www. kokanduni.uz Reducing the gap between the results of workers' work and the wages paid to them at
exploration industrial enterprises is of great labor and production importance. At enterprises
and firms in many developed countries, the payment of weekly and daily wages to employees
has been introduced. It even proves that the amount of material incentives can be reduced.
Because most of the workers and servants say: "Take it now, at least less!" or "Give it now, at
least a little!" will be in your thoughts. In addition, the fact that financial incentives are often
applied and related to performance is impressive.
The correct organization of its functions and factors is important in stimulating the work
of workers and employees of exploration industrial enterprises. This makes it possible to
increase labor productivity at the enterprise, improve product quality, and effectively use
labor incentive funds.
References: 1. Abdurakhmanov K.Kh. Labor Economics: Theory and Practice / Textbook. Revised and
expanded 3rd edition. - T.: "Science", 2019.
2. Abdurakhmanov K.Kh., Shoyusupova N.T., Bakieva I.A. "Labor Economics" (Textbook).
- T.: "TSUE", 2011.
3. Tukhtabaev J.Sh. Methodological bases for increasing labor productivity in enterprises.
Monograph / Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. - T .: "Science and technology", 2017.
p. 198.