Borobudur. Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyo xalqlari san’ati va madaniyatida dastlabki davrlarda Hindistonning tasiri sezilarii bo‘ldi. Hind badiiy prinsiplari bu yerda o‘zining yangi hayotini boshiadi. Bu prinsiplar Janubiy-Markaziy Osiyodagi mamlakatlaming xarakteri, tarixiy taraq- qiyot jarayoni bilan bogliq holda rivojlandi, o'ziga xos ko‘rinish va mazmun kasb etdi. Nihoyat o‘z prototipidan butunlay farqlanadigan milliy, o‘ziga xos fazilat kashf etgan sanat namunalari yuzaga keldi. Bu xususiyat VI-VIII asrlar Indoneziya, Kampuchiya, Vyetnam, Birma san’atida yaqqol sezila boshiadi. Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyo sotsial tarixining muhim tomonlaridan biri, quldorlik formatsiyasining bu yerlarda rivoj- lanmaganligidadir. Feodal munosabatlarning shakllanishi so‘ngi ibtidoiy tuzumning yemirilishi bilan bir vaqtda sodir bo'ldi. Bu so‘zsiz, o‘rta asr madaniyati xarakterida o‘z ifodasini topdi, Janubiy-Sharqiy Osiyodagi mamlakatlar san’ati dastlabki bosqichida yog‘och memorchiligi yetakchi o'rinni egalladi. Bu binolami qurish prinsiplari qadimgi davr ananalariga tayanadi288. Angkor Vat Toshdan qurilgan dastlabki me’morlik yodgorliklari VI- VII asrlarga to‘g‘ri keladi va ular yog‘och me’morligi prototipini qay- taradi. Bu binolar o‘z xarakteri jihatidan Hindistondagi qoyaga ishlangan ibodatxonalarga yaqinlashib ketadi. Keyinchalik bu mamlakatlarda minorasimon ibodatxonaiaming turli variantlari keng o'rinni egallay boshiadi. Indoneziyadagi Borobudur, Kambodjodagi Angkor Vat va Bayon me’morlik ansambli jahon me’morligining qaytarilmas, tengi yo‘q yodgorligi hisoblanadi. 288
A World History o f architecture. Marian Moffet, Mtcbail W Fario, l-awrence Wodehouse. London . 2003.P 80-82
(B orobudur, o r B arab a d u r, is a 9th-century Mahavaaa Buddhist Temple in Mapelang Central Java. Indonesia The
monument consists o f nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, topped by a central dome. The temple is
decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues,
each seated inside a perforated stupa ft is the world's largest Buddhist temple, as well as one o f the greatest BiKJdhist
monuments in the world. Built in the 9th century during the reign o f the Saflendra Pvnastv. the temple was designed
concept o f attainingNirvana. The temple also demonstrates the influences o f Gupta art that reflects India's influence
on the region, yet there are enough indigenous scenes and elements incorporated to make Borobudur uniquely
Indonesian. The monument
is both a shrine to the
Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for
pilgrims begins at the base o f the monument and follows a. path around the monument nd ascends to the top through
three levels symbolic o f Bndrihist cosmology-.
Kamadhqtu (the world o f desire),
Rv&adhamitbc world o f forms)
Arupadhatu (the world o f formlessness). The monument guides pilgrims through an extensive system o f stairways
and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on die walls and Hie balustrades. Borobudur has the largest and most
complete ensemble o f Buddhist reliefs in the w orld Evidence suggests Borobudnr was constructed in the 9th century
and abandoned following die 14th-century decline offfindu kingdoms in Java and the Javanese conversion to
Islam. Worldwide knowledge o f its existence was sparked in 1814 by ftir T ho rn y jfrpqfrfd Raffles, then the British
ruler o f Java, who was advised o f its location by native
Indonesians. Borobodur has since been preserved through
several restorations.)