Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching Grammar to Young Learners Although some teachers of English see language games as time consumers or classroom techniques for fun, games have a special role in any foreign language teaching programme because they facilitate foreign language learning especially for young learners. Games have become crucially important for English language learners and teachers not only because they provide enjoyment and relaxation, but also as they encourage students to use their language in a creative and communicative manner. As expressed by Lee (1979, p.3) games have a very clear beginning and ending and they are governed by rules. Competition, which is associated with games, plays a crucial role as for the nature of games requires. In many games, learners are required to cooperate to achieve the goal and most learners enjoy cooperation and social interaction.
Games provide language teachers with many advantages when they are used in classroom.
* One of these advantages is that learners are motivated to learn the language when they are in a game. Games automatically stimulate student interest, a properly introduced game can be one of the highest motivating techniques.
In other words, games stimulate students’ interest in classroom activities and as a result, students become motivated and willing to learn.
*Another advantage associated with games is that students’ anxiety towards language learning decreases as games are employed. In language classes, learners feel stressful because they think that they have to master the target language that is unknown to them. Besides, learners become too anxious about being criticized and punished by their teachers when they make a mistake. Games are advantageous at this point because they reduce anxiety, increase positive feelings and improve self-confidence because learners do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely (Crookal, 1990, p.112). Games are student-focused activities requiring active involvement of learners.
*Games bring real-life situations to the confinement of the classroom which provides learners with an opportunity to use the language. Celce-Murcia (1979: p. 54) argues that “in games, language use takes precedence over language practice, and in this sense games help bring the classroom to the real world, no matter how contrived they may be.” To state this differently, by putting learners in real life situations, games make a connection with the real usage of language. In addition to these, McCallum (1980) explains that there are many advantages of games such as the fact that they
1. focus students’ attention on specific structures, grammatical patterns, and vocabulary items.
2. can function as reinforcement, review and enrichment.
3. involve equal participation from both slow and fast learners.
4. can be adjusted to suit the individual age and language levels of the students.
5. contribute to an atmosphere of healthy competition, providing an outlet for the creative use of natural language in a non-stressful situation.
6. can be used in any language teaching situations and with all skill areas (reading, writing, speaking or listening).
7. provide immediate feedback for the teacher.
8. ensure maximum student participation for a minimum of teacher preparation