Ravennadagi markaziy qubbali San Vitale cherkovi (521-547) ning ichki qismi devor va pollari rangga boy mozayika bilan bezatilgan, rangli marmar bilan pardozlangan. Vizantiya me’morligi uslubi grek va rim me’morligi traditsiyalarining mahalliy traditsiyalar bilan uyg‘unlashishi- dan vujudga keldi344. Jumladan, Konstantinopoldagi Sofiya ibodatxonasi o‘z konstruktiv tuzilishi jihatidan Panteon ibodatxonasi konstruksiyasiga o‘xshab ketadi. 34
? д W orld History o f architecture. M arian M offet, Michail W Fario, Lawrence Wodehouse. London . 2003.P131
(Byzantine arch itectu re is the architecture o f the Byzantine Empire, also known as the Later Roman or Eastern
Roman Empire. This terminology is used by modern historians to designate die medieval Roman Empire as it evolved
as a distinct artistic sod cultural entity centered on the new capital o f Constantinople rather than the city o f Rome and
History o f Architecture A.D.F.Hamlin. A. M. Professor o f the history o f Architecture in the school o f Architecture,
COLUMBIA, UNIVERS1RYJ998 SEVENTH EDITION. (The "Basilica o f S an V itale" is a church
i n
Ravenna. Italy, and
o i k
o f the most important ehainples o f early ChristianByzantinc art and architecture in Europe.
The building is styled an "ecclesiastical basilica" in the Roman Catholic Church, though it is not o f architectural
basilica form.}
lekin bu o‘xshashlik bir muncha yashiringan holda talqin etilishi bilan xarakterlanadi345. Vizantiyaliklar grek-rim ark-gumbaz sistemasidan ham o‘z maqsad- larini ifodalash uchun foydalanganlar. Vizantiya me’morligida xona kengligiga alohida e’tibor berilishini ta’kidlash lozim. Interyer fazoviy bo‘shlig‘i aktiv, ta’sirchan, xayajonli. Xona ichining kengligi, cheksiz va