So, the goal is to give a classification of linguistic units of a particular level according to their syntagmatic properties (according to their distribution in the flow of speech)
So, the goal is to give a classification of linguistic units of a particular level according to their syntagmatic properties (according to their distribution in the flow of speech).
The distributive property of multiplication over addition is applied when you multiply a value by a sum. For example, you want to multiply 5 by the sum of 10 + 3. As we have like terms, we usually first add the numbers and then multiply by 5. But, according to the property, you can first multiply every addend by 5.
Statistical method
Statistical linguistics assumes that certain numerical features and the functional dependences among them that are found in a limited group of texts typify language as a whole or one of its functional styles, such as that of publicist writings, literature, or scholarly or scientific works.
Statistical methods involved in carrying out a study include planning, designing, collecting data, analysing, drawing meaningful interpretation and reporting of the research findings. The statistical analysis gives meaning to the meaningless numbers, thereby breathing life into a lifeless data.
So, statistical linguistics is a discipline that studies the quantitative laws of a language as revealed in written texts.
Statistical linguistics assumes that certain numerical features and the functional dependences among them that are found in a limited group of texts typify language as a whole or one of its functional
styles, such as that of publicist writings, literature, or scholarly or scientific works. The numerical features that are most commonly studied and that have the greatest practical value are the relative frequencies of such linguistic units as letters, phonemes, syllables, words, and syntactic constructions; of these units’ classes, for