1-AMALIY ISH Mavzu: Kompyuter tizimining umumiy tarkibini tashkillashtirish
Bajardi: Alimboyev Sirojbek
№1 amaliy ish Mavzu: Kompyuter tizimining umumiy tarkibini tashkillashtirish Maqsad: Kompyuter tizimining umumiy tarkibini o’rganib chiqish, shaxsiy kompyuterning asosiy arxitekturasini o'rganish.
Processor (CPU)- A processor (CPU) is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer. The CPU is seen as the main and most crucial integrated circuitry (IC) chip in a computer, as it is responsible for interpreting most of computers commands.
Random Access Memory (RAM)- RAM stands for random access memory, and it’s one of the most fundamental elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your computer stores data it needs to retrieve quickly.
Motherboard-A motherboard is the main printed circuit board (PCB) in a computer. The motherboard is a computer's central communications backbone connectivity point, through which all components and external peripherals connect
Sound card (optional)
Sound card (optional)
Sound card (optional)
Inside the computer, a sound card is an expansion component that is also referred to as a soundboard, audio output device, or audio card. It offers audio input and output capabilities in computers, which can be heard with the help of speakers or headphones.