1178. Nasibovi, N. Kartuli-Azerbaicanuli leksikoni [Text] /Nasib
Nasibovi, V.Canqidze, S.Suleimanovi.-
Tbilisi: İntelekti, 2013.- 550 p.; 22 cm.-
15 man.- ISBN 978-9941-420-00-9.- [Bd-16726] 1179. Şəfiyeva, Ü. Active reading for EFL learners [Text] /Ülkər Şəfiyeva,
əmmədova; rev.: B.G.Hüseynov, A.M.Cəfərov.- Second edition.- Bakı:
Elm v
ə təhsil, 2013.- 335 p., tab.; 22 cm.-8 man., 500 cop. (hard cover).- [İ-
38863] 1180. Veliyeva, N. Some aspects and peculiarities of intercultural
communication in the process of globalization [Text] /Nigar Veliyeva.-
Beograd: International Business Service, 2013.- 241 p.; 23 cm.- Bibliogr.: p.
239-241.- 15 man., 500 cop.- ISBN 978-86-88433-06-8.-
[İ-39328] 1181. Veliyeva, N. Some aspects and peculiarities of intercultural
communication in the process of globalization [Text] /Nigar Veliyeva; edt.
Y.Bagirova; Azerbaijani University of Languages.-
Baku: Elm və təhsil, 2013.-
501, [3] p., portr.; 21 cm.- Bibliogr.: p. 494-498.- 20 man., 500 cop. (hard