List of publications of dr. M. Balakrishnan

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(Listed in chronological order)
1. Balakrishnan, M., Seshadri, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1972. Histology and histochemistry of the adrenal glands of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). J. Anim. Morphol. Physiol., 19: 213-220.

2. Nair, S. S., Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1973. An activity recorder for small mammals with a note on the activity pattern of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). J. Anim. Morphol. Physiol., 20: 117-122.

3. Balakrishnan, M., Alexander, K. M. and Nair, G. N. A. 1974. A study on some aspects of physiology of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). J. Anim. Morphol. Physiol., 21: 98-106.

4. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1975. Role of androgen on scent marking of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Bull. Ethol. Soc. India, 1: 1-6.

5. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1976. Hormonal control of marking behaviour of the male musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Horm. Behav., 7: 431-439.

6. Balakrishnan, M. 1977. Studies on mammalian behaviour: aspects of ethology of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Res. Rev., 2: 7-12.

7. Balakrishnan, M. 1977. Feeding behaviour, food motivation and food utilization of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). In: Neurohumoral Correlates of Behaviour (Ed. Sarada Subramanyam). Thomson Press(India) Ltd. , Haryana. pp. 175-185.

8. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1977. Specialized mucocutaneous junction glands of the Indian musk shrew. Acta Theriol., 22: 231-240.

9. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1977. Histology and histochemistry of the flank glands of the Indian musk shrew. Acta Theriol., 22: 241-249.

10. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1977. A study on the physiology and biochemistry of the flank gland of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). T.I.T.J. Life Sci., 7: 13-21.

11. Vijayan, V. S. and Balakrishnan, M. 1977. Impacts of the proposed hydro-electric project in Silent Valley on wildlife - Report of the first phase of the study. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, pp.1-111.

12. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1979. Feeding behaviour of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 88B: 171-178.

13. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1979. Effect of fasting on aspects of feeding of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 88B: 179-185.

14. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1979. Studies on aspects of feeding and food utilization of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Physiol. Behav., 22: 423-430.

15. Vijayan, V. S., Balakrishnan, M and Easa, P. S. 1979. Periyar Tiger Reserve - a reconnaissance report. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, pp. 1-171.

16. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1980. Olfactory inhibition of scent marking in the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Bonn. zool. Beitr., 31: 2-15.

17. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1980. A note on the development of caravan formation in the shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth) under captivity. Proc. Symp. Environ. Biol., Trivandrum, pp. 162-167.

18. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1980. Effects of castration and oral administration of sex hormones on some specialized integumentary glands of the male musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.(Anim. Sci.), 89: 467-483.

19. Balakrishnan, M. and Easa, P. S. 1982. Strategies for management of forests and wildlife in Kerala. In: Recent Trends in Forest Management, Kerala Forest Department, Trivandrum. pp. 45-55.

20. Balakrishnan, M. 1984. Larger mammals and their endangered habitats in Kerala. Acta Zool. Fennica, 172: 201-202.

21. Balakrishnan, M. 1984. The larger mammals and their endangered habitats in Silent Valley forests of South India. Biol. Conserv., 29: 277-286.

22. Balakrishnan, M. 1984. Prospects for deer farming in India. Res. Rev., 3: 57-65.

23. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1984. A study on specialized integumentary glands of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Acta Zool. Fennica, 171: 33-34.

24. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1984. The endangered wildlife of India and their conservation. Bull. Ethol. Soc. India (Suppl.): 3: 181-190.

25. Balakrishnan, M., Alexander, K. M. and George, J. C. 1984. Observations on the fine structure of the sebaceous flank gland of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.(Anim. Sci.), 93: 655-663.

26. Balakrishnan, M., Annielet Shelly, T. and Alexander, K. M. 1984. Role of progesterone on the control of scent marking in Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Physiol. Behav., 33: 415-419.

27. Eugene Mary and Balakrishnan, M. 1984. A study on olfactory communication signals in the sambar deer, Cervus unicolor. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.(Anim. Sci.), 93: 73-76.

28. Eugene Mary and Balakrishnan, M. 1984. Further observations on the olfactory signals in the sambar deer, Cervus unicolor. Bull. Ethol. Soc. India(Suppl.), 3: 89-98.

29. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1985. Sources of body odour and olfactory communication in some Indian mammals. Indian Rev. Life Sci., 5: 277-313.

30. Balakrishnan, M. 1985. Biology of Aggression. Indian J. Community Guide. Serv., 2: 19-30.

31. Balakrishnan, M. and Alexander, K. M. 1985. Osmetrichia of the flank glands of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Proc. Indian nat. Sci. Acad., B51: 25-28.

32. Balakrishnan, M. 1986. Wild mammals of Kerala: their conservation and management. In: Ecodevelopment of Western Ghats (Eds. Nair, K. S. S., Gnanaharan, R. and Kedharnath, S.), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, pp. 67-72.

33. Balakrishnan, M. and Easa, P. S. 1986. Habitat preferences of larger mammals in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Biol. Conserv., 37: 191-203.

34. Balakrishnan, M., Sokolov, V. E. and Basurmanova, O. A. 1986. Further observations on the ultrastructure of the flank gland of the musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.(Anim. Sci.), 95: 667-675.

35. Balakrishnan, M. 1987. Light and electron microscopic observations on lipid droplets of the sebaceous flank gland of the shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.), 96: 33-40.

36. Balakrishnan, M. 1987. Sebum storing flank gland hairs of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). J. Zool., Lond., 213: 213-220.

37. Sokolov, V. E., Basurmanova, O. A. and Balakrishnan, M. 1987. Ultrastructure of the sebaceous acini of the flank gland of the musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). Dokl. Ann. SSSR., 296: 223-225 (in Russian, English translation by Plenum Publishing Corporation, U.S.A. is available).

38. Sokolov, V. E., Evenjeva, T. P. and Balakrishnan, M. 1987. Architecture of the guard hairs of the deer, Cervus unicolor according to the data of scanning electron microscopy. Dokl. Ann. SSSR., 293: 1490-1494 (in Russian, English translation by Plenum Publishing Corporation, U.S.A. is available).

39. Balakrishnan, M. 1988. Structure of Lepus nigricollis hair from various body regions with scanning electron microscopy. Z. Saugetierkunde, 53: 69-75.

40. Balakrishnan, M. 1988. Endangered Indian wild mammals and prospects of their conservation. In: Environmental Issues: Problems and Solutions (Eds. M. Balakrishnan and Alexander, K. M.), Golden Jubilee Publication, University of Kerala, pp. 270-294.

41. Jayarani, T. V., Kalyanaraman, K. and Balakrishnan, M. 1988. Sequential pattern of behaviour of the blackbuck, Antilope cervicapra. Int. J. Comp. Psychol., 1: 197-205.

42. Balakrishnan, M. and Nelson P.Abraham, 1988. A Study on the Probable Impacts of the Proposed Mananthody Hydroelectric Project on Forest Habitat and Wildlife in Wynad, Kerala. Final Report of the project sponsored by Ministry of Environment , Forest & Wildlife, Government of India. pp.1-104.

43. Balakrishnan, M. 1989. Environmental issues of electrification projects: Problems and solutions. Proceedings of the Seminar on Rural Electrification and Norwegian Development Assistance, Holmen, Norway(Report No. 01-89, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration). pp.121-126.

44. Balakrishnan, M. 1989. Povery, development process and environmental deterioration. Kerala Sociologist, 17: 88-93.

45. Balakrishnan, M. 1990. History and development of ethology in India. Int.J.Comp.Psychol., 3: 267-276.

46. Easa, P. S. and Balakrishnan, M. 1990. Population ecology and management problems of larger mammals in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary. In: Conservation in Developing Countries: Problems and Prospects (Eds. J.C. Daniel and J.S. Serrao), Bombay Natural History Society and Oxford University Press, Bombay. pp. 70-80.

47. Balakrishnan, M. and Wegge, P. 1990. Conservation of wild mammals on the Indian Subcontinent: Transactions of the 19th International Union of Game Biology, Trondheim 1989. pp. 664-676.

48. Balakrishnan, M. 1991. Dwindling forest habitats and wildlife in Kerala, South India. In: Global Trends in Wildlife Management, Vol. 2. B. Bobek, E. Perzanowski and W.L. Regelin (Eds.). Swiat Press, Krakow. pp. 95-98.

49. Eugene Mary and Balakrishnan, M. 1991. Specialized cephalic skin glands of Suncus murinus viridescens. Acta Theriol. 36: 187-192.

50. Nelson P. Abraham and Balakrishnan, M. 1991. Deteriorating forest habitat and wildlife in Wynad, Kerala. J.Zool.Soc.Kerala, 1: 1-8.

51. Dora E. Ndholvu and Balakrishnan, M. 1991. Large herbivores in Upper Lupande Game Management Area, Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Afr. J. Ecol. , 29: 93-104.

52. Balakrishnan, M. and Dora E. Ndholvu, 1992. Wildlife utilization and local people: a case study in Upper Lupande Game management Area, Zambia. Environmnt.Conserv., 19: 135-144.

53. Balakrishnan, M. 1992. Olfactory communication signals in large Indian mammals. In: Global Trends in Wildlife Management, Vol. 1. (Eds. B. Bobek, E. Perzanowski and W.L. Regelin). Swiat Press, Krakow. pp. 447-449.

54. Balakrishnan, M. 1993. Threatened wild mammals of India: Conservation strategies and prospects. In( Ed. M. Balakrishnan) Environmental Problems and Prospects in India, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. pp. 93-123.

55. Nelson P. Abraham and Balakrishnan, M. 1993. Depleting natural habitats and wildlife - a case study in Wynad. Proceedings of the Fifth Kerala Science Congress. pp.77-80.

56. Francis Xavier and Balakrishnan, M. 1993. Captive civet cats (Viverricula indica): husbandry and management. Proceedings of the Fifth Kerala Science Congress. pp. 434-436.

57. Balakrishnan, M. 1994. Conservation of threatened African wildlife: Problems and prospects. In(Eds. M. Balakrishnan, R. Borgstršm and Stein W. Bie). Tropical Ecosystems: A Synthesis of Tropical Ecology and Conservation. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. pp. 193-232.

58. Varghese, C.T., Nelson P. Abraham and Balakrishnan, M. 1994. An ecological reconnaissance of Kulathupuzha forest area of Kerala. Indian J.Forestry, 17: 185-191.

59. Balakrishnan, M. and Francis Xavier. 1995. Animal Resources of Kerala: prospects of resource utilisation and employment opportunities. In: Science and Technology for Development (Ed. P.K. Iyengar), State Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Kerala. pp. 54-67.

60. Sreekumar, P.G. and Balakrishnan, M. 1995. A comparative study on vertebrate diversity in a natural and a man-made habitats in Kerala. Proceedings of the Seventh Kerala Science Congress. pp. 93-96.

61. Francis Xavier, Balakrishnan, M., Samuel Mathew, Gim Jose and Thomas, J. 1995. Studies on the perineal gland secretion ('civet') of the small Indian civet, Viverricula indica Desmarest. Proceedings of the Seventh Kerala Science Congress. pp. 331-334.

62. Easa, P.S. and Balakrishnan, M. 1995. The population density and structure of Asian elephants in Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. J. Bombay.nat.Hist.Soc., 92: 225-229.

63. Eugene Mary and Balakrishnan, M. 1996. Sniffing responses of the Indian musk shrew, Suncus murinus viridescens (Blyth). In: Readings in Behaviour (Eds. Ramamurthy, R. and Geetha Bali), New Age International Limited, Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 71-77.

64. Francis Xavier and Balakrishnan, M. 1996. The ultrastructure of the perineal gland of the civet (Viverricula indica). Proceedings of the Eighth Kerala Science Congress. pp. 433-435.

65.P. Pushpangadan, K. Ravi, A.G. Pandurangan, M. Balakrishnan, P. Natarajan and Roy Chacko. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment of Adirapally Hydroelectic Project. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Trivandrum. pp. 183.

66. Balakrishnan, M. 1997. Mammalian diversity in Kerala: A sustainable resource for human welfare. Proceedings of the Ninth Kerala Science Congress. pp. 454-459.

67. Balakrishnan, M. 1997. Mammalian Resources. In: The Natural Resources of Kerala (Eds. K. Balachandran Thampi, N.M. Nayar and C.S. Nair), World Wide Fund for Nature-India, Trivandrum. pp.494-506.

68. Sreekumar, P.G. and Balakrishnan, M. 1997. Vertebrate diversity in Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary and their conservation. Proceedings of the Ninth Kerala Science Congress. pp. 473-475.

69. Balakrishnan, M. 1997. Mammalian Diversity in India: Economic potential and management strategies. In: Conservation and Economic Evaluation of Biodiversity, Vol. 1 (Eds. P. Pushpangadhan, K. Ravi and V. Santhosh). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. pp. 273-283.

70. Sreekumar, P.G. and Balakrishnan, M. 1998. A study on the animal diversity in the proposed Adirapally hydro-electric project area in Kerala. Int..J.Ecol.Environ.Sci., 24: 393-410.

71. Balakrishnan, M. 1999. Mammals of Silent Valley. In: Silent Valley - Whispers of Reasons (Eds. T.M. Manoharan, S.D. Biju, T.S. Nayar and P.S. Easa) Kerala Forest Department, Thiruvananthapuram. pp. 286-290.

72. Nayar, T.S. , Nayar, M.P. and Balakrishnan, M. 1999. Species preferences of two endangered primates in the tropical rain forests of Silent Valley. In: Silent Valley - Whispers of Reasons (Eds. T.M. Manoharan, S.D. Biju, T.S. Nayar and P.S. Easa) Kerala Forest Department, Thiruvananthapuram. pp. 257-274.

73. Rasmi Thomas and Balakrishnan, M. 1999. Depletion of biodiversity in an Acacia auriculiformis introduced habitat. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 25: 127-141.

74. Sreekumar, P.G. and Balakrishnan, M. 2001. Diversity and habitat preference of butterflies in Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary, South India. Entomon, 26: 11-22.

75. Sreekumar, P.G. and Balakrishnan, M. 2001. Habitat and altitude preference of butterflies in Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Tropical Ecol. 42: 277-281.

76. Sreekumar, P.G. and Balakrishnan, M. 2002. Seed dispersal by sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) in South India. Biotropica 34: 474-477.

77. Hema, K. and Balakrishnan, M. 2003. Feeding ecology of the common palm civet, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (Pallas) in semi-urban habitats in Trivandrum, India. IUCN Small Carnivore Conservation, 28: 10-11.

78. Hema, K. and Balakrishnan, M. 2003. Sequential pattern of behaviour of the common palm civet, Paradoxurus hemiphroditus (Pallas). Int. J. Com. Psychol. 15: 303-311.

79. Hema, K. and Balakrishnan, M. 2003. Ethogram of the common palm civet, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, Pallas). (website on ethograms, Lincoln Zoo, USA.).

80. Balakrishnan, M. 2004. Experimental framework for ecological and biodiversity studies using insects and other soil organisms as models. In Perspectives on Biosystematics and Biodiversity (Prof. T.C. Narendran Commemoration Volume). K. Rajamohana, K. Sudheer, P. Girish Kumar and S. Santhosh (Eds.) SERSA, Calicut University, Calicut. Pp. 55-68.

81. Workneh Gebresilassie, Afework Bekele, Gurja Belay and Balakrishnan, M. 2004. Microhabitat choice and diet of small mammals in Maynugus irrigation field, Ethiopia. Afr.J.Ecol. 42: 315-321.

82. Yisehak Doku, Afework Bekele and M. Balakrishnan 2004. Human impacts on the Burchell’s zebra Equus burchelli Gray, 1824 population in Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia. Int..J.Ecol.Environ.Sci., 32: 137-142.

83. Workneh Gebresilassie, Afework Bekele and Balakrishnan, M. 2006. Population structure of small mammals in Maynugus irrigation field, northern Ethiopia. Int. J. Ecol. Environ.Sci., 31: 337-342.

84. Ajay Joseph, C. and Balakrishnan, M. 2006. Abundance and richness of insects in Kazhakuttom Grama Panchayat in Kerala. Bull. Nat.Inst.Ecol., 16: 19-27.

85. Workneh Gebresilassie, Afework Bekele, Gurja Belay and Balakrishnan, M. 2006. Home range and reproduction of rodents in Maynugus irrigation field, northern Ethiopia. SINET: Ethio.J.Sci., 29: 57-62.

86. Manyinegerew Shenkut, Assefa Mebrate and Balakrishnan, M. 2006. Distribution and abundance of rodents in farmlands: A case study in Alletu Woreda, Ethiopia. SINET: Ethio.J.Sci., 29: 63-70.

87. Wasonga, D.V., Afework Bekele, Lotters, S. and Balakrishnan, M. 2006. Habitat association of amphibians in East African bush- and grassland: an example from Meru National Park, Kenya. Trop. Zool., 19: 145-157.

88. Sreedevi, M. B. and Balakrishnan, M. 2006. Intestinal parasites and diseases among the small Indian civet Viverricula indica (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire). IUCN Small Carnivore Conservation, 34&35: 26-28.

89. Wasonga, D.V., Afework Bekele, Lotters, S. and Balakrishnan, M. 2006. Amphibians of Meru National Park, Kenya. Afr.J. Ecol., 44: 45: 55-61.

90. Balakrishnan, M. and Sreedevi, M.B. 2007. Husbandry and management of the small Indian civet Viverricula indica (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803) in Kerala, India. IUCN Small Carnivore Conservation, 36: 5-8.

91. Balakrishnan, M. and Sreedevi, M.B. 2007. Captive breeding of the Small Indian Civet Viverricula indica (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803). IUCN Small Carnivore Conservation, 36: 5-8.

92. Balakrishnan, M. and Sreedevi, M.B. 2007. Husbandry and management of the Small Indian Civet Viverricula indica (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803). IUCN Small Carnivore Conservation, 36: 9-13.

93. Yisehak Doku, Afework Bekele and Balakrishnan, M. 2007. Population status of Burchell’s zebra (Equus burchelli) in Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia. Trop. Ecol., 48: 79-86.

94. Bekele Tsegaye, Afework Bekele and M. Balakrishnan 2008. Studies on scent-marking of the African Civet Civettictis civetta in the Menagesha-Suba State Forest, Ethiopia. IUCN Small Carnivore Conservation, 38: 29-33.

95. Ermias Debribe, Afework Bekele and M. Balakrishnan 2008. Populatin status and diurnal activity paterns of the common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) in the Bale Mountains Nastional Park, Ethiopia. Int. J. Ecol. Environ.Sci., 34: (in press).

96. Bekele Tsegaye, Afework Bekele and M. Balakrishnan 2008. Studies on the population and feeding ecology of the African civet (Civettictis civetta) in the Menagesha-Suba State Forest, Ethiopia. IUCN Small Carnivore Conservation (Submitted).

Published Books:
1. Balakrishnan, M. 1988. Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in Kerala (in Malayalam, the regional language of Kerala), Distributed by Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishat, Trichur, pp. 179.

2. Balakrishnan, M.(Ed.) 1993. Environmental Problems and Prospects in India. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 454.

3. Balakrishnan, M., Reidar Borgstršm and Stein W. Bie (Eds.). 1994. Tropical Ecosystems. A Synthesis of Tropical ecology and Conservation. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 441.

4. Narendran, T.C. and Balakrishnan, M. 2008. Systematics and Biodiversity Conservation. Agrobios (India), Jodhpur, pp. 280 (published in February 2008).

Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Reports:
1. Pushpangadan, P., Ravi, K. Pandurangan, A.G. , Balakrishnan, M. , Natarajan, P. and Roy Chacko. 1996. Environmental impact assessment of Athirappally Hydro-electric Project. Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram.

2. Sreekantan Nair, G. Pandurangan, A.G., Shaji, P.K., Seshan, B., Nayar, P.K.B., Natarajan, P., Aravindan, C.M. Balakrishnan, M. and Roy Chacko. 2000. Perunthenaruvi Small Hydel Scheme Environmental Impact Assessment. Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram.

3. Sreekantan Nair, G. Pandurangan, A.G., Shaji, P.K., Seshan, B., Nayar, P.K.B., Natarajan, P., Aravindan, C.M. Balakrishnan, M. and Roy Chacko. 2002. Barapole Small Hydel Scheme Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram.

4. Nayar, M.P., Shaji, P.K., Natarajan, P., Aravindan, C.M. and Balakrishnan, M. 2002. Environmental Impact Assessment of Athirappally Hydro-electric Project - Second Phase. Environmental Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram.

5. Nair, G.M., Pandurangan, A.G., Balakrishnan, M. and Ambat, B.B. 2002. Puyankutty Hydroeleectric Project: Ecological Impact Assessment with Reference to Different Storage Level Options. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram.
Addis Ababa,

April 2008. M. Balakrishnan
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