J O U R N A L O F WO U N D C A R E Vo l 2 2 . N o 1 . E W M A D o c u M E N t 2 0 1 3
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he algorithm included in this chapter reflects
the consensus opinion of the authors behind
the document, based on their personal
experience. The aim is to provide a clear description
of the general pathway of debridement, as well as
a proposal for a structured approach to choosing
between the appropriate techniques.
The suggested pathway of debridement is
illustrated in the process cycle, shown in Fig 7.
Fig 8 illustrates a possible pathway to direct the
choice of debridement technique. As a starting
point we have chosen the time needed for
treatment, and availability of the technology in
the various treatment settings and situations, with
the objective to provide a simple model that is
suitable for daily clinical use. However, for any
choice of debridement technique, it is important
to consider the following parameters that may
influence the decision:
The patient’s environment
The patient’s choice and consent
Biological age and comorbidities
Quality of life aspects
Skill of the care giver
Resources of the care giver
Regulations and existing guidelines.
In addition, cost efficiency of the various
techniques may be worth considering before
choosing between different options that are
clinically relevant and suitable for the patient.
These parameters are described in detail
throughout the document, but a short list of the
most important aspects related to each of the
techniques can be found in Fig 8.
Finally, it should be emphasised that any the
listed technologies may be the most suitable
option for debridement with regard to a specific
patient or treatment situation.