The Chair reported to the Committee that the Economic Development Subcommittee resumed meeting over the summer to examine economic development resources and tools and to devise strategies that mitigate any potential negative effects on property owners within the future MIOZ. After reviewing information provided to the group the following recommendations were suggested:
Grant tax credits to existing residential property owners in high noise contour areas who sound-proof their homes.
Establish a hierarchy of uses and incentivize the
relocation of those uses that are more incompatible than others (i.e. places of assembly with high concentration of people).
Incompatible uses would be allowed to remain and encouraged to replace more intensive incompatible uses until the Clear Zone could be acquired by the military.
Refer recommendations on uses in the Clear Zone to the MIOZ Subcommittee to integrate into their discussions.
The next Economic Development Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for September 27, at 9:00 a.m. The discussion will continue on the potential and scope negative impacts on property owners and ways to mitigate that impact.