2. Priorities for allocation to modes of supply 3.49. Ideally, each EBOPS component should be
allocated among mode 1, cross-border supply; mode 2,
consumption abroad; mode 3, commercial presence; and
mode 4, presence of natural persons,using the
principles above. It may be that compilers are only able
to make this allocation at a less detailed level of EBOPS.
Although less desirable, compilers are encouraged to
make the allocation at least at the level of the 11 major
components of the BPM5 classification (see para. 2.52
above). However, recognizing the difficulty of allocating
balance of payments transactions to modes of supply, the
Manual recommends that a full allocation of services by
modes of supply be accorded a low priority.
See paras. 3.139-3.143 below for a more detailed discussion
of these issues.