of parenchymal kidney disease as defined by proteinuria
<500 mg/day, no microhematuria (<50 red blood cells per high
power field), and normal renal ultrasonography)
Classification of Hepatorenal Syndrome
Type I — doubling in SCr to a value > 2.5 mg/dL
in a period of less than 2 weeks
Type II — stable or more slowly progressive renal dysfunction
(SCr > 1.5 mg/dL) not meeting the criteria for Type I HRS
Adapted from Solerno, et al. [9] and Gines, et al. [5].
HRS usually develops as a result of a triggering factor
that causes acute deterioration of hepatic function to-
gether with other organ dysfunctions. The most common
triggers for Type I HRS are bacterial infections and se-
vere alcoholic hepatitis. In contrast, Type II HRS occurs
in patients with refractory ascites and involves renal
dysfunction (SCr > 1.5 mg/dL) that is more slowly pro-
gressive and does not meet the criteria for Type I HRS. It
is common for patients with Type II HRS to eventually
develop Type I HRS as the result of a precipitating event
3. Prevention of HRS
Prevention of Type I HRS involves appropriate identifi-
cation and management of potential HRS precipitating
events; whereas, prevention of Type II HRS commonly
involves management of refractory ascites. In general,
avoiding relative renal hypoperfusion is the key strategy
for preventing HRS development. Avoiding hypovolemia
by appropriately managing outpatient diuretic therapy
and the discontinuation of diuretics at the first indication
of AKI is extremely important. Fluid management is of
critical importance and assessment of effective intravas-
cular volume and renal perfusion pressure should be con-
sidered in hospitalized patients at risk for HRS. Fluid
overload, as the result of excessive intravenous fluid ad-
ministration, should also be avoided because it can be
equally detrimental, resulting in hyponatremia, increased
ascites, and edema. When utilizing large-volume para-
centesis for the management of ascites, administration of
intravenous albumin 20% to 25% (at least 6 - 8 grams per
Hepatorenal Syndrome
liter of ascites removed) is necessary to avoid large vo-
lume shifts from the intravascular space [13,14]. Addi-
tionally, antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with a ga-
strointestinal bleed can reduce the incidence of sponta-
neous bacterial peritonitis and renal failure and pentox-
ifylline therapy may reduce the incidence of HRS in pa-
tients with acute alcoholic hepatitis [15,16].
4. Treatment of HRS
Liver transplantation is the optimal and definitive therapy
for patients with HRS because it cures the underlying
organ dysfunction responsible for the pathophysiologic
pathway to HRS [17-19]. Liver transplantation drastical-
ly improves mortality for patients with HRS, resulting in
5-year survival rates similar to patients without HRS who
underwent liver transplantation (67.1% versus 70.1%,
respectively; P = NS) [18]. Renal dysfunction can often
be reversible and, therefore, patients with HRS are not
frequently listed for combined liver-kidney transplants
(LKTx); however, recommendations have been made to
consider LKTx in HRS patients who have received he-
modialysis (HD) for >8 weeks [14], with some groups
advocating for a requirement of >12 weeks of HD prior
to transplantation before consideration of LKTx [12].
Treatment of HRS with the intent to improve renal
function and prolong survival long enough to allow for
liver transplantation is the ultimate goal of pharmacolog-
ic therapy for HRS. Vasoconstrictors are the mainstay of
therapy for HRS due to their ability to improve the he-
modynamic instability that is responsible for the de-
creased renal perfusion pressure. The addition of albumin
therapy to vasoconstrictors may further improve renal
blood flow, glomerular filtration, and ultimately response
rates to vasoconstrictor therapy [20]. If albumin is uti-
lized, the admixture should provide a high concentration
of albumin and the typical dose is 1 g/kg (up to 100 g) on
day 1 or 2, then 25 to 50 g/day of 25% albumin (or 20 to
40 g/day of 20% albumin) thereafter [4]. Albumin thera-
py is continued, along with vasoconstrictor therapy, until
a complete response in SCr is realized or until futility of
therapy is determined. The dose and duration of albumin
therapy should be dictated by volume status; as albumin
is initially effective at improving intravascular volume,
but will eventually result in third space volume expan-
sion. Volume status should be assessed by hemodynamic
monitoring, although the optimal method for evaluating
volume status is controversial and likely includes the
interpretation of several possible measurements, includ-
ing heart rate, mean arterial pressure (MAP), central ve-
nous pressure, pulse pressure variation, stroke volume
variation, echocardiography, urine output, ascites, and
Terlipressin is a unique vasopressin analogue with po-
tential advantages that make it the preferred vasocon-
strictor for patients with HRS. The effects of vasopressin
and vasopressin analogues on the V1 receptor are the
predominate mechanism for treating the underlying
splanchnic vasodilation present in those with HRS. There
are a large number of V1 receptors in the splanchnic
vasculature, making this area especially sensitive to the
vasoconstrictive effects [21]. Vasoconstriction of the
splanchnic vascular beds is believed to reverse HRS by
increasing effective arterial blood volume, thereby sup-
pressing activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system (RAAS) and the sympathetic nervous system,
reversing compensatory renal vasoconstriction and ulti-
mately increasing renal perfusion. Terlipressin reduces
portal vein pressure and increases MAP in patients with
cirrhosis and splanchnic vasodilation. It improves splan-
chnic blood flow and down-regulates the excessive salt
and water retention that leads to ascitic fluid accumula-
tion [22]. These attributes have made terlipressin one of
the most widely used agents for the treatment of Type I
HRS outside of North America.
Although the number of prospective controlled trials is
small, terlipressin has been one of the most studied vaso-
pressor agents for the treatment of HRS (
Table 2
) [22].
A comprehensive review of the terlipressin literature for
HRS through January 2012 can be found in the Cochrane
Database [23]. Combined analysis of 6 prospective stu-
dies demonstrates that terlipressin treatment improves
renal function and mortality for patients with HRS. HRS
reversal (reversal or complete response is defined as a
decrease in SCr to a value
≤1.5 mg/dL) occurs in 25% to
50% of patients treated with terlipressin. Relapse rates
after stopping therapy do occur and retreatment with va-
soconstrictor therapy may be necessary. Adverse effects
related to terlipressin include tachycardia, arrhythmias,
chest pain, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bronchospasm, and
peripheral ischemia [24]. Serious ischemic adverse
events have required discontinuation of terlipressin ther-
apy in a small percentage of patients (e.g., nonfatal myo-
cardial infarction, livedo reticularis, and cyanosis of the
fingers) [25]. The phase III Multi-Center Randomized,
Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study to Confirm the
Reversal of Hepatorenal Syndrome Type 1 With Lucas-
sin (Terlipressin) (REVERSE) trial [ClinicalTrials. gov
identifier NCT01143246] with provide further evidence
evaluating terlipressin therapy for the management of
patients with HRS.
Terlipressin dosing has ranged from 0.5 to 2 mg intra-
venously every 4 to 12 hrs. Continuous infusion terli-
pressin has also been utilized, but it does not appear to
offer an efficacy or safety advantage over intermittent
therapy and is less convenient. Terlipressin should be
initiated at 0.5 mg every 4 to 6 hours. Stepwise titration
in dose (e.g., 0.5 mg increments) should be done every 1
to 2 days as tolerated if the urine output (UOP) has not
improved and the SCr has not decreased from baseline
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Table 2.
Selected clinical studies of vasoconstrictors in the treatment of HRS.
Study Design
No. of Patients
Significant Outcomes
Randomized [40]
N = 46 (35 Type I and
11 Type II HRS)
Terlipressin +
Albumin versus Albumin
Renal function improvement more likely in terlipressin + albumin
(43.5% versus 8.7%, P = 0.017)
N = 21 (16 Type I and 5
Type II HRS)
Terlipressin + Albumin
versus Terlipressin
Albumin administration found to predict renal function response
(77% responders versus 25% responders, P = 0.03)
randomized [41]
N = 24
(Type I HRS)
Terlipressin versus Placebo
Terlipressin significantly improved UOP, CrCl, MAP, and de-
creased SCr compared with placebo. At day 15, 5 of 12 patients
receiving terlipressin survived compared with 0 of 12 patients
receiving placebo (P < 0.05).
Randomized [25]
N = 112
(Type I HRS)
Terlipressin versus Placebo
Treatment success: terlipressin 25% versus placebo 12.5%, P =
0.093. HRS reversal: terlipressin 34% versus 13%, P = 0.008.
Related adverse effects: terlipressin 9% versus placebo 2%, P = NS
randomized [24]
N = 52
(Type I HRS)
Terlipressin +
Albumin versus Albumin
80% complete response with terlipressin + albumin versus 19%
response with albumin (p < 0.01). Improved survival at 180 days
with terlipressin + albumin (p < 0.01)
N = 43 (32 Type I and
11 Type II HRS)
Vasopressin + Octreotide
versus Vasopressin versus
Complete response higher in patients receiving vasopressin or
vasopressin + octreotide versus octreotide monotherapy (P = 0.01)
Prospective, open
label [29]
N = 40
(Type I HRS)
Norepinephrine versus
Reversal of HRS occurred in 50% of patients in each treatment
group (p = NS). Survival was similar between groups (p = 0.8).
Baseline creatinine clearance, MAP, and plasma renin activity were
independent predictors of response.
UOP = urine output; CrCl = creatinine clearance; MAP = mean arterial pressure; SCr = serum creatinine; Adapted from Kiser et al. [22].
Table 3
) [4]. It may take 2 to 3 days for a response in
SCr to be observed, so early dosing titration decisions
should focus on achieving a MAP increase of 10 mm Hg,
UOP improvement, and avoidance of ischemic adverse
effects. Therapy should be discontinued if patients dem-
onstrate no response in SCr by day 4 of therapy, despite
adequate titration and an increase in MAP, because a
response to therapy at this point is unlikely.
In countries where terlipressin is not commercially
available, other vasoconstrictor treatment options (e.g.,
vasopressin or norepinephrine) must still be considered.
Vasopressin is considered a reasonable alternative to
terlipressin therapy because of its effects on the V1 re-
ceptor; however, it is less selective than terlipressin and
must be administered by a continuous infusion because
of its shorter half-life. Evidence for vasopressin use in
HRS comes from a retrospective study that evaluated 43
patients who had received vasopressin and/or octreotide
for treatment of HRS. Response in SCr (SCR < 1.5
mg/dL) occured in 41% of the patients that received va-
sopressin therapy. Therapy with vasopressin, either alone
or in combination with octreotide, was an independent
predictor of renal function recovery (odds ratio [OR] 6.4;
95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3 - 31.8). The mean va-
sopressin dose in patients that responded to therapy was
0.23 ± 0.19 units/min, which is significantly higher than
typically utilized in shock syndromes [26]. Although
patients with cirrhosis and HRS appear to be more tole-
rant to higher doses of vasopressin, caution and careful
monitoring of serum lactate levels and the monitoring of
extremities for ischemia should be maintained for pa-
tients receiving vasopressin doses >0.1 units/min as ad-
verse effects related to vasopressin are ischemic in nature
and dose dependent [27].
Norepinephrine’s alpha-adrenergic agonist activity
makes it a potent vasoconstrictor of both the venous and
arterial vasculature. Similar to terlipressin, in patients
with HRS, norepinephrine effectively improves UOP,
sodium excretion, serum sodium concentration, creati-
nine clearance (CrCl), MAP, plasma renin activity, and
aldosterone activity. In small comparative studies, nore-
pinephrine has demonstrated a similar rate of HRS re-
versal and patient survival when compared with terli-
pressin [28,29]. Adverse effects between norepinephrine
and terlipressin are similar, with reversible cardiac and
digital ischemia being the most common adverse events
[29]. The cost of norepinephrine therapy is also signifi-
cantly lower than terlipressin (107 ± 31 versus 1536 ± 40
Euros, P < 0.0001), making it an attractive alternative
therapy [28]. However, the possibility of utilizing terli-
pressin in patients outside of a monitored hospital setting
may reduce the overall difference in cost between treat-
ment options.
Midodrine is frequently utilized for the treatment of
Type II HRS patients in North America, because it is an
orally administered alpha-adrenergic agonist medication
that can be administered outside of the intensive care unit.
When used in combination with octreotide ± albumin it
may improve length of survival and transplantation rates,
particularly for patients with Type II HRS [30]. The
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Table 3.
Dosage and administration of vasoconstrictor me-
dications for HRS.
Dosing Recommendations
0.5 to 2 mg IV q4 to 6 hours; increase dose by
0.5 mg increments every 1 to 2 days if there is no
improvement in SCr as long as no side effects
are present. Goal MAP increase of 10 mm Hg
from baseline. Maximum dose = 12 mg/day.
0.01 to 0.8 units/min continuous IV infusion.
Increase dose by 0.05 units/min every 30 to 60
minutes to achieve a 10 mm Hg increase in MAP
from baseline or a MAP > 70 mm Hg
0.05 to 1 mcg/kg/min (5 to 75 mcg/min)
continuous IV infusion. Titrate every
30 minutes to achieve a 10 mm Hg
increase in MAP from baseline
Midodrine +
Midodrine 5 to 15 mg PO TID. Titrate to
achieve a 10 to 15 mm Hg increase in MAP from
baseline. Octreotide: 100 to 200 mcg
TID; or 25 to 50 mcg IV bolus, followed by 25
to 50 mcg/hour continuous infusion
(no titration)
SCr = serum creatinine; MAP = mean arterial pressure; IV = intravenous;
1) Adjunctive albumin administration is recommended: 1 g/kg (up to
100 g) on day 1 or 2, then 25 to 50 g/day of 25% albumin (or 20 to 40
g/day of 20% albumin) thereafter. 2) Therapy should be discontinued
after 4 days if no response in SCr is observed, despite adequate dosage
titration, because the likelihood of a response to therapy is low. 3) All
patients should be monitored for signs of ischemia (i.e., visual evaluation
of digits, distal pulses, abdominal pain, serum lactate, and/or troponin) at
least every 12 hours and after any dosing titration. 4) In patients that
demonstrate a complete response to therapy, dosage reduction or vaso-
constrictor discontinuation should be attempted by day 14 of therapy to
determine the sustainability of the response. Restarting therapy may be
necessary if a relapse occurs; Adapted from Nadim et al. [4]
usual midodrine dosage range for the treatment of HRS is
5 to 15 mg orally TID. If goal MAP cannot be achieved
and there is no response in UOP or SCr, despite titration
to 15 mg orally TID, consideration of switching to a
more potent intravenous vasoconstrictor may be neces-
sary [4].
TIPS procedures can significantly decrease the porto-
systemic pressure gradient. This leads to decreased
plasma renin and sympathetic activity potentially im-
proving or reversing HRS physiology [31]. Insertion of
the shunt within 4 to 6 weeks of HRS onset may improve
renal function recovery and survival [32]. Improvement
in renal function after TIPS may take several weeks, so
the use of other therapies for treating HRS is commonly
required until the effect of TIPS placement is realized.
TIPS can be beneficial for patients with both Type I and
Type II HRS; however, many patients with Type I HRS
cannot safely undergo the procedure due to their ad-
vanced liver disease or other contraindications. Patients
with lower bilirubin and those with Type II HRS are
more likely to have prolonged survival post TIPS [32].
Artificial liver support therapies have been evaluated
for the treatment of HRS; including molecular adsorbent
recirculating system (MARS), Prometheus, single pass
albumin dialysis (SPAD), and single pass albumin ex-
tended dialysis (SPAED) [33-37]. These extracorporeal
systems provide combined hepatic and renal support by
removing water-soluble and albumin-bound toxins re-
sulting in improved serum bilirubin, creatinine, and other
laboratory measurements. Unfortunately, these artificial
support systems do not provide sustained responses in
kidney function after discontinuation and laboratory val-
ues commonly return to pretreatment levels after discon-
tinuation [33]. In addition to the inability to produce
meaningful outcomes, other challenges to artificial liver
support systems include hypotension, blood loss each
time the circuit is replaced, and the frequent need for
anticoagulant administration into the extracorporeal cir-
cuit to prevent clotting of the circuit. Therefore, use of
these systems for the management of patients with HRS
are not recommended at this time [4,6].
Few studies have evaluated renal replacement therapy
(RRT) for the treatment of HRS [38,39]. The use of RRT
can improve short-term survival for patients with HRS
and may be helpful with bridging patients to transplant or
treating patients who have an acute reversible cause of
hepatic decompensation. Use by patients who are not
transplant candidates and those without an acute reversi-
ble component is unlikely to change a patient’s disease
course and merely results in resource overutilization and
substantial costs to the health care system [39]. Therefore,
the initiation of continuous or intermittent RRT for pa-
tients with HRS is generally reserved until a significant
indication for dialysis arises (e.g., severe hyperkalemia,
metabolic acidosis, or volume overload). Individual pa-
tient selection, according to the severity of illness, Child-
Pugh and MELD scores, and the potential for liver trans-
plantation should all be considered prior to the initiation
of RRT.
5. Conclusions
HRS is the most significant disease within the spectrum
of hepatorenal disorders and is associated with a substan-
tial mortality rate. HRS physiology is characterized by
splanchnic arterial vasodilation causing reduced effective
arterial volume, renal vasoconstriction as a result of ac-
tivation of the sympathetic nervous system and the
RAAS, reduced cardiac output as the result of cirrhotic
cardiomyopathy, and release of vasoactive mediators that
affect renal blood flow and glomerular microcirculatory
hemodynamics. Patients with Type 1 HRS have a more
acute rise in their SCr values and shorter survival times
as compared to patients with Type II HRS.
Early identification and management of HRS is critical
to the success of the chosen treatment. The only defini-
tive treatment established for HRS is liver transplantation.
Hepatorenal Syndrome
The goal of all other pharmacologic and nonpharmaco-
logic therapies is to prolong survival time enough to al-
low for liver transplantation. Several small studies have
attempted to evaluate various pharmacologic agents for
the treatment of HRS, but only vasoconstrictors com-
bined with albumin therapy have emerged as a preferred
initial treatment option. Terlipressin, in combination with
albumin volume expansion, is the preferred pharmaco-
logic therapy for the management of patients with HRS.
Norepinephrine and vasopressin are alternatives if terli-
pressin is unavailable. Midodrine with octreotide appears
to be an effective pharmacologic regimen in patients with
Type II HRS and those who require an alternative to
intravenous therapy. Although TIPS is effective for both
Type I and II HRS, it is less commonly employed in
Type I HRS patients due to the presence of contraindica-
tions to the procedure. Artificial hepatic support devices
and renal replacement therapy are effective for correcting
abnormal laboratory values, but have not demonstrated
the ability to reverse HRS. The decision to deliver these
therapies should be limited to patients who have an indi-
cation for dialysis and are high on the liver transplant list.
Substantial advances in understanding the pathophysi-
ology and management of HRS has improved the recog-
nition and treatment of HRS patients. However, several
questions still remain regarding how best to optimize
current treatment options. Given the substantial morbidi-
ty, mortality, and cost associated with HRS management;
more studies are urgently needed to help improve patient
outcomes in this difficult population.
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