St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
October 19 ,2014
We Pray For Our Dead
And We Mourn With You
MONDAY Oct. 20, 2014, St. Paul of the Cross
7:00 AM Dolly Esposito
9:00AM George
TUESDAY October 21, 2014
Intentions of Fr. Benjamin
9:00AM Antoinette Cipullo
WEDNESDAY October 22, 2014
St. Pope John Paul II
7:00AM Intentions of Donor
Special Intentions of Fr. Benjamin
THURSDAY Oct. 23, 2014
Special Intentions of Fr. Benjamin
9:00 AM
Michael Martinelli III
FRIDAY: October 24, 2014
Louis Parmigiani, Sr.
9:00AM Special Intentions of Fr. Benjamin
Holy Hour—Respect Life
SATURDAY October 25, 2014
Alice and B. Medard Ofenloch
5:00PM John and Dolores Fabianski
SUNDAY October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parishioners of St. Ignatius Loyola
9:30 AM
George A. Thomas
Malachi McGuire
Helen McGowan
Special Intentions of Fr. Bernjamin
7:00 PM Crispin Ramirez -Spanish Mass
Mark Stapleton, Cecilia McLaughlin, John & Mary
D’Antonio, Gloria Lane, CPL. Garrett Carnes,
USMC, Anna Palewski, Philip Zederbaum, Michael
Maher, Patrick McGee, Dawn Levchenko, Harry
Mulligan, John Lupski, Raymond Morris, Maria Es-
tupinan, Theresa Locke, Maureen Remsky, Joanne
Wallick, Thomas Duffy, Margaret Kropac, Bridget
and Anthony Tardugno, Brian Crowley, Newborn
Luke Major, Mary Burdo, William Lee and Ernest
Calza, Pedro Dobladillo, Infant Gabrielle Hailey
Scannella, William Horbs, Stanley Braja, Rose
Marie Heitschusen, Angelique Cadarr, Phillip R.
Sanita, Claire McCarthy, Jr.
We Pray
For Our Sick
Francesco Marinelli
Paul Anthony Daly
Robert Korkuc (Uncle of Fr. Jim)
. J
Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10;
1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21
Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-
Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19;
Lk 12:49-53
Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59
Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9
Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51;
1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
We Celebrate our Sacraments
Marriage Banns
Mary Hannah, St. Ignatius Loyola
William Heimerlie, St. Edwards,
Syosset, NY
Peter James Cona, St. Ignatius Loyola
Christina Castillo, St. Raphael
East Meadow
Timothy Donahue, St. Ignatius Loyola
Maria Portilli, Our Lady of Fatima Chapel
Pequannock, NJ
St Ignatius Loyola Parish
October 19, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014 $12,790
Maintenance $ 3,970
Middle East $ 902
Sunday, October 13, 2013 $ 14,455
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Theme: The Greatest Commandment - "Love".
Breaking Open the Word- Suggested text for
faith sharing: Gospel Mt 22:34-40
When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced
the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of
them, a scholar of the law tested him by asking,
"Teacher, which commandment in the law is the
greatest?" He said to him, "You shall love the Lord,
your God, with all your heart, with all your soul,
and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the
first commandment. The second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The whole law and the prophets depend on these
two commandments."
Step One: Listen to the Word-As you listen once
again to this familiar teaching of Jesus, what caught
your ear in it today? What line or word from the
reading lingers in your memory
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: We show our love for Je-
sus by loving our friends and family. Share one way
that you show your love.
Question for Youth: Jesus tells us that we are to
love others as we love ourselves. Do you love your-
self? Can you see the good that God has put within
you? Do you find it easier to love others or your-
Question for Adults: Repeat the two command-
ments which Jesus teaches today in your own
words? For each of them, share how it has become
part of your life.
As stated in last week’s bulletin, the parish garage
sale on October 5th was a great success. Chairladies
Karen Warner and Barbara Cheslock thank every-
who participated in large and small ways. We
would be remiss if we did not mention the following,:
Thanks to the two youth groups that meet on Friday
nights. They helped to transport all of the goods from
the two garages to the auditorium.
As parents came
to pick up their children, they joined the group of
transporters. Special thanks to three men who stayed
until 10:30 when the task was completed: Aldo Ca-
nalis, Jorge Cruz and Adonoy Calidonio.
Thanks also go to the group of dedicated workers
who set up on Saturday and those
helped on the
sale day: Lou Ellen Klints, Charlie and Gen Prancl,
Kathy Dolan, Phyllis and Paul Partenio, Anna Marie
Esquerra, Virginia Da Silva, Darren Sadowski,
Nancy Dodd, Peggy Gill, Brian Doyle, Ryan Wimbis-
cus, Carol Hogan and June Garger. A special thanks
to Bill Cheslock for all his lifting and hauling, even
days after the event
to the dedicated Facilities
This sale was also a success because of all the peo-
ple who donated such wonderful and valuable treas-
ures. We’re happy to report that we made a profit of
for St. Ignatius Church.
Again a sincere thanks to all who participated in
any way.
St Ignatius Loyola Parish October 19, 2014
Stewardship Thought For the Week
The bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us, “Jesus not only calls people to Him but also
forms them and sends them out in His service. Being sent on a mission is a consequence of being disci-
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all STEWARDS in our parish who re-prioritize their giving in these chal-
lenging times and the faith to keep the mission of Christ first!
I want to say “thank you” to all the volunteers
who are giving their time to help the children in
our parish. However, we are still in desperate
need of a catechist for the following grade level.
Level 4-1
Please prayerfully think about helping us and the
children. . If you are able to volunteer your time,
please call Colleen at the Religious Education
Office at 935-6873. Thank you
The Vocational Education and Extension Board School of Practical Nursing
invites you to attend an Open House , Sunday October 26
from 9am to 2pm
in the new school. Please stop by to see how this school is utilizing the building
in their mission to help others become nurses.
In the Gospel today, Jesus says: “Repay to Cae-
sar what belongs to Caesar and to God what be-
longs to God.” When God is the center of our
lives, there is no problem with giving others their
Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent
de Paul, you are helping your neighbor who is
hungry, hopeless and frightened to know that
they belong to God.
Open House
Where: St. John the Baptist Diocesan H.S.
Montauk Highway, West Islip
When: Today, October 19th
10:30am to 2PM
Open to families of 7th and 8th graders and in-
terested transfer students. If you have any ques-
tions call (631) 587-8000 Ext. 113 or visit their
Every year at this time the Church celebrates World Mission Sunday. This is to remind us of our
universal nature as a Church. The word Catholic means universal. As Catholic Christians, we are con-
nected to all of our brothers and sisters both poor and rich, young and old around the world. We particu-
larly have a responsibility to take care of our brothers and sisters who are materially poor. This is why we
have the Missions.
We are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the youngest member of our
Catholic Church, as well as our local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote area across the
world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, in the collection to-
day, help the world of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who of-
fer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Pray for all
our Missionaries like Fr. Saul of the Missionaries Javerianos de Yarumal, who served the Church in
Kenya, Kammaroon, Ivory coast and Fr. Joe McCabe, MaryKnoll who has served our church in Africa and
Russia. We thank you for your generosity to this very worthy cause.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is put into a trap by the Pharisee, who did not support the tax to Rome,
and the Herodians, who supported Caesar, with the question of paying taxes to Caesar. Jesus in his own
way, turns the tables on them, by saying that as good citizens we are to pay what is due the government. If
a government, represented by Caesar, becomes oppressive we are to correct it in peaceful ways.
When Jesus says “give to God what is God’s”, he means that all areas of life belong to God. Jesus
is not splitting up a two world kingdom between Church and State. Matthew 22 culminates this by Jesus
telling us “you should love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love one’s neighbor
as oneself.” Human beings, not coins, bear the true image of the living God and no edict from Caesar or
any President, can absolve us from the mandate of loving God and to see God in our neighbor. There are
instances where we as a Catholic community can no longer be that silent majority allowing our govern-
ment to take an innocent life, such as the unborn or rob us of our freedoms in our expressions of faith. Nor
should we allow the government to tell us who should be put to death when we believe that the image of
God is found even in the worse of persons. We are to stand up as people of life.
Please join Nassau County’s VEEB School of Nursing for the Open House next Sunday,
located in what was called the new school. This is a great addition to our parish helping us to
help others in medicine and to pay our bills. It is amazing what a little carpentry work can do to transform
a building.
The boiler has been installed to heat both of our buildings (Old School & VEEB). Now we just
need to pay the bill of $54,000. I realize that we have had many collections in the past,. however, this is
very important to help keep our young people, catechists, parishioners and our renters warm. Your gener-
osity is greatly appreciated.
May we continue to do all things for the greater glory of God. May God bless you and Mary keep
you and your families always. St. Ignatius Loyola, pray for us!
On a personal note, I just lost my Uncle Bob Korkuc who died last Saturday. It is because of
him and his family that I came to Long Island. I shall be ever grateful to him. Please keep his family
and my family in your prayers. May Uncle Bob rest in God’s peace.
Fr. Jim
October 19,2014
Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Mission Sunday
Mt. 21:15-21
St Ignatius Loyola Parish
October 19, 2014
St. Ignatius Boy Scout Troop 382
Pancake Breakfast
When: Sunday, October 26, 2014
Tine: 8am to 10am
Cost: $10. per person
Where: Applebee’s Restaurant
938 S. Broadway, Hicksville
For tickets or more information, please contact
Maria at (516) 603-4555.
Enjoy a short stack for a tall cause!
Family Mass
Family Mass will be celebrated Sunday,
October 26th at 9:30 am in the church. All
are invited and we would appreciate it if you
could bring a non-perishable item for St. Igna-
tius Human Services. God bless you for your
generosity. .
October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary and Respect for Life
Here are some events taking place this month and we encourage our parishioners to join us.
Monday, October 20th at 7:30pm and again on Thursday, October 23rd at 2PM we will have Re-
spect Life Issues sponsored by Fr. Henry Stattler and the Respect Life Ministry of St. Martin’s in Beth-
page which will be held at St. Ignatius in Classroom 5 of the Old School. He will discuss topics on the
beginning and ending of life and you will learn that the Church does not just say “no”- but offers healthy
Friday, October 24th –Join us for an evening of prayer with a Holy Hour with Jesus for Respect Life
from 7:30pm to 8:30pm in the Church. Please see flyer in this bulletin.
Martha’s Guild Rosary Making
The next session of Martha’s Guild Rosary Making will be Tuesday, October
21st from 7PM to 9PM in Room B of the Old School Cafeteria.
St Ignatius Loyola Parish
This week at St. Ignatius Loyola
Sunday, Oct. 19th
Monday, Oct. 20th
7:30a B,S. Sale Pancake Tickets
9am Eagle Ct. of Honor
7pm SCJ Youth Group
9:30a Catholic Daughters
7pm Dance-Spanish
9:30aSentor de los-Practice 7pm Charismatic Spanish
2pm Sentordelos Milagro
7:30pm St Ann’s Prayer
5pm Choir-Spanish
7:30pm Respect Life
5:30pm Baptism-Spanish
Tuesday, Oct. 21st
Wednesday, Oct. 22nd
9:30am Scripture Meeting
7am Trip-Cloisters
7pm Choir-Spanish
5pm Rel Upper Grades
7pm Rosary Making
5pm Children Choir
Thursday, Oct. 23rd
Friday, Oct. 24th
2pm Respect for Life
6pm Charismatic-Span
6pm CYO
6:30pm GS Robotics
7pm Dance-Spanish 7pm SCJ Youth Group
7pm Lego Club
7pm Mid. School Youth
7pm Boy Scouts 382
7:30pm Pastoral Form.
Respect Life
8am Rel .Lower Grades
Join us for World Youth Day in Poland-2016
For more information, please contact Katie Crayne,
email:, cell: (516) 353-0310
or Carlos Campos, cell: (631) 671-4508, email:
There is also a meeting on October 22nd at
7:30 pm in St. Agnes Parish Center regarding the
trip to World Youth Day in Poland. If interested,
please contact Katie Crayne no later than October
This week we received a letter from Alexander Paricak from Boy Scout Troop 382 expressing his thanks
to all our parishioners in making his car wash a huge success raising a total of $511. This money will be
used to fund his Eagle Project for A. Holly Patterson Extended Care Facility. He also wants to give a big
thank you to our Tony Condron for his tremendous support and cooperation with the car wash.
Manhattan College invites you to attend a re-
ception for alumni and friends on Wednesday,
Nov. 19th at the Rockville Links Club from
6:30-8:30 p.m. at $30 pp.
Visit for more informa-
tion and to register.
Calling All Jaspers!
Editado por Ytala y Gabriel Ruiz
Boletín: 25
Cuando leemos el evangelio de hoy, quizás pensemos
Jesús al ascender nos ha dejado
, se
ha ido excesivamente lejos, porque el cielo esta dema-
siado lejano para nosotros. Sin embargo
el cielo
no es más que la comunión con
, volver a vivir en la plenitud, en la unidad con
el Padre. Por eso, es tan importante tener fe, porque
quien no la tiene no piensa en esa dimensión de la vi-
da y vive más apegado a la tierra. Pero para el cre-
yente, la fe es llegar a la meta, a la felicidad, al en-
cuentro personal con Dios al que hemos conocido a
través de Jesús.. Jesús nos da fuerza, energía y ánimo
para que llevemos Y COMPARTAMOS la Palabra re-
velada. Con toda claridad nos dice que
no esta-
mos solos,
que Él nos acompaña en esta tarea que
nos ha encomendado y cada vez que celebremos la Eu-
caristía se hace presencia entre nosotros y somos noso-
tros los que le seguimos los que tenemos que dar testi-
monio de el entre los más marginados de la tierra.
A LAS 7:00 PM.
: A Las 5:30 PM.
Segundo y Tercer Domingo de cada
mes, en el sótano de la escuela.
Padrinos, madrinas, papás y mamás
deben asistir, y quedarse en la misa
de las 7 PM. No es necesario hacer
una cita para registrarse, pues en la
clase lo hacen. No olvides traer el
registro de nacimiento del niño (a).
Octubre 25, Noviembre 29; Diciembre 27,
Enero 24, Febrero 22, 2015. Comunícate
749-4693 / 516-749-5135. Muchas Gracias
por venir a las CLASES Y A LA MISA!
de 18 años en adelante.
Te falta el Bautismo, la Primera
Comunión, la Confirmación, el Ma-
trimonio? Por favor, habla con:
BRE, en el sótano de la Escuela.
4:30 pm. Hace parte de la clase que-
darse en la Misa de 7pm.
Los ensayos son los
a las 7:30 pm. Habla con Leiny.
Gracias padres y responsables!
Ya comenzamos! Sábados de
9 a 11am.
En el sótano de Servicions Humanos.
Lissette Muñoz. Aprovecha!
Pastor: Rev. James T. Stachacz
Pastor asociado: Rev. Saúl Londoño
Coordinación: Mario Gómez y Erika A.
Consejera de la Comunidad: Julieta Mc.
Catequesis: José Contreras y Mario Gómez
Clases Bautizos: Roberto y Rosa Romero
Clases Inglés: Lissette Muñoz, Néstary
Martinez, Brenda & Ingrid Aguilar
Comité Festejos: Lorena Medrano, Erika
y Jaime Aldana, Maribel Adames, Luis
Reyes, Tesla Calderón, Ana Berrios, Rosa
Molina, Cistina Díaz, Álvaro Meléndez.
Comunicaciones: Ytala y Gabriel Ruiz,
María Romero, Padre Saúl Londoño.
Divina Misericordia: Delfina Hernández,
Asunción Rivera .
Ensayos Bodas , Celebraciones de 15-
16 años: Lorena Medrano, Leny Esc.obar.
Hospitalidad y Colectas: Marta Romero,
Luis Reyes, Guadalupe Aguilar.
Jardín Hispano: Guadalupe y Fidel Z.
Lectura Misas de los Niños (as):
Viviana Echeverry y Dina Tenas.
Liturgia Dominical Niños (as): Carmen
Gómez, Elva Cordone, Cindy Medrano, Dina.
Ministerio de la Palabra: Jaime Aldana
Ministerio de los Enfermos: Rosio
Rivera, Romy Taveras, Rosa Rodríguez.
Ministerio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Karina del Mar y Jovana Arteaga.
Ministerio de Música, Coro de los
Niños y Danzas: Leiny y Antonio Escobar
Ministros Extraordinarios de la
Comunión y Sacristía: Juan Hernández,
Rosío Rivera.
Monaguillos (Servidores del Altar)
Giselle Hernández, padrinos y madrinas.
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Católico: Roberto y Rosa Romero.
Pastoral Juvenil: Carlos Campos,
Lissette Muñoz, Ytala y Gabriel Ruiz, Isabel
y Diego Gonzales, Carla Duran, Samuel
Sanchez y padre Saúl.
Pre-Cana: Mario y Dora Gómez
Renovación Carismática: Rosio Rivera,
Rosa Gutiérrez y Servidores.
Seguridad: Orlando Cruz, Diego Echeverry
Welcoming de países mas allá de
Oscar Hernández
Y Miguel Ángel Muñoz
Anyone with a family member serving in the military,
please forward their name and rank to our bulletin editor
at or bring the name to our Rec-
tory Front Office. We pray to give all of our soldiers the
courage and strength to do the duty that is required of
them. May they always remember our appreciation for
the sacrifice they are making for us. We are thankful
for the men and women who are willing to risk their
lives to protect our freedom. I ask You to go with each
of them and protect them wherever they go. Amen.
Sgt First Class. Matthew Loheide
SSgt. Kevin J. Hennelly
Lt. Jonathan W. Lang
Lt. Jeanine A. Lang
SPC Justin T. Sikorski
Sgt. Mathew Burrafato
DCC James Pennington
Col. Paul J. Laughlin
Gunnery Sgt. Dan Lalota
Captain. Patrick O. Kelly, USMC
Sgt. Thomas P. McLoughlin, USMC
Atan Lisa Olynk, USN
M Sgt. Michael Marascia
Sgt. Stephen L. Emlaw
P.O.Third Class E-4 Kyle A. Kamermayer, Navy
Major Edward A. McGoldrick, US Army
Steven Orbon, 1st Lt., U.S. Army
Lt. David Jacobs
Pvt. Thomas Wright
Airman Peter F. Clark, USAF
Capt. Joseph Whittaker, USMC
LCPL Michael J. Mc Ilwrath, USMC
1st Lt. James Michael Vaz, U.S. Army
Louis Bombardiere, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Brian Moran, USMC
Second Lt. Bridget Flatley, USAF
Cpt. Richard Macchio
Pvt. Joseph Gergely, U.S.M.C.
LTJG Alie Disher, U.S.N.
LTJG John Patrick Orr, USN, C.E.C.
PVC Andrew Hughes
Airman Denis C. Clark, USAF
Sgt. Lotachukwu Okoye
1st Lt. Brian W. Way, USMC
PFC. Christopher Paradiso, U.S.M.
PFC Jim Arbelaez, US Marine
SPC Dustin Lusby
LTJG Christopher Medford, US Navy
Lt. Lindsay Conte, USN
Sgt. Matthew Mercurio
Sgt. Phillip Michael Yopp, U.S. Army
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
October 19, 2014
Vendors Wanted
St. Ignatius Boy Scouts Troop 382
Craft Fair
When: Sunday, November 30th
Time: 9am to 4pm
Where: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, E. Nicholai St.
Hicksville. (Msgr. Tarrant Hall)
If interested, please call the following contacts by
November 10, 2014:
Maria at (516) 942-7910
Debbie at (516) 455-4356
Or e-mail
Location is Handicapped Accessible
Chess Club
You are invited to join Mr. Toner and the Chess
Club in the New School Cafeteria for friendly
games Sun., October 26th from 2:00 p.m. to
4:00 .m All ages and all levels of players, from
beginners to advanced, are encouraged to come
down and play. Chess sets will be provided or
you can bring your own set if you have one. For
more information, call the Rectory at 931-0056.
Happening 2014 Dance
Saturday, November 8, 2014
7pm to 12AM
$45 per person
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
1434 Straight Path, Wyandanch
Entertainment: DJ
There will be a Happy Hour with beer, wine and
soda plus a Buffet Dinner with coffee, tea and
Donations of completed Raffle Baskets can be
brought to their parish office or you can call
(631) 643-7568.
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
October 19, 2014
Catholic Daughters Dinner Dance
Looking for a hopping Saturday
night? We have it all for you!
Music, dancing, lessons, food, raffles,
and more!
Saturday, Nov. 15th, the Catholic Daugh-
ters are hosting a dinner dance at St.
Ignatius Loyola.
Join in on the free dance lesson given by
the Huntington Lindy Hoppers.
Come dressed in your best "vintage
style" from the 40s and 50s. Then show
off your steps to jazz and lindy stylings
of the Tommy James Quartet.
A hot buffet, BYOB, raffles, and a
50/50 will round out the night. To get
your tickets early, contact Marian at 516
-938-9285 or
Doors Open: 7:00 PM
Lesson: 7:30 PM
Band: 8:00 PM
Location: St. Ignatius Loyola Church,
Monsignor Tarrant Hall (LIE Exit 41 S
1.5 miles on Rt. 107)
Tickets: $25 (includes buffet and dance
Widows and Widowers, Divorced and
Single Catholics of Long Island
New Member Orientation
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
St. Frances De Chantal School
Please bring proof of single status to join.
Refreshments will follow after meeting.
For further information, please call Carol at
(516) 794-4933 or Eileen at (516) 661-4353.
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
October 19, 2014
Bus Trip to the Sands Casino
Bethlehem, PA
Hosted by St. Ignatius Loyola’s
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
When: Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Cost: $42 per person, which includes
Give back:
$30 slot play and $5 food
Bus leaves at 9 am sharp. Please
arrive at 8:30 am. Return approx.
We will meet at the Burns Ave.
Elementary School, Burns Ave.
Reservations: call Barbara at (516) 935-5576
The first to pay is the first on the bus,
Family, Marriage, and
Individual Therapy
Family, marriage, and individual therapy, pro-
vided by New York State licensed therapists,
are available to our parish and 147 other par-
ishes. This program, under the direction of Dr.
George Giuliani, has been conducted in the
Diocese for the past 38 years for the conven-
ience of parishioners. It is provided by the
Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary pro-
fessional corporation, which is independent of
and not controlled or supervised by the parish
or Diocese. Most insurance policies, including
Medicare, are honored. For confidential in-
formation and appointments, please call Dr.
Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at
(631) 243-2503 or go to their website: the- All their thera-
pists have always been licensed psychologists
or licensed clinical social workers.
Church Ministries
Thinking about becoming a liturgical minister or want to share your talents?
Please complete the following form:
I would like to volunteer in the following parish ministry:
( ) Altar Server
( ) Hospitality
( ) RCIA
( ) Liturgy with Children
( ) Consolation Minister
( ) Catholic Ministry Appeal
( ) Adult Lending Library
( ) St. Vincent de Paul Society
( ) Human Services
( ) Stewardship
( ) Electrician
Phone____________________________________ E-mail__________________________
Please place in collection basket or return to Rectory Office. Thank you.
Thank You to all who have given so generously to the Catholic Ministries Appeal.
We still have some more ground to cover. Currently, here are our statistics as of September 30, 2014:
Goal: $80,000.00
Total Pledged: $64,394
Number of Donors: 340
Total Paid: $59,422
Percentage of Goal: 74%
It does not matter how large or how small your donation is. It is the thought and giving from one’s means
that counts. When we make 80% of our goal, we receive money back. Fr. Jim, Pastor.
Mrs. Elvira Baroletti, Ms. Jo Ann Brancato, M/M Ernest Calza, Mrs. Eleanor Chambers, Peter Cunning-
ham, M/M Joseph D. Curley, Ms. Carmella and Joan Doucette, M/M Paul Drago, M/M Joseph Dubon,
M/M Eugene Eckerle, M/M Kenneth Fitzgerald, Mrs. Catherine Fowler, M/M Andrew Garger, M/M Ray-
mond Guckengerger, Ms. Frances M. Gullo, M/M Richard Hammond, M/M Henry Handschuh, Mrs. Rose
M. Heitshusen, Mrs. Rita Horney, Joseph Horodecki, M/M Edward Hughes, M/M Jeremiah Hyde,
M/M Michael Jones, M/M William Lee, M/M Joseph Loheide, M/M Dennis McKenna, Mrs. Julieta
McLaughlin, Rory Mercurio, Mrs. S. Mieckowski, M/M E. Milacek, M/M Anthony Montlbano, Ms. Joan
Nadal, M/M Vincent Ramundo, M/M Robert Renner, M/M John Rigert, M/M Patrick Scotti, Ms. Ann
Shearer, M/M B. Sierra, Mrs. Mary Spadola, Emil J. Valdes, Thomas F. Varvaro, Sr., Frederick
Youngblood, Mrs. Mary Zadrozny, Ms. Karen M. Anderone, M/M Richard Aubain, M/M Joseph Basso,
Mrs. Dorothy Beck, M/M Robert Becker, M/M Anthony Bennardo, M/M S. Bento, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown,
M/M Kenneth Bruder, M/M James Butler, Louis Cali, Ms. Ginamarie Cassiero, M/M Cono Cimino, M/M
Thomas Clark, Mrs. Eleanor Crosio, Mrs. Joan Cunningham, M/M Robert Czarniecki, Mrs. Kathleen
Dammes, M/M Edward Danowksi, Michael Dempsey, M/M J. Dennean, Mrs. Antonina DeVito, M/M Ed-
ward Dodd, M/M G. Doherty, Joan Eckard, Ms. Elizabeth Fitzgibbon, M/M John Flanagan, M/M Jeffrey
Foster, James and Joann Garofolo, Ms. Susan Giles, Mrs. Jean Giovanniello, M/M Norman Gluf, Mrs.
Janet Graziose, Mrs. Marie Hahn, M/M William Hanner, Mrs. Anne Harkins, Mrs. Jo Ann Hayes, M/M
John Hickey, M/M Daniel Hogan, Edward Hojnowski, M/M John Huber, M/M Benny Joseph, Frank Kas-
sel, Robert J. Kluck, M/M Mitchell Koprowski, Miss Phyllis Kowalski, M/M Raymond LaGuarina,
Mrs. Rita LaMonte, Mary Ann Lang, M/M Joseph Lap, M/M James Lever, Ms. Teresa Loheide, Mrs.
Marie Londino, M/M William MacMelville, M/M Frank Marangiello, M/M O. Marchione, Sr., M/M
James Martillo, D. Mastrianna, George McEntee, Mrs. Edward McLean, Ms. Loretta McNierney, Mrs.
Rose McGeever, M/M T. Mierzejewski, Mrs. Joan Milano, M/M Ray Mirro, M/M Anthony Monti, Mrs.
Florence Morris, Mrs. Mary Ann Neber, Mrs. Elinor Nolan, M/M George O’Grady, Mrs. Peter O’Reilly,
Mary Orlando, M/M John O’Sullivan, M/M Thomas Palmeri, M/M O. Pascucci, M/M Thomas Pfeifer, M/
M Thomas Pramberger, M/M F. Pruziner, M/M Robert Rabbitt, Ms. Betsy Regan, M/M Stephen Rindos,
Mrs. Dorothy Rogoza, Mrs. Francis Rusowicz, M/M John Russell, M/M Francis Rybak, Mrs. Jerome
Sauer, Dr. Edward Saueracker, M/M John Schiavone, M/M H. Schleith, M/M Joseph Scimone, Mrs. Rose
Scrofani, M/M Jakob Sehne, M/M Raymond Seidman, Mrs. Theodore J. Siry, Miss Lois Smith, M/M
Thomas Smith, Mrs. Marion Starnes, M/M Robert Stengl, Mrs. Maureen Sullivan, Mrs. John Szabo, M/M
Henry A. Totter, Thomas J. Walsh, Ms. Karen Warner, M/M Frank Way, Mrs. Grace Way, Mrs. Donald
Wetzel, M/M Anthomy Wigdzinski, Miss Christine Willant, M/M A. Woessner, Mrs. Mary Yorke, Mrs.
Gordon Zaino, Pat Zanzonico, M/M William Bohnemann, Mrs. Marie Boschert, M/M J. Brigandi, M/M
Thomas Burt, M/M Robert Cassiero, M/M Hector Castro, M/M Paul Cesare, M/M William Cheslock, M/
M Peter Collins, M/M Brian Coyle, M/M Patrick Devlin, M/M C. Dougherty, M/M John Duca, Mrs. Mil-
dred Duffy, M/M Anthony Espinal, Mrs. Maureen Gallagher, M/M Joseph Geary, Jr., M/M A. Geitner,
M/M Thomas Gill, M/M Henry Goessmann, M/M Joseph Gomez, M/M William Gorney, Mrs. Florence
Gries, Jeanette and Linda Grossi, M/M F. Guarasci, Ms. Marie Guastella, George Hatalsky, M/M Richard
Heaney, M/M Charles Heyer, Walter Huzior, M/M Joseph Jablonsky, M/M Fred Jaeger, Mrs. Mary John-
son, M/M Stanley Kacprzcki, M/M Thomas Kennedy, Paul Kraus, Sr., M/M Ronaldo Lacsa, Virginia F.
Lahee, M/M William J. Lawrence, M/M John Lennon, M/M Albert V. Libardi, Mrs. Catherine Maggio,
Deacon and Mrs. George Mais, M/M John T. Martin, Mrs. Patricia A. McGee, Patrick McHugh, Mrs.
Diana McNamee, M/M Jerry McCarthy, Robert McCarthy, M/M William Meddis, M/M John Meyer, M/
M L. Moore, Miss Ann Morris, M/M Kevin V. Mullady, M/M J. Mulligan, Mrs Anne M. Murphy, M/M
Salvatore Napoli, Mrs. Margaret O’Shea-Schell, M/M Luis Pina, M/M Henry Puerta, M/M John Radonic,
M/M Edwin Rodriguez, M/m Gioacchino Russo, R. Salata, M/M Robert Stattler, Ms. Alice Schwartz, M/
M A. Sciabarassi, M/M Eugene Sebastiano, M/M Monte Seid, Mrs. James Shea, Mrs. Hannelore A.
Stadler, Ms. Alice C. Stephens, Ms. Barbara Stevick, Jay Tan, Romelinda Taveras, M/M George Thomas,
M/M Stanley Trojanowski, M/M Eamon Tuohy, M/M John Vaz, Ms. Nancy Jo Walters, Mrs. Norma
Wedlock, M/M Joseph Whittaker, M/M Dino Zaino, M/M Alexander Abruzzo, M/M A. Belevan, Rev.
Msgr. Donald T. Bennett, M/M N. Berger, Ms. Rita Bergin, Ms. Barbara Boyle, Mrs. Sharlene Brennan,
Joseph Carlino, Mrs. Theresa Connolly, M/M Robert DeLorenzo, M/M Walter Duffy, M/M Anthony
Franzese, Mrs. Catherine Klein, Mike Kremler, Mrs. Lucille Kruper, Ms. Joan Maraldo, Mrs. Carl Mize,
Ms. Kathleen Mize, Mrs. Dorothy Mulligan, M/M Albert Nittoly, Ms. Kathleen O’Grady, M/M John
Pelle, Anonymous, Miss Alicia Reilly, Ms. Ann Patricia Smith, Ms. Patricia A. Smith, Kevin Stolz, Mrs.
Ann P. Stutts, M/M P. Suppa, M/M Gary Tietjen, M/M Shawn Baker, Mrs. Constance Clarke, M/M Don-
ald Cleary, Jr., M/M Frank DiRocco, M/M Kazimierz Geslak, Mrs. Ann Giorgio, Maryanne Meade Gold-
berg, Roger Haddad, Mrs. Jean Heppell, M/M Donald Johnston, M/M Dermot Joyce, M/M Michael Ken-
nedy, M/M Michael Krummenacker, M/M Emanuel LaGatta, M/M Michael Lamberti, M/M John W. Lup-
ski, Sr., M/M G. McGinnis, Marian McNamara, M/M Richard Peters, M/M Marco Pizzo, M/M James
Reinheimer, Peter Riordan, M/M Allen Ryan, M/M Paul Sheridan, M/M Joseph Simicic,
Rev. James T. Stachacz, M/M William Stearns, Denzil Tarakan, Verizon Matching Gift, M/M William
Wesnofske, Marie Mancini, M/M Antonio Zoleta, M/M Francis Conte, M/M Martin Conway, Ms. Louise
DeRosa, Mrs. Jessie Doyle, Janet L. Ficke, Terence Lee, Lenti Family, M/M Michael Marinaro, Jr.,
Ms. Dea McBride, M/M Richard Nedell, Ms. Janice Oehler, Mrs. Maria Price, M/M Douglas Quinn,
Mrs. Virginia Rauch, M/M George Reichle, M/M Joseph Russo, M/M John Sandy, Ms. Sylvia Smith, St.
Ignatius Loyola Church, M/M Douglas Walpole, Mrs. Eleanor Aldridge, Peter Aull, M/M William Bainis,
Arthur A. Budich, M/M Robert Cassese, Ms. Patricia Cassiero, M/M J. Kenny, Edward McGunnigle, Mrs.
Victoria Rakowski, Mrs. Madeline Small, M/M Francis Sticco, Jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Stouges, Mrs. Joseph
Varley, M/M G. Della Ratta.
Holy Name of Jesus Church, 690 Woodbury Rd., Woodbury
Friday, October 24th at 8PM
Preview and Registration at 7pm
There will be over 150 lots, featuring Vince Camuto watches, Lancaster
County hand-stitched quilts, sports memorabilia, gift certificates, jewelry,
crafts and more. For more information, please call (631) 692-7897.
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